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(translated from English, original name Babysitting the Twins Again by Barbarian Dogwoggle)

I know the twins, William and Robert, for a long time. Of course, everyone calls them Billy and Bobby. And they call me Debbie. When I was 14 and they were 7 years old, I first became a nanny for them. I taught them many games, it was interesting to us. Later I helped solve homework. Sometimes we fought, I easily defeated everyone individually and both at once. We were so good together, they didn’t want another nanny, and besides, they paid me good money. I was like a big sister to them. Their mother was always friendly with me, and her father is tall and handsome. I was a little in love with him and I think he loved me too, but he was a faithful husband, and I was shy and shy. So nothing happened with us, but my fantasies were memorable and exciting.
But four years ago, when I turned 18, I went to college on the other side of the country. The boys were very sad about my departure and often wrote me love letters. In college, I played for the rowing team for three years. Height is 180 cm, weight is 70 kg, smooth skin, long golden hair, - the real Scandinavian goddess.

After graduation, I returned to my hometown. I was planning to visit the twins when I heard the very sad news that their mother was killed by a drunk driver at the weekend. I put on a black dress and came to the funeral. The boys grew noticeably, they looked older than their 18 years: tall and thin. And as beautiful as their father. They were delighted with me, although they looked sad and lost. After the funeral, I hugged the twins, noting that they were almost my height. I hugged their father too, saying, "Edward, if I can help with something, just call." I first called him by name.

“I think everything will be fine,” he replied.
The twins were very sad and only silent.
Two weeks later, Edward called me.
- Yes. Hey.
“I need to leave town this weekend and I’m a little worried about the twins.” They are old enough to stay home without a nanny, but they are so upset. And I think they may need help after their mother ... died. Could you sit with them again? Maybe you could bring something from your games, maybe help them with their homework and help prepare for the exams. I really appreciate your tutor abilities and I know how well you graduated from college. I'll pay as much as I need. It will mean a lot to all of us. ”
I thought a little and agreed.

On Friday afternoon, I ransacked the whole house and brought along some old games in the hope of finding something that the twins might like. They became a bit older for these games, but who knows how much fun we could get by remembering old times. She put a t-shirt, pajamas and a swimsuit in her bag. Hope their pool is ready for swimming.
I arrived when their father was preparing to leave. Edward thanked me, saying that he would be back tomorrow around 11pm. He is very happy that I am. He looked very sad and lonely, he seemed to need to change the situation to clear his head.

At dinner we talked a lot about school, and I told stories from college life, about competitions, my dreams and aspirations. Once or twice the guys remembered their mother, after which tears glistened in their eyes. But overall, the dinner went very well. I really like these boys.
After dinner, we decided to study together. (Friday night? Aha.) The twins do well in all subjects, but exams are on the nose, so we taught geometry and biology for two hours. In addition, they say that I explain much better than boring old teachers.
- Let's take a break. What do you young people like to do?
- How about fight? As before, Billy asked.
“We're very strong, now you can't beat us,” bobby boasts.
- Ha.I’m sure I can easily handle any of you. Do not forget that I constantly train.
“I mean both of us at the same time, like we used to,” Bobby specifies.
“I ... I'm not sure ... but I think I can still.”
- We call you! - joked Billy.

Damn, I'm not sure that this is a good idea, but oh well, I can control the situation.
- We run upstairs to change clothes.
- And I have no clothes to fight.
- How about shorts? You can take some of ours. ”
- I do not think that your shorts suit me. I will wear a swimsuit.
- Cool. That will be great! Exclaims Bobby.
- Tochnyak. It's perfect! - echoed Billy.
I do not know why I offered to fight in a bathing suit. That blurted out without thinking, but not in my nature to retreat. So don't drift, baby. I wore a swimsuit and a top of their father’s shirt.
When I went down to the basement in the gym, the boys were already waiting for me. True, when they saw me in a T-shirt, they got a little drunk.
- Are you going to fight in this huge t-shirt?
- I am shy and modest.

We went to the carpet and I immediately grabbed Bobby and spend the shot. Before they came to their senses, I also give up Billy. They are not happy about this.
- Hey. It is necessary to warn before starting.
- Yes. This is not street fighting.
I cheated a little, but I didn’t like the way they looked at me.
So, we start by the rules. They are fast, but not very strong. It will not be easy. I grab Billy and throw him on the mat, but Bobby jumps on my back and we fall together. Bobby finds himself in an uncomfortable position on his back beneath me and his hands grab my breasts. Bobby blushes, apologizes and quickly lets go. I took advantage of his confusion and laid them both on the shoulder blades. No mercy. They look a bit stuck. I think they were hoping to win easily. So, we start again. This time they are more careful and work together. Everyone grabbed my arm. We puff, not wanting to yield. And then I felt that they were excited. As we fought, their tense members poked at me. We must quickly end with this. I do not want to tease them. I do not want to give them vain hopes. I always hated girls who are being teased by men.

I tried to throw, but then my swimsuit broke, exposing my chest. Everyone froze. They stared at my protruding nipples, and then Billy suddenly kissed my left breast. Like an electrical discharge pierced me. Too long abstinence makes itself felt, I want to be overwhelmed by me and properly fucked. My pussy flowed. Damn, and maybe surrender to these boys? Then I felt the second kiss.
- Enough! Release me immediately! - I shouted.
“We're not on purpose,” said Bobby.
- Not specifically?
“We didn’t break the swimsuit on purpose,” said Billy imploringly.
- You can not kiss the nipple of a girl without permission!
“I didn't know ... I never kissed my nipples before.”
- Oh, you bastard!
I should be angry with them, but I could not.
“Okay, everything is forgotten.” I propose to go see a movie.
- Maybe you forget ... And while we take a shower.
“I want a shower too.”
“You can use the one in the papa’s room.”
And we diverge. I think all three masturbated, so I sure. Suddenly I felt a draft. Do they spy on me? Did they see me? My orgasm? I rubbed my eyes and looked - no one is visible. It probably seemed.

I put on my pajamas, and a robe on top, twisted in front of a mirror. I look awesome. I think of high strong dad twins Edward and my old fantasies invade my mind for a minute or two. After drying my hair, I look at his DVD collection, looking for something that might be interesting to watch with the boys.
“Good movies in the bottom drawer on the left,” says Bobby from the door. He seems to be reading my mind.
- I do not see any films here.
- At the bottom.
I wonder what kind of movies there are, I think.
- BUT ...

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