1. From personal diaries. Offense
  2. From personal diaries. Satisfaction
  3. From personal diaries. Memories

Well, since such a booze has gone, cut the last cucumber.

I fished a dusty, Russian-language teacher written in an almost calligraphic hand, a wire-bound notebook from the shelf. Flipped through the slightly yellowed pages. And ... The third story will be somewhere between the first and the second. It happened many years ago. But I still remember, oddly enough.

Then my family was still full, the small one was still quite small, of kindergarten age. Senior was in high school. We somehow suddenly decided to go to the village to their grandmother, my mother-in-law. I did not like these trips, because I didn’t like her mother-in-law, and her children did not like her. It was too correct in everything, but in fact it turned out quite differently. For 15 years I haven’t managed to find a common language with her, the boys, too, preferred my mother more than her. What she wildly offended ...

Why we went three together, I do not remember. Apparently, my hubby was again too busy (or not to suK), more precisely, not to us. Going close - night on the train. Took three shelves in the reserved seat. My little one, like a monkey, izlazil all the upper shelves in an hour, until we reached the next station, he always loved this activity, always striving where to climb higher. And in the train, he rode the first time. We usually drove to the village by car. The elder fell down on the upper shelf and phlegmatically looked out the window.

I, like a decent mother, sat with a book in her hands, eyeing the younger one with one eye. On the table with spoons of spoons glasses in tin cup holders. I like trains. Still love. This measured knock of the wheels, this gnashing of metal, speed, not the same as that of an airplane, but tangible, tangible, when the composition slightly rolls around bends, when you feel the very movement of the whole body, and the soul too. Such sensations do not give the car.

I looked out the window, and Kochetkov's poem suddenly popped into my head.

"Do not part with your loved ones,

With your loved ones do not part,

With your loved ones do not part,

With all your blood sprout in them, -

And say goodbye every time

And say goodbye every time

And say goodbye every time

When you leave for a moment! ”

While contemplating my own feelings with inner vision, I did not immediately notice that the second lower regiment was marked by a new resident, more precisely, a fellow traveler. My attention was attracted by the voices of boys, who amicably greeted someone. Even a senior for some reason showed interest. Or maybe the new tenant simply asked him about something, and my son, properly educated, politely answered.

Now, restoring the events in my memory, I try to find at least some kind of clue in the name of this person. And nothing, I do not remember him. But I perfectly remember his appearance. Probably because he was the exact opposite of my husband. Not tall, stocky, obviously younger than me, but not much. He had some interesting, lively eyes. Even in the twilight of the evening reserved seat, they shone almost catlike glitter. And he smiled. Open, without grimaces, without flirting. I noticed that I looked up and finally emerged from the pool of introspection, said simply: “Hi, listen, my son has a birthday today, but I don’t have time, I will come only tomorrow morning, let's celebrate with me!”

And puts on the table a bottle of brandy. The boys get a chocolate bar. We drink cognac from glasses, a young man ... (ah, let's call him Anton, there must be some name) tells me about his wife, his son that day turned three years old, how proud he is, proud of himself, that's just stayed on a business trip, did not have time for his birthday. I talk about my boys. I can talk about them for hours. We are going to one station, so we have no hurry. The bottle gradually becomes empty, conversations become frivolous ...

My boys were swayed by the sound of wheels, they peacefully snuffle on their upper shelves. We go to the vestibule to smoke.The carriage is mostly asleep, outside the window already past midnight.

- Lara, and you know, you're cool.

- C'mon, it's brandy in you says.

- No, really cool!

And it comes so close to me. And I know that I want him, I knew even when he appeared before my eyes. But on the train, in the reserved seat? How? I lean my back against the wall, spread my legs slightly and move forward, towards a hand that is already full of shorts on the panties. Then it was strange for me in the summer not to wear underwear under the dress, it is now that I am doing this trick calmly. And then I was an exemplary mother, an exemplary wife. Of course, the consciousness clouded with cognac and a smoked cigarette remove the brakes, but so that's it!

I feel how long the strip of panties has moved aside, and how Anton's fingers gently caress the already wet hole between my legs. I cling to him stronger and sit on these fingers myself. And his mouth eagerly catches my lips. We breathe both hard and unevenly. I am ready to turn around face to the wall, put my hands up and expose the ass, as the rattle of the opening door of the vestibule interrupts us. Anton presses me into the wall, closing himself. A man in uniform flies by. And here we both start laughing. I already squatted with laughter. After all, no sooner or later had this, a pancake, a conductor or anyone else there, had to walk along the train. I would have slept already, a fly.

I fix the panties. We smoke one more cigarette. All the same, the romance has already evaporated, as there was not her here. Go back to yourself. Checked the boys sleep. We drink cognac.

- And where do you need it at all? Let me take it.

- So we still from the city to the village.

- In which?

- You know G ..., it is from the checkpoint to the right, not far from the airport.

- Yes, I know, of course. In the morning I run after the car, I have a garage near the station. And I'll take you.

- What about yours? Are you already late for your birthday?

- You know, two hours do not change anything.

And we go to bed ... each on his shelf. How long do you think we held out? According to my feelings, about seven and a half minutes. I defiantly moved to the wall, after pulling off my panties under the sheet, and Anton quickly slipped behind me behind my back. Moreover, I immediately felt unbuttoned jeans and a member sticking with a stake. I rotated, settling down more comfortably, so that the member found the necessary input. It is not difficult to slip into a wet crack. He wrapped his arms around me, hugging his whole body, and tried to move. Opposite us, the two side shelves were not occupied. It pleased me. But then my elder turned upside down. This is a scarecrow. Frozen for a minute. No, everything is fine, like sleeping. And continued.

Sex turned chaotic, or rather, crumpled. Yes, we both finished. But the emotions suppressed inside spoiled all sensations. Overshoot only adrenaline. The train arrived at the station a little after seven in the morning. For a couple of hours we seemed to take a nap, but on the train this is enough. Raised the boys, handed over the linen. All four of them got out of the car. Anton showed the place where to wait for him, and left. We waited about twenty minutes. The older one, with all his skepticism, repeated a thousand times already, yes, he would not come, went to the bus. The younger one began to show impatience otherwise, pulling my hand, mother, well, we’ve already gone somewhere. And I believed.

A minibus stopped in front of us. Anton came out of the cab. Raking the younger one, podsal in the salon, picked up the bag. The eldest said - I myself. I sat on the seat next to the driver. But before I run there, he asked: “Come on, we will bring the children, and then we will drive off for half an hour?” - “How do you imagine that? My mother-in-law is there! ”-“ Think of something! ”I thought frantically all the way.

We fell like snow on our heads, we were not expected, there were no cell phones then. Giving a telegram to the village is stupid, not understanding whether to deliver it or not. In general, I went on the offensive from the doorway. I threw the children, listened to ooh-aahs and, saying something unintelligible, adding that I would be back in half an hour, jumped out of the yard onto the road. Anton was waiting.

We left for the lake, we know, we went for a swim at each visit. He is almost a local resident, he knew all the roads. Early morning, no one. Enjoy! But we still have little time.First of all, I knelt down and swallowed, finally, his penis. I have a strange trick - first of all I like to try a man to taste, and then allow everything else. There was no such opportunity in the train. He was delicious. Well, I determined the size at night, so I knew how to adjust.

But he fucked me interesting. Just opened the passenger door, put his hands in the front seat and put in the back. But emotions could not be hidden, I growled from the heart, and because the pose for me is my favorite, and because he fucked with the passion of the beast. The only thing that seemed strange to me was that he was really hungry in terms of sex. What is it? Maybe a business trip? Or maybe the wife does not match?

He brought me back to the house. She said that I would stay here for a week, if anything, you are welcome. But he did not come. And I waited deep down. The boys stayed with my grandmother, my father had to pick them up, and I was going home a week later. But the night on the return train was boring.

But the first day in my mother-in-law's house I slept until the evening, as my knees trembled, my thoughts were absent, which is a direct consequence of class sex. Reconciled with the fact that the train could not sleep. If the mother-in-law suspected something, she did not say anything. Well, okay.

And why do I remember this story so far? Maybe because there was no continuation? What was left in her heart was like a sing of a song, like a phrase that was cut short in mid-sentence. Sometimes it is also a stimulus. For memories.

Diana Tim Taris

  • April 13, 2016 8:58

    Cool story! Well done Lara, well done Anton! All the way (if we continue to use the "train" associations), it was doubtful that a bummer would happen somewhere. Or caught at the most inopportune moment. Or Anton, having received his, will forget his promises. Formally, of course, that's what happened. But after two (or even three, if the platform is also considered) intima sessions. That is not to say unequivocally that everything is bad.

    I think it's better to have such a ragged song from Anton than a vulgar bunch from the hero of the first part of the Obedient Moron.

    And a dozen from me!


    • Rating: 1
  • April 13, 2016 9:06

    And thanks from me!


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2016 13:17

    And I thought, right now, DD will take a big pistol to remove a newly-minted competitor in love storytelling. And they sang, dove. Soon I'll be confused in you. I'll start, where is who?


    • Rating: 1
  • April 13, 2016 13:45

    Look, Evgeny3! Where DD Dual is me.
    And where one is Diana)))


    • Rating: 1
  • April 13, 2016 10:06

    And a dozen from me.
    Confessional history. Clings in all respects.


    • Rating: 1
  • April 13, 2016 10:25

    This peculiar triptych was conceived in order to show three polar pictures - bummer, pleasure and pleasant memories.
    Judging by the comments, I did it.
    Thank you all very much!


    • Rating: 2
  • April 13, 2016 13:31

    Eh, Diana-Diana, what only your mother taught you: do not fuck anywhere and with anyone. Yes, all to no purpose.
    Now I understand why you like trains.
    Well, fascinating outlined their adventures, although the name of the gentleman has forgotten. And what, the truth wrote down the stories in a diary?


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2016 5:12 pm

    Yes, I kept a diary, handwritten then, somewhere from the 7th grade, when I realized that I was not receiving the attention I deserved! But then I just analyzed my own inner state, and not amorous adventures. The latter was invented (tested ...) much later!


    • Rating: 1
  • April 14, 2016 21:31

    Diana is at the height of a syllable)) DD, I hope that you and Diana will sing and write, as if you should write a joint work, please us and make a book in general))


    • Rating: 1
  • April 15, 2016 4:59

    A good idea!


    • Rating: 2
  • 16 April 2017 23:44

    I love memoirs - I also write myself. Touched sincerity, maturity of feelings, pleasant syllable (read without burrs), the depth of reflection. But the main thing is “nonlinearity”, perhaps, diversity and plot twists.


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