1. Ike and Eldar. The soldiers
  2. Ike and Eldar. Start
  3. Ike and Eldar. Hunger
  4. Ike and Eldar. Blackmail
  5. Ike and Eldar. Fracture
  6. Ike and Eldar. Actress
  7. Ike and Eldar. Khalashka

Page: 2 of 5

I will confuse the door and into the men's shower room ... - feeling close to the finish of her husband, I was not appeased. She quickened the pace of the hand movements. - There they will show me exactly who has what size.

- Yes! - Eldar roared and spewed streams of hot sperm, which seemed to fly to the ceiling.

Ike tried to get out of him, but he kept her by the hips. He wanted to quickly pay his wife for the pleasure. After inserting the index finger of her right hand into her pussy, Eldar felt on the inner wall of her vagina a treasured knoll. Massaging it with his finger, and not forgetting to caress the clitoris with his tongue, he gradually began to add fingers, each time asking his wife what size she wanted to find among the guys in fitness. The fingers did not go deep, but Ika felt well the growing tension and rhythmic friction on the inside of the clitoris. When all five fingers of his right hand were inside his wife, Eldar accelerated the frictions and Ike covered a deafening orgasm.


The next day, Ike really went to the gym. Eldar decided not to waste time. Creating a profile for her on a dating site, he began to slowly pick up lovers.

The main criteria were athletic physique and age, because he did not want his wife to meet with older men, preferring betrayal with his peers or guys younger than her. Youth and a good figure often go hand in hand, and soon Eldar caught a whole bunch of interesting, in his opinion, candidates.

It also helped that among the questionnaires the number of men exceeded the number of women a hundred times, because the conservative mores of Azerbaijan did not allow the thought that a decent girl would put the questionnaire on public display. Such indiscretion meant the depravity of the girl, even if the only goal pursued by the poor thing was to create a family. As a result, the Azerbaijani sections of all popular dating sites were finally and irrevocably occupied by prostitutes and transsexuals who used these online resources to search for clients. This was well known to Eldar, because, before the marriage, he himself repeatedly shot prostitutes in this way.

Occasionally, there were real girls who tried to get acquainted online, but they quickly left the expanses of local dating sites, hastily deleting their profiles under shelling of indecent offers. It was this image of the "vagrants" girl and tried to create an Eldar. In the profile photo there was a close-up of a female hand with a diamond ring on a ring finger. Many could get the impression that an overly trusting girl seemed to hint at what she was trying to find an excited males in the ocean. Eldar also put a different, deeper meaning into the image. According to his idea, it was the profile of a bored housewife who decided to fool around. In the very ocean.

He didn't even have to look for guys. There were compliments and offers of love, sex, money and meetings on all sides. An hour later, the profile had about a hundred incoming messages, many of which he simply did not have time to read. Eldar began to screen out and remove uninteresting options, carefully selecting a collection of applicants. Some of them even started a correspondence, since he had plenty of time.


Hearing the sound of the door, Eldar slammed the lid of the laptop and, leaning on crutches, cheerfully jumped towards his wife.

Ike tiredly sank into a chair in the hallway.

- How is it going? - Eldar started from afar.

- Made squats with dumbbells. The press shook. Then another half hour in the pool.

- And the pitching was?

- Nope. There were several men with bellies. - Ike winced.

“I knew, my dear, that you would pick up our arrangement from yesterday.” - leaning on crutches with his shoulders, Eldar raised his hands upward in a picture.

Further, he launched into long and lengthy discourses about the meaning of life and about the hardships their relationships go through and that he would not allow the misfortune that came into the house to destroy the crystal palace of their happiness, and how they, having joined forces, must resist woes, proudly and with their heads raised reflecting the blows of fate. Having finished this tirade, absolutely inappropriate here, with Lao Tse's statement and finally confusing his wife, he looked at her with a searching glance.

Ike tried to digest and glue what was said. Gradually in her eyes there were glimpses of consciousness, crushed by the speeches of her husband.

- Humpback grave does not fix, it's about you. She laughed, nodding at the cast. - How is your leg?

- I have told you so much important now, but do you think about the leg? - outraged Eldar. - Where is your revolutionary consciousness?

- Come on, okay, I understand everything, I'm still seksvayf. - Ike winked. - While I was in the hall, by the way, I talked with Kama. Here, we think, to stroll through the clubs for the weekend. You do not mind, honey?

- Vs. - cut off Eldar, in his heart, however, rejoicing that the resistance of his wife gave a serious crack, marked by the return to the stage of her slutty girlfriend. - In the clubs, a lot of friends, remember how then you and Farid almost burned? Okay, they'll think about walking, but you don't want to be told that you are a shameless bitch, who roams the clubs while the wounded husband dies at home?

- Well, what do you suggest? - Ike is completely confused. - You do not understand, then Lao Tzu, then do not ...

- A decent wife at such a time should be at home, next to her husband, not for a minute leaving him on his deathbed. - looking at the bewildered wife, Eldar could not resist, and broke into a contented smile. - So you lovers, my faithful wife, will have to drive home!

- And how do you imagine this? - Ike picked up funny notes of her husband. - Hello, you look cool, come to me, I will introduce you to my husband along the way, who is jerking over there on the bed?

- Than to incline, it would be better to listen to the end. - calmly continued Eldar. - Young people will come to us not to get to know me, but to you, my clever, for English lessons!

“What other lessons?” - laughed Ike. - I'll have to teach now too?

- Well, so what. You are an educator. And you said your mother even somewhere left your textbooks after the institute. - answered Eldar. - Well, imagine, a student comes to your lesson. And you yourself are already watching, if you don’t like it, you can safely otshivat, like “oh, I have strained with time”, or “your initial level of language is too low”. And if you like, turn on your charm and flirt with him on health, I do not mind, I will not interfere.

- Hm, well, if you can choose ... - Ike thought.

- And in general, from your awesome teacher will turn out. I have only one thought about it ... - Eldar did not finish speaking, nodding at the bulging trouser pants. - Sorry I can not prove to you in practice. But I'm sure we will pick me a decent replacement for the time of illness.

- Well, you, darling, you all this because of a leg, yes? - Ike was upset to hear about the disease. - Do not worry, honey, I can wait for you at least my whole life!

- Oh oh oh. - Eldar jokingly shook his head. - And who called Kame today? Eh ... Do not deduce this fuckiness from you ... I have come to terms with it for a long time ... So, "humpback", this is about you, my beloved!

- Ha ha! Again, I'm to blame for everything? - Ike smiled again. - Well, I did not understand, but where did the students come from?

Eldar smiled mysteriously and, turning around, stumbled into the living room. Ike followed him. Having sat her next to him, he opened the laptop and began to show her his today's “catch”.

- This one looks like a jerk ... This young one is too ... This is really some kind of moron ... - Ike was throwing off all the options offered by her husband. - Why are you all on a dating site got? Immediately some prostitutes, losers and perverts like you.Well, judge for yourself if the guy is really cute, he will have no problems with girls in real life and he will not look for ... Read more →

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