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hoarsely pulled Natasha away from dreams. She did not even notice how he crept up to her, strangely, such carelessness was not noticed before her.

- Can fail?

Throwing off her stupor, she turned around. Next to her was a large chrome motorcycle. On it sat a large man of 30-35, dressed in leather. A small beard with gray hair on a calm face, dark glasses. Nothing unusual, but something in him was such that Natasha was forced to pay attention to him. He slowly took off his glasses and looked into her eyes. She was accustomed that men first look at her breasts, bare stomach or rounded ass, but he looked into his eyes. He did not even look ... His green eyes with a yellowish rim burned through it, penetrated into the very soul and felt at home. Moments flew, they looked at each other without stopping. For the first time in a long time she could not stand it and looked away, she felt and understood that she recognized the primacy and power over herself for this stranger. Looking at him again, she again met that swallowing gaze. Without looking up, he looked at her, but in a completely different way, gently, gently, admiring her confusion.

- I say, can give a lift? - he had already repeated with a slight smile, but Natasha felt drops of sweat appear on her back, ached her lower abdomen and caught her breath.

- It's fine, Thak you. I almost reached it. - she pointed to the path leading to the forest.

- Are you sure? I can conduct. There is still time.

- I can handle. But thanks for the offer, it's nice. - The last words were very significant.

“Hmm ...” the guy grunted, put on his glasses, muttering something under his breath. The motorcycle made a rumbling sound, somewhat reminiscent of a roar.

Natasha took a quick look at the trail of the departing guy. I didn’t get to know each other, didn’t ask for a phone number, didn’t flirt, just tore up the pattern of behavior of men so familiar to her. She liked him very much. And the matter is not even in the type, although this type of coarse hairy guys was close to her, the thing is in her eyes, in her eyes. She clearly understood that this is her man. Now, when the emotions subsided a bit, and the thoughts were lined up, she probably would have agreed to “give a lift”, and then we will see later. But then, he tied her will and forced her, although no, he did not, rather, gave the opportunity to obey.

Natasha walked along the forest path, scrolling through a short conversation in her head and driving away the intermittent signals of famine. But that was what was, already passed, he left. Throwing aside unnecessary thoughts, she slowly walked along the path. Having concentrated, Natasha began to “scan” the neighborhood in search of food. She "saw" the mice hiding behind the bushes of the fox, a lot of birds and a couple of women on the path ahead. A few minutes later she met them, these are local village aunts. They judgingly examined Natasha, and having distanced themselves began to discuss it. Then a heavily drunken local resident appeared, not appetizing at all. After 5 minutes, Natasha felt her sacrifice. Exactly it was he, a young guy, walking slowly, looking absently at his feet. Looking back, Natasha figured out where she should lead her victim, as she felt someone's gaze on herself. I listened, it was quiet around, only the chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves. Most importantly, the sense of danger was silent.

The victim boy appeared from the corner, Natasha immediately struck. Her "mental blow" stunned and knocked the will out of the guy. He stood up like a pillar, staring with glazed eyes in front of him. Natasha came up and looked into his face. Nothing, no reaction at all, took him by the hand and, like a calf, led him along a barely visible path through the bushes deep into the forest. Moving 100 meters from the path, she planted a guy right on the ground under a tree. She took out a wet napkin and carefully rubbed his neck over the carotid artery.Looking back once more, I was convinced that there was no one around, but the feeling of someone else’s gaze did not give rest, like the squeak of a mosquito. Hunger recalled himself twisting everything inside. Natasha pushed the extraneous thoughts aside and her fangs pierced the victim's neck. Warm, slightly salty blood flowed down my throat, a moan of pleasure and bliss escaped her. After a few sips, hunger gave way to pleasure. The excitement rolled with a hot wave, the lower abdomen squeezed and tightened, breathing became slower and quickened, suddenly it became hot and wet between the legs. That strange stranger biker was remembered, it is a pity that he is not around right now, at such a moment he would be very helpful. If he used this sweet excitement, she would not even resist.

Looking up from her meal, Natasha was breathing heavily, enjoying the drunk blood, the strength received and the onset of excitement. There was even a thought, whether to use this guy or please yourself with your hands. Automatically she wiped the guy's neck and mouth with a wet napkin, removing traces of blood as a low uterine growl was heard from behind. Not threatening, rather attracting attention. Turning immediately, Natasha threw forward a hand with a ready spell and only miraculously restrained herself not to send him into a growling creature. Near the bushes lay a huge black-gray wolf. Unless of course one can call a monster the size of an overgrown bull a wolf. He lay imposingly, stretching his paws forward, with his head slightly bent to the side and grinning at the mouth with huge fangs. His green eyes with yellow rim were looking intently at Natasha. She froze from such a surprise, no one has yet managed to get to her unnoticed. And this carcass not only picked up, but also openly watched her. Like now, lies and laughs. For sure! Laughs She had never seen laughing wolves, but was quite sure that it was laughter. And the eyes are very familiar, not a wolf, there was no threat, no fear in them, only a smile and pleasure. That is how men look at a woman, admiring her, enjoying her forms and movements. These are not wolf eyes. This is a werewolf! The thought pierced Natasha as lightning and nailed on the spot.

- Hello! - as if reading her thoughts said wolf. His voice was low and growling. It was felt that the words are given to him with difficulty. - I had enough? If not, I'll wait.

- Yes. Thank. No more. Will die. - she squeezed the words out of herself. The body did not obey, the words were obtained with great difficulty.

- Then we will get acquainted. - the wolf growled starting to rise on its paws. His body swam, smeared with a blob and immediately gathered into a reclining man. That same biker from the road. He smiled faintly, only at the corners of his mouth and eyes. He clearly enjoyed the confusion of the girl and the effect produced.

- Sergey, you can just gray. No matter how trite it sounds in relation to the wolf.

- Natasha, you can just Natasha.

Sergey asked for a pricing look at the red baseball cap.

- I am sure that the matter here is not at all in headdresses.

- Yes, this is a long and old story, I will tell you later ... if you want.

She looked at him with a long, assessing look, appreciating his reaction.

- I want it already. And not only history. - his voice, soft with slight hoarseness, sent Natasha to the bone, causing a rush of blood to the lower abdomen. Heart pounding in a frantic rhythm.

He came very close and openly admired her confusion. He touched her with his eyes, stroked and felt, causing even more excitement in the girl's body. Her breathing became hard, deep, and frequent. And without that, small breasts heaved, giving out excitement and excitement. The nipples swelled and clearly protruded through the thin fabric of the blouse.

He smelled of leather, wood, and something barely perceptible, sweetly-intoxicating. Natasha sniffed the air and the force of excitement and passionate animal desire almost bent it in half. The lower abdomen was cramping, she felt her panties getting wet, and her long legs were treacherously compressed. She was ready to rush at him with a hungry March cat and was about to do it.But lifting her eyes, she rested her hard green eyes. This view did not suggest objections, did not threaten and did not suppress, he commanded. He was ... Read more →

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