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can you watch them?
- Some of them. This is not what you think.
- Show me. I'm not going to rummage through your dad's drawers.
Bobby and I are looking for. There are a lot of films for adults. Perhaps the boys are much more sexually enlightened than I thought. I choose the film "Into Vendetta".
- Have you seen this movie?
- Not. Come see, ”said Billy.

The hall has a large, half-wall screen and a very good stereo system. It will be fun. I choose a good bottle of Pinot Gris for me, and soda for them and make popcorn for all of us. I turn off all the lights in the house. We sit on the sofa, the boys are at my sides. So, the three of us are sitting under a big blanket and the film begins. A little hot, and I barely open my robe and unbutton the top two buttons on my pajamas, so the guys look at me instead of the movie. Popcorn is quickly over. I drink wine, but the glass is always full. When the girl on the screen was tied up and tortured, the boys clung to me. I hugged them. Soon the eyes began to stick together. I know I have to go to sleep, but I'm so good here. It seems that I drank almost the entire bottle (when did I have time?), And I feel warm. And I'm tired. and I'm in my pajamas. with two nice guys. huddled to me. I fell asleep...
When I wake up, the sun shines through the window, and I still sleep on the couch, covered with a large blanket. I have to pee. When I get up, my pajama pants start to crawl. All 4 buttons are undone. Damn, and the buttons are buttoned buttoned wrong. I smile: “boys are boys”. I wonder how far they went at night while I was sleeping. In the bathroom, I noticed two spots on my pajamas, one on my left side (Billy?), And another on my right breast (Bobby?). What should I say? They wanted me to know? Do they think I'm stupid? I decide not to say anything and behave normally and see what happens.

I make a good breakfast, and soon boys smell like sausages. They behave somehow quietly.
- Did you like the movie? And then I fell asleep.
- Yes. That was awesome, ”said Billy in a strange voice.
Bobby kicked him under the table. My suspicions are confirmed. Let's change the topic.
- So what are we doing today?
- I dont know.
- Is your pool in working condition?
- Not. Our mom ... No. I do not know, we have not bathed ...
to prepare it and take a swim after dinner?
- Class!
- It is a pity that my swimsuit broke.
“You can walk topless,” suggests Billy.
- Yeah, dreaming!

“I am now,” says Bobby, and runs upstairs, returning with a small package. - This is for you.
I open the package, and there is a very sexy and very expensive blue bikini. It will expose much more body than my usual modest swimsuit.
- Where does it come from?
- This is bought mom. But she never had time to put it on. Take it, she would not mind.
- Thank.
I am very touched.
We put on working clothes and proceed. The twins work very well. After a few hours the pool is clean and ready to use. I wear a blue bikini, it is just right for me. The boys got hungry and literally dared lunch. I have dinner in a bikini and the boys are enjoying not only lunch.
Well, to teach them that it’s impolite to stare at a girl on some other day.

After lunch, we all go swimming. The water is still quite cold. My nipples swell that do not go unnoticed. We played tag. They seem to want to grab me and throw me into the water. Their willingness to touch my chest starts to bother me. When Billy grabs my bikini top a little roughly, I end up playing with the words:
“One torn swimsuit over the weekend is enough. I'm going to bask in the sun and sunbathe. I'm going to do it alone. And you can go about your business ..
I put a large towel on the lawn in the yard behind the pool. It is quiet and peaceful here.I lay down on my back, and in a few minutes I roll over. Looking back, I do not see other eyes and unbutton the top and lay down to rest face down. When it's time to roll over again, I check again if someone is watching me. No one, and I go to get a uniform tan. My chest is completely naked, I also roll a little and bikini bottom. I close my eyes. The next thing I hear is the clicking sounds. These little heathens brought cameras! They take pictures of my tits!
- Hey! Come on, stop! Give me those damn cameras.

But these assholes escaped, only his heels sparkled. I plunged into the pool to cool off. Entering the house, called the twins. They answered from their room that they were watching photos on the computer.
Here is a shit! The first thing I saw when I went to their room was a topless photo on the whole screen. My photo. And these shameless boys are still smiling. I rushed to the computer to delete the files, but Bobby said they made a lot of copies.
- You better not show them to anyone. We can all get into big trouble.
- Even to dad? I think he likes the photo, especially this one, ”Bobby teases.
- Oh please. Do not.
And I went into the room to calm down and read a book.

At the end of the day, we all gathered upstairs again in Bobby's room. They show their scout trophies. In the corner lies a large pile of ropes.
- What is it for?
- We want to get a scout badge, and for this we need to be able to do a lot, including knit different knots. We have a test next month, says Bobby.
“You will help us test these knots,” Billy says.
- Oh well.
We sit at the table, Bobby is on my left and Billy is on my right. They take the ropes and begin to knit the knots.
The reef knot is right with one ... right with another
The gazebo is right ... right
Sea knot - right ... right
Clew - right ... right
Bayonet with Shlag ...

- Oh ... we need a stick or something for this knot. Can I use your hand?
And I held out my hands.
Bayonet with barrier - right ... right
- The last knot is “Turkish head”.
“Wow, how beautiful,” I marveled. - He is too stylish for scouts.
“This is not an ordinary scout knot, but it is the emblem of our patrolmen, so we learn to knit it too,” explains Billy.
They take off the "bayonet with the barrier" and begin to knit the "Turkish head" knots on my wrists.
- What are these nodes for? - I ask.
- They are mostly decorative, but sometimes they are used for laying coils. These knots are also good because they do not damage the skin when the rope is tightened.
These beautiful complex knots look like decorations.
- It is wonderful. You know all the nodes! Can I leave these Turkish knots as bracelets? They look so cool.
- We will be glad. This is a gift from us, in memory of this day, ”says Bobby with meaning.
- But we can not just cut the rope, because they will be shaggy. We need to cut them and melt the ends. We can do it on the stove later, ”Billy enters. - Whew, we are a little tired, let's go down a snack? And play some board game.
And so I went to change clothes with long ropes dragging after me.

I haven't played Candyland for a hundred years. Good thing the rules are simple. I put on Queen Frostin's wig and laid out the cards on the table. When the twins return, they will like my new look.
- What are we going to play? - asked Billy.
- Maybe on the strip, - this is Bobby.
- Yeah, right. I will not undress in front of you.
- Just one item of clothing?
“Just one thing?”
I do not fully trust them, so I figure out what I wear (jeans, blouse, elegant bra, and stylish panties) and decide that I can donate with one item.
Billy enthusiastically: "Yes, the winner indicates that he will remove each of the losers."

At the beginning I win, the boys moan with frustration. But after a while luck changes me. Besides, I suspect that they somehow warn each other when they start ... Read more →

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