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I was very close, I could feel her warm, her smell. She whispered in my ear: “You're so sexy! You are terribly hot and you smell of desire! ”-“ And if I want? ”-“ Me? ”-“ Yes! ”-“ Wait! ”

“Kuznetsov,” Natasha’s thunderous voice blocked the music, “or maybe we slam a beer?”

- And who will go?

- Well, who are we a man, women late in the evening can not be allowed into the street!

- OK OK. Go, slap on stopariku, and I go.

Natasha and I went to the table and took the stretched out hands in her hands, she held the glass with one hand, and the other hugged me by the waist, holding me close. Both slightly sipped and put on the table. We now had a completely different question. I felt how my whole body was tense, how hot the desire spreads, how I want right now to be caressed, kissed, fucked.

Kuznetsov finally dumped over a beer. As soon as I closed the door behind him, Natashka turned me around and kissed me. How much passion was in that kiss! Our tongues intertwined, played, she stroked my chest with one hand, launched the other under the robe and touched the hot flesh.

- Are you wet? - looking up from my mouth, looking with sly eyes, Natasha cried in surprise.

- And you thought I was iron?

We were stationed in the room. Natasha pressed me to the back of the sofa and very gently ran her fingers into my wet crack. I raised my foot on the armrest to fully open access. I understood that now the girl was shamelessly fucking the girl, but how I wanted it! At some point in the womb itself as if a hot ball was formed, I arched and spat out this ball into her hand. I was shaken. I finished.

Do you know what she did? She put her hand to my face and I licked it. I licked my own juices, getting even more pleasure from it. When the men then told me that I was delicious, I always answered: “Yes, I know that!”

Kuznetsov returned at the most inopportune moment. Rattling the bottles of beer in the bag, he entered the room when I lay back on the sofa, my legs wide apart, and Natasha licked me and sucked my clit, swollen from unusual sensations.

- Girls, what are you, ohreneli?

We recoiled from each other, I smelled a dressing gown and brazenly issued in response:

- Something you walked for a long time.

With Natasha, we then talked more than one year. Both before and after my divorce from Kuznetsov. Even organized orgies for three and four. When two volcanoes are near, it is always fraught. And we both are. Until she went to another city. But I always remember about her with a feeling of deep pleasure. After all, whatever one may say, she opened a somewhat different world to me. A world I did not know.


“But you didn't become a lesbian after that incident?”

- No, it's just that lately girls have started to appear around me more often. The program, launched once, began to work, that's all. Fear your desires, they have a habit of being fulfilled. I tasted the taste of this pleasure. And I like him.

- Tell me, do you please your girls?

- No, I let pleasure me. Their pleasure I care a little. Although sometimes I can fuck when a girl is good and when I lose the coast from pleasure delivered.

- And yet you have changed.

- Would you like to see the same naive, in love little girl? Maybe I became a little wiser, that's all.

“But you are as beautiful as that little, naive, love girl.”

Love as it is

Dominica was born in a small town in an unusual family. Her father proudly stated that he was a descendant of German barons, and her mother was an artist. From the moment of her appearance, her father left them, was not only engaged in upbringing, but also in material support, but proudly called her Baroness. All worries lay on the shoulders of mom.

As a child, Dominica often had strange dreams. A small, fragile soul existed, as if in other dimensions.Collapsed stairways, incredible magical light, wonderful incarnations. Dominic they frightened. She was afraid to tell. Children often invent a different world for themselves. She knew that she was not inventing anything, that there was some reality inside her.

As time went. The girl was growing up. Her father completely disappeared with time, and her mother rarely reminded her of "baronial" origin. But Dominica did not leave her strange dreams.

Confidence in its features, hidden inside, grew with it. When she was offended, she cried from helplessness, but easily helped others, sometimes just in one word. She flashed a flashlight, a bright candle wick wherever she appeared. Everyone loved her. Teachers, friends, casual acquaintances. Love was her veil. But they did not know her. Yes, she did not know herself.

However, the essence inside became tangible and understandable. Once Dominica realized that she was a witch. In her family were witches. This she found out. Nobody passed her any knowledge, she was untrained, impotent, but still a witch. White.

That's when awareness came, everything became easier. Dominica accepted her fate. No, nothing has changed for her. Witches and sorcerers can not affect their well-being. They can help or harm others. Dominica chose help.

Vlad appeared in her life very exotic. They met on the road.

Bard festival. Romance, tents on the river bank, guitar in a circle. Dominica was returning to her tent in the morning when she saw him. He walked at the head of a small company, looking out for a parking lot. Hiking camouflage, black bandana on his head, a backpack over his shoulders. You can not call a handsome man, but something in him hooked. Their eyes met.

- Hello, look for a place? Here is a fireplace, here is a playground, you can get settled, and I sleep, - she waved her hand and dived into the tent.

In the evening, he and Vlad sat on the shore by the fire, listened to the sound of the river, and the Milky Way stretched over them, which can only be seen at the end of August, and the stars fell. They seemed to know each other forever.

Their relationship developed like a tornado. They were thrown into the arms, they could not live apart for days, then scattered to the side, and they did not talk for weeks. Again and again, Dominica promised herself to never give in to persuasion and never come to Vlad. And again flew to him at the first call. Something kept her close, something that only her subtle intuition understood, but not her mind. She lived in heart, not head.

Sometimes Vlad was unbearable, and Dominic threw tantrums, but invariably, falling asleep nearby, they had only two dreams, they walked along the water or fought with mythical monsters, floated through the Milky Way or drowned in a mysterious fog.

They were both white and black, like yin and yang, like two halves of a whole. “We do not choose our destiny, girl, we are those who are, even if we don’t recognize it ourselves. You are a witch, I am a sorcerer. And may we not be trained, and may our power not be revealed, but the Universe will not allow us to ignore it, ”Vlad often repeated. She did not argue.

That memorable evening began as usual. Gently stroked, pressed to himself. She wanted him, already painted a picture that was familiar to the pain. Before physical pain, because Vlad squeezed her lower back with his hands, pressing down and sideways, which sometimes hurt her. She was most arched towards, helping to penetrate as deeply as possible into her womb. Prelude was quick. They both drowned in the river of passion. Passion covered with the head, dragged along the flow of inexorable force.

But this time something was different. Lying on her stomach, with her nose in a pillow with her eyes closed, pressed down by the weight of the male body (the pose of both is loved), she suddenly fell into the violent energy flow with her inner eye.

Energy flowed in waves. Orange, green, turning into a yellow, flashing dazzling red, twisted in a funnel in the blue-purple space and smoothly flowed from one vessel to another. Vessels were their bodies. They were one or two different poles. In a brief moment, they merged and again dispersed to the sides.Energy waves then mixed up into a fancy cocktail, then coiled up, then suddenly flew apart, incredibly similar to rainbow soap bubbles. Dominica physically felt the breath of energy.

The bodies made habitual movements, up and down, out-in, to the side, in depth. Squeeze, let go, rise, fall. The brain was swimming away. Reality did not exist. The universe stopped its rotation. But there was no discharge.

I wanted to start an endless race of pleasure again and again. They froze for a minute, clinging to each other, and again released the madness at will. Energy rivers curled in a spring. Tightened to the limit, the spring finally fired. Stormy fountain, fireworks splashed to the sides. The energy streams flared last for the last time and spread in space, leaving behind a warm protective cocoon.

In order not to crush her with his weight, Vlad swung close. Dominica inhaled deeply, driving the air all the way to the uterus, and, without haste, exhaled, leveling her breath. I did not want to move. Vlad's hand lay gently on her back, giving a feeling of peace and security. Both were silent for a long time.

She spoke first:

- And what was that?

- What did you feel?

- I not only felt, I saw energy whirlwinds, I bathed in them.

- Orange with red?

- Have you seen too? - Dominica tore her head from the pillow.

- No, I created.

“Well, excuse me, we both created it,” she pursed her lips capriciously.

“Your energy is mostly green and yellow,” Vlad said softly, holding her close to him.

- And your aggressive! - Dominika blurted out, snugly resting on his shoulder.

- Would you like peace of mind?

- Not. You know, I forgot to tell you.

- What?

- I love you.

- I know. Do you know that you are pregnant?

- What?! - Dominica got out of embraces and abruptly sat down, looking at Vlad with wide eyes. - How do you know?

- I smell it.

“Fool,” she snorted and flew off into the bathroom.

And after eight months, Vlad took his wife, Dominica, from the hospital, with wonderful girls in her arms.

  • 16 April 2017 15:50

    Very romantic and erotic stories! Read in one breath!


    • Rating: 1
  • 16 April 2017 17:22

    These are all three entries from the contest “About love” on the forum. I just log everything on the site to make it easier to find. Here is almost complete bibliography. I just trust this site))


    • Rating: 0
  • 16 April 2017 17:26

    Hello, my joy. Christ is Risen!
    Well, you issued three plans to the mountain ...
    In my opinion, in vain. One by one would be more logical, because as each thing is interesting and interesting in its own way.
    Each of the three things has its flaws and virtues, and in them is the whole of Diana.
    In general, it sounded worthy, just right for the holiday.
    But, you know, to a certain extent each subsequent story drowned out the previous one, dragged the impression over itself. The result was some kind of vinaigrette in my head.
    In short, well done, from me +9.


    • Rating: 1
  • 17 April 2017 6:28

    Thank you, gorgeous))
    Given that all three have already been read and re-read, it was somehow not logical to divide them. I actually threw them here, "Schaub was"))
    I now think "Valis" my throw here or, well, it in FIG?


    • Rating: 0

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