1. Ike and Eldar. The soldiers
  2. Ike and Eldar. Start
  3. Ike and Eldar. Hunger
  4. Ike and Eldar. Blackmail
  5. Ike and Eldar. Fracture
  6. Ike and Eldar. Actress
  7. Ike and Eldar. Khalashka

Page: 4 of 5

So what?

- Nothing ... And the husband is not jealous when the guys come to you?

- No, he trusts me. I am very serious about work, and I will never cross the line with students, he knows that. And not “come to me”, but to the lesson! - Eldar tried to convey the intonation of the righteous anger of a decent married woman. - And if you thought that I could allow myself something extra, then you are deeply mistaken !!!

- No, no, you! Do not boil over)))) You are just so beautiful, alone at home, with young students ...))

- And what did you think about there?)) - Eldar decided to change the tone to a more playful one.

- Nothing)))))))) Just be me in their place ...))))

- Haha))) And what would you do?))))

- I would have kissed your neck gently))


- Then for the ass would grab tightly))


- And then to bed))

-)))))) Ha ha. And I'm not alone at home. Husband is also at home))))

- Clear. - the presence of her husband clearly did not fit into the plans of the young man. He continued after a short pause - Gently watches so that you will not be stolen?))

- Haha)) No, he is just sick now and he is at home all day. But he is in another room while the lesson is on. I do not allow him to interfere)) Okay, everything, I ran, the student came, it's time for me ... Bye!))


In the evening, Eldar received another message from Zaur.

- Listen, and how much are classes? - he is clearly interested in the opportunity to meet.

- First lesson, introductory, free of charge. And then two lessons a week. - Eldar had time to check with the announcements of tutors and called a rather low price. - The lesson is half an hour.

- No, I do not need, I ask for a friend. What is your number? He will call you back to negotiate. Nigar-khanum, yes?

- Yeah. - Eldar happily winked at his wife and wrote her mobile number.

A minute later the bell rang. Ike picked up the phone.

- Hello ... Hello ... Yes, Nigar ... Yes ... Yes ... Of course ... Come tomorrow at 7, only without delay ... - calling the address and saying goodbye, she turned to her husband. - Well, satisfied?

- Of course, my love, you are clever! - Eldar kissed his wife and looked at the chat window where the message came from Zaur.

- You have a beautiful voice))) - he read Ike in a victorious tone. - By the way, what will you wear for a lesson? I offer sports shorts and T-shirt with a deep neckline. Home-style and easy to shoot.

- No, really. - responded wife. - I'll dress solidly. You yourself want everything to look natural. I can not, on the first day, in front of an unfamiliar student, dress up anyhow. Oh, how many things to do tomorrow, and you need to dress up and put yourself in order, in short - to create an image ...


The next day, taking her husband's credit card, Ike flew off for the whole day. Eldar terribly worried and endlessly called her, finding her in the shopping center, then in the hairdresser, then in the spa. However, when she finally arrived, about ten minutes before the start of the lesson, she looked dazzling.

Ike was dressed in a strict black tight-fitting skirt to the knee and, similarly fitting, a boiling white shirt. Black shoes with high heels made her figure more slender and visually lengthened legs in flesh-colored stockings. The top buttons of the shirt were unbuttoned, showing a fascinating chest hollow in which a golden pendant in the shape of a key had sunk. The image of a strict teacher complemented the glasses in a rectangular frame. Ike spun in front of her husband, causing her ponytail hair to be drawn into a semicircle in the air, overwhelming Eldar with an amazing aroma of perfume.

- Well, how? - Ike cooed.

- Fuck. - Eldar answered simply and honestly. He mentally estimated the amount of the cost of "creating an image." - Do you think an athlete will really appreciate your Gucci shirt?

- What is the difference, dear.Most importantly, I appreciate your concern! - Ike looked at him with an “innocent” look over her glasses and fluttered her false eyelashes. - Well, where is your student, will they fuck me today or not?

Eldar did not have time to answer, because at that moment the intercom sounded. Silently opening the door of the block, Eldar looked back at his wife.

- Meet him, I instantly. - Ike knocked heels and disappeared in the bedroom.

A minute later they knocked on the door and Zaur appeared on the threshold.

Husband and lover looked at each other with evaluating glances. The athlete looked almost the same as on the Facebook page. He was dressed simply, but tastefully, in jeans and a T-shirt, under which a well-developed torso stood out clearly. He held a light spring jacket behind his shoulder.

- I am to Nigar-khanum. To the lesson. - introduced Zaur. - And you...

- Husband. - Eldar answered quietly, and looked away. He suddenly thought that he looked pretty pale in the eyes of this young male. Extra kilograms of fat, washed-up homewear, three-day stubble, and even these ill-fated crutches with plaster. - Come into the living room, it is now fit.

- Oh, you have already met? - Ike appeared from the bedroom door and happily stared at Zaur. “This is the new student I told you about, dear!” Come over here.

She went into the living room, clearly stepping on high heels, and effectively moving her hips. Zaur followed. And, although Eldar saw only his broad back, he could swear that he did not take his eyes off Aygun’s ass. Going to the living room door and letting the student inside, Ike turned to her husband, who remained standing in the hallway.

“Okay, I have a lesson, honey.” You would sleep a little. The doctor said you need to rest ... - she imperceptibly winked at him and tightly closed the door behind her.

Rolling over on crutches, Eldar went to the bedroom. In him, as usual in such moments, conflicting feelings fought. On the one hand, he was not given rest injections of jealousy. On the other hand, he felt excited from the reality and intimacy of what was happening. Reaching the bed, he lay down, staring at the ceiling and listening to the sounds coming from the living room. The speech was not to make out, but he distinguished the buzz of the baritone Zaur and the sonorous laugh Aygun.


Ike sat a student at the dinner table, where Eldar, during the day, laid out books, pens and even several plastic bottles of water. The lesson began quite decently. She spoke with Zaur in English, asking him various questions. The athlete answered as best he could, and, often, not finding the right words, switched to Russian. Ike immediately liked him and she, mentally thanked Kama for the recommendation, sneaking a glance over his strong body. Zaur, in turn, did not take his eyes off her, hypnotizing her with his cunning and confident gaze of a lion, in whose paws there appeared easy prey.

Flashing under this confident look, Ike once again straightened her hair and looked up from the records.

“Well, don't look at me like that ... you are embarrassing me ...” she said. Her face was really blush. She undid another button on her chest. “It’s so hot today ... I’ll probably open the window.”

She wanted to rise from the table, but Zaur stopped her with a strong and gentle hand movement. Pulling her close to him, he continued to smile silently and look into her eyes. Ike felt the closeness of his breathing and, no longer able to hold back, closed her eyes and put her lips to kiss. At first, Zaur gently touched them with his lips, as if teasing her, and only then, passionately and passionately pressed against them. At the same time, he launched his huge palm in her neckline, squeezing her chest under the bra.

Ike felt the heat of excitement in her lower abdomen and how her pussy got wet.

- Wait, I'll check my husband fell asleep or not. She whispered and, slipping out of Zaur's arms, quickly left the living room.

Entering the bedroom, she looked at Eldar, who was lying on the bed, and turned to the mirror to clean up. The lipstick on her lips was smeared, and from beneath the neckline of her shirt, gently pink bras were peeking out.

“Well, have you changed your mind, honey?” - having corrected lipstick ... Read more →

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