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- Come on.

- Everything in the room! Get up

I close the latch, just in case, although I certainly didn’t wait for my own until midnight. Oleg presses me to his right at the door, runs his fingers between his legs.

- What is clean (apparently, about the lack of hair), and why dry?

- Well, wait a bit.

He moves his fingers inside, kisses on the lips, I feel his dick through the pants, but I understand that something is holding me ...

- Wait, now, I forgot one thing to do, - tearing myself away from him.

I do not wear gold, it chokes me. Fiery metal, and fire in me, and so much so much, but silver is my deterrent, I feel comfortable in it. I have two silver rings with fionits, the same chain with pendant and stud earrings. And I understand that they just keep the energy inside, not giving a splash. I turn my back, take off decorations on the move, and Oleg’s fingers inside are wielding, I feel not excitement, but excitement. I remove jewelry in the box. I rest my hands on the back of the sofa and let go of my feelings. The familiar wave floats upwards, while still shy, this is just the beginning. He lays me back on the sofa and kneels between the legs. Now the hot, energetic language joins the musician's tender fingers. Caress the clitoris and finger fucks gently, too gently for me. But why only two, and more? I am silent and try to absorb his fingers as deep as possible. I do not really like this method, but I have long accepted one rule, if you like a partner, relax and try to enjoy. And I really catch this pleasure. That raising the legs up, lifting them with their hands under the knees, then again dropping down, squeezing those very fingers in me.

“Give me some candy,” I whisper, barely audible.

- Do not give, be patient.

Ah well! I understand up, he pulls his fingers out of surprise from the already completely dry hole. Decisively, but gently unbutton first the belt and the zipper on the trousers, then the buttons on the shirt. Oleg shoots both. I pull off my sundress over my head. Well, now we are in the same weight category.

I lay him on his back. Dimensions discouraged me. Although if we accept the theory that the length of the fingers corresponds to the size of the penis ... But here no fingers could show anything. I could not swallow it completely, and it was with all my training. Well, not entered, failed. Although he seems to have been unnecessary. He enjoyed what I did with my tongue. Turn on the professional and hear the feelings of a partner - ha, easy! I realized that my jaws would not stand for a long time, they were already beginning to reduce, and I do not like discomfort in sex, especially at the first contact. I gently licked the jumper and slightly retracted the head, gently take it out of my mouth and quickly sit down from above.

Oleg is too zealous to start active. “Quietly, you don’t be zealous with your size, wait, I’ll adapt myself!” - “What is it?” It's funny, but for some reason men with large penis are not aware of this, and sometimes it hurts the woman. Make yourself comfortable. I feel for the pace that he sets himself up and down rarely, often from side to side. He squeezes the chest. We look into each other's eyes. Sex with open eyes is that in a pool under water or in a mask with a saxophone ... The feeling of energy metabolism is given by the eyes, oddly enough. We look at each other, without blinking, we merge into one. I rarely end up in the pose of a rider, and now I have finished. Stormy, probably too stormy, because Oleg groaned under me. And I was beaten by a big shiver, rolling from top to bottom, and not vice versa. She nuzzled her shoulder. Feet reduced. He gently stroked his back and smiled! “I love when a woman ends,” I lift up two fingers. - “When is the first?” - I show on the back of the sofa. - “Oh, how!”

Gradually, I recover my breath and roll down. “We are changing,” I give out almost powerfully and accept my favorite pose, knee-elbow. Enters immediately, and so it does not hurt.And so I can work.

- Stop, so I will finish in three seconds.

- Stop it!

- Not!

I found a scythe on a stone, well, I fall on my back. But even here he managed to surprise me. He lies down next to him and squeezes in from the side. I smile back: “Do you think this will last for a long time?”

It's funny, but in this position, while I allowed it, we also managed to talk, again looking at my eyes.

- I love it when a woman ends.

- I can forbid to finish and give a command when you want. I was taught this.

- No, I do not want. You can do everything yourself.

- Here is how!

A pair of muscle movements and Olezha growls. The member inside me stiffens and produces impulsive movements that are no longer subject to his master. The only thing that could not, keep within myself until the end. Pulled out.

- Well, why did you do it? Could not enjoy the full?

- Habit ...

- Eh, men!

In the bathroom we go both naked, my not yet.

Oleg still to go to EH, it's about forty minutes, and time is ten. He dresses in full, I pull on a sundress.

- I spend to the car.

- What for? Do you think they will steal in the elevator?

- No, just so I will be calmer.

I put a coat on a sundress, in slippers, I cover the front door, I close the iron door to the vestibule. I call the elevator, we go, I press the lower button, the door closes ... and the elevator does not go anywhere. Scribe! There is such a creature, usually white, sometimes ashen. A trickle of cold sweat creeps down my back. I'm still without a phone! Oleg is trying to poke something, I know my house, my elevator. I have no words.

- All this is a paragraph, let's phone, my not.

I call emergency gang. “Dispatching service, yes, everyone understood, we leave ...”

I understood what that meant. The day before I did not enter the elevator on my sixth floor, because there were a lot of people there. The door closed and the elevator rose. I went to the store, returned back, climbed on foot, and there was no emergency gang. I have a quiet tantrum inside. Oleg is as calm as a boa before jumping.

- And where is the hatch through which the heroes of the films climb? You know, just yesterday I read the post "How to get out of a coffin, if you were buried alive."

In the first ten minutes I was hysterical. It was expressed in an idiotic laugh without a reason.

- Do not laugh, air is not enough, you burn it.

No, there are air holes there, grilles are above and below the shaft, and not a solid wall. The elevator doors do not close properly. But there is no ventilation. We are two, the level of carbon dioxide exceeds the level of incoming oxygen.

Twenty minutes later I started having an attack of aggression. But Oleg continued to tell how to get out of the coffin, if you are still alive.

Twenty-five minutes later we both slid down because it was easier to breathe there.

- You know, try to breathe shallowly and not swallow ...

“And there are miles of water above us, and whales beat us with their tails,” I quoted for some reason in a low voice.

Half an hour later, I realized that I was prone to claustrophobic attacks, which I never noticed after myself. I jumped to my feet, stuck my nose into the crevice of the door, sucked in the air.

- I now want to peck at all the walls and yell - get me out of here!

- Parking closes at twelve. We'll have to go there right away, and carry the flute home down the street. The pipe will freeze, be offended, and then will give out not what I ask of her, - I heard a steady voice behind my back.

I slipped back to the floor and shut up. It took another ten minutes.

- Do you know how they raised rat rats?

- Whom? - I was already on the verge of fainting, and in the head of an annoying fly it beat: “Make a worthy reception.”

Forty-five minutes later, repairmen arrived. The door tried to open another seven or ten, or twelve minutes. It did not work out right away. Oleg got into the car at eleven, but first checked the case with a sax. “The pipe was already frightened,” I heard his phrase. And then she stood on the street for a long time, trying to breathe deeply.

Does it seem like too many signs? At the first meeting we fell into the snow, the second fell on a fine and got stuck in the elevator. Is there any reason? And in the shower music sounds.

"Only a glass of vodka on the table, the wind is crying outside the window ..."

Gently and passionately speaking the words Sax, he's a pipe. The feeling that he knows human souls better than we do not leave.

"Pe-re, we are waiting for a change ..."

Diana Tim Taris

  • April 18, 2016 0:45

    Sex with whom?


    • Rating: 0
  • April 18, 2016 9:25

    This is not pornography!
    And not even erotic (no offense to the authors).
    This is the page of life, this is part of the biography, this is a meeting with a man who is immensely dear to the heroine in itself, despite the sex that was between them. And it would be expensive if sex did not happen.
    I am sure that the visit to the concert, the adventure on the road, the incident in the elevator feed Diana's emotions no less than the intimacy described in the middle of the story.
    The panic in the elevator, in my opinion, is in vain.
    I don’t believe in the magic of gold and silver (although I admit that the author can believe, then it’s real for her).
    Therefore, nine points.


    • Rating: 1
  • April 18, 2016 12:01

    This is a dream come true! And just pleasant memories. And the incident in the elevator - apparently, a warning, do not go where they do not ask))
    Thanks for the feedback.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 18, 2016 15:16

    Literature, however!
    DD, as it is in the magic sbrahra and Zlata do not believe, people die for the metal !!
    Beautiful story)


    • Rating: 0
  • April 18, 2016 19:37

    So we are waiting for a change?
    Not so easy, change yourself. As often before, the diary series of life events, filled with emotional syrup. A little mystical seasoning, or rather, superstition. And of course, an interesting background music.
    I'm a little hung out how to evaluate it qualitatively ...
    One thing is clear, the story touches.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 19, 2016 10:35

    Yevgeny, You know that I will never learn to write in a true ST format (((Even what sometimes spills out is far from perfect.


    • Rating: 1

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