1. From personal diaries. Offense
  2. From personal diaries. Satisfaction
  3. From personal diaries. Memories

I am often called the queen of sex, the goddess in sex.

Why? It's all simple. A woman who loves and knows her body knows how to receive and give pleasure, which readily responds to affection, who knows how to respond to her lively, who hears and feels both herself and her partner. Such a woman is the queen of sex.

And if you add to this rich imagination and the almost complete absence of restrictions - here you have a portrait of an elite, dear whore in bed. Moreover, here the word "whore" is quite appropriate. This is the only way to call what I can offer a man sexually.

Just over time, I realized and accepted the magnet with which I was born, and learned to use it.

In BDSM, I started from the bottom. As my master says, in order to understand something, you need to feel it the hard way. In fact, I was somewhat comfortable downstairs, I just rested from those years of responsibility that I had lived raising one of two sons. I remembered what it was to be a little girl, to be protected, not to rush forward. I revel in the power of a man over myself, I accepted him as a father, as an educator.

But the character of a strong woman is not going anywhere. And over time, I realized that my place is on top.

At some moments I was inclined to see a girl at my feet. But given that I understand men better, it is easier for me to communicate with them, to talk, to share thoughts, the option with the girl has faded into the background. Only one remains, the one and only. We see each other every day, but we hide our emotions. And she and me.

I am never too cruel. This I do not like. I prefer gentle methods of persuasion and influence. And I myself love affection.

In the lower boy's appearance is important to me. I can not stand the frail freaks, who also bend the fingers. Intel is equally important to me. If there is nothing to talk about with a person, if he cannot connect two words, if the only book he has read is an instruction for an electric razor, I say right away - not my option.

Bottom is obliged to formulate his opinion on some issue, if he is asked about it, and be able to remain silent if he was not given words.

What concerns specific practices, everything is discussed. I have already said about my limitations - they are not there. Therefore, all this can eventually lead to a coherent system for mutual pleasure.

I do not think that the bottom should not have fun. This is an absolute fallacy. Let him catch his buzz!

But one day I stumbled.

He got me a month. Slave, tedious, uncontrollable. I flick people at times, even without seeing them. This exceeded all expectations.

From the correspondence:

Obedient, 04–03–2016 at 07:18

I want to go to the forest and run naked through the forest! but I'm afraid of insects.

Obedient, 04—03—2016 at 06: 56

I slept strangely - I tossed and turned for a long time, could not sleep and woke up a couple of times.

Obedient, 04—03—2016 at 06: 56

Good morning! Hope all is valid.

Obedient, 03—03—2016 at 19: 06

I will wait

Obedient, 03—03—2016 at 18: 38

Lara! If woke up, sorry. I bought a pink salmon. Salted!

Obedient, 03—03—2016 at 18: 38 Diane, 03—03—2016 at 18: 34

Excuse me please. Nerves, like a virgin before the first defloration.

Diana, 03—03–2016 at 18: 34

You whine too much, you suppose, you are afraid of everything, and it starts to strain me. One more word and I will change my mind completely! All, see you tomorrow.

The first condition that I put forward - brandy. I like to pour into a glass, hold it in my hands, feel the aroma, sip and put. “Any your desire, only not this. I do not drink ... You can, you will not be in the session either? ”

The second is photographing. Refused. "Any desire, but not this."

It was still the third - whip. “Oh, I'm so scared. What do you think, will the sound of the whip be heard by the neighbors? ”

But he got me during the day, throwing messages and phone calls in the middle of the night, when I roared at him to shut up. Did not let up."I want you, please fuck me, I will do everything for your pleasure."

At the same time, he continued to reject my conditions indefinitely.

I made a decision - I will make it. Yes, only his pleasure will be. But for starters, I will tell him everything I think about him. Sitting on the bus, I thought. “From now on, you will shut up and listen only to me. You are a nothing, full of complexes and inconsistencies. You are prone to samoedstvo and self-deprecation, you are surviving yourself from the inside. Your submission is just a fiction. You are a vile creature that is unworthy of respect. "

I prepared a role for him. Maid. Suit lay in my bag. If he met my expectations, he would have a pleasant surprise - I thought about letting him wash himself in the bathroom. For rabik is a very significant thing! But he did not justify.

First, I did not bother to meet the bus, but I was traveling from a neighboring town, I called on the way. The apartment where I brought it was a dustbin ... The feeling that we moved here five years ago, but did not bother to sort things out after the move. On the table in front of the laptop there was a bubble of 0, 25 cognac, and, of the cheapest, I understand this. Apparently for me.

But this is not the main thing. The main thing - his appearance. There are people so repulsive that it becomes scary! The same frail freak that I don't like. Growing up my shoulder, my face a little more beautiful than a monkey. I carried with me a suitcase of attributes for the game. I drove an hour from a nearby town to see a hike in front of me? Yes, I even strapon it will not rise.

Funny how he caught my disgust. "I thought you were different." - "And what?" - "Well, as in the photos." - “Well, I never saw your photo at all, if that!” Darting around the apartment, not knowing how to show me off. Or maybe it was necessary to fuck him? But I couldn’t overcome myself.

- Probably need to boil the potatoes? I still need my mom, but this is not for long.

- I am going to smoke.

She went out on the balcony, lit a cigarette. Cuddle with me. He asked for something, answered something. She held herself in her hands.

- Make coffee. Black, no sugar.

Gone. He returned, put a glass in front of me on a stool.

One call to Master and I'm leaving. Tried to see off, refused.

- You'll have to pay the road.

- Yes, I found out, it is 200 rubles.

Fur coat filed in his spirit - on the shoulders in front of me on an outstretched hand. Has removed, put on. I went beyond the threshold.

- Two hundred rubles.

- Oh, yes, of course.

From the correspondence:

Diana, 07–03–2016 at 07: 49

You are afraid of everything!

The tendency to self-sufficiency, self-doubt, constant doubts, exaggerations and helplessness - these are your human qualities, so to speak. You're not a human. An animal that does not quite understand why it was born.

You try to find in others that which is not in you. And in you there is no main thing - you are worthless! You are struggling to do something. Stop doing that! This is not given to you! Look at yourself in the mirror. You never do that either.

What a Girl? What children? You only castrate, so as not to multiply and not produce freaks!

Yes, I'm angry. You took out my brain for a month for me to come. And what did you do? Beautifully sent?

Any desire, but not this ... How many times have I heard it?

I repeat - vile insignificance.

Yes, I know, when you go down to insults - this is a sign of powerlessness. I am powerless with you. I admit.

But ... next time, not with me, of course, show yourself first, and then achieve something.

This is just good advice. Evil not hold. Is free!

Obedient, 07–03–2016 at 13:38

It seems to be an adult woman, but set off in explanations.
And could not keep silent? And I would have said nothing in your place.
You noticed that I did not even call you, did not ask how you got to the place?
Because it was NOT INTERESTING to me.
If you wrote to me, it means you are INTERESTING
I did not insult you. I have not written a single word. Sorry, the photo does not show what you are, but when you arrived, I saw the face of a lot of drinking women.
I could not overpower myself to be able to stay with you! I could not.
It is a pity that I didn’t think right away, when during conversations and talks you offered me a drink during the meeting.
It was necessary to understand that you can not without alcohol.
Think about it, is it pleasant for a man who does not drink, to see a drunken woman in front of him?
I do not need alcohol.
You can refer to the fact that you had circumstances in your life when you had to be forgotten in alcohol! ... Any circumstance is no reason to ruin yourself with wine and vodka. For more than a month I have still been under the impression of the death of a loved one, even though it is already passing, but I do not want to crush the experiences that sometimes roll on me with alcohol ...
Yes, there was no sleep, only now I try to get enough sleep, but I will not drink.

Sorry again. Yes, I lost time, but I got money for the fare.

(PS: the author’s spelling and punctuation is preserved, the extra spaces are corrected)

Diana, 07–03–2016 at 16: 35

You know, I like to spread rot to you. You yourself want it. Look ... I would be in your place ... And you are not in my place. I'm on my own. And you're somewhere in the garbage.

Your apartment is a cesspool. You yourself ... Difficult question. Not a person, exactly. You can only regret. You are not worthy of anything else. There is no desire to even fuck you. 40 years old, neither child nor kitten. And you take the liberty to judge others? Those who have made more of you in life?

Yes, I am interested! To ditch, to drive, to bite your elbows, to suffer, to sob at night.

Wicked, I know. Yes, I am. And you are an abomination that simply passes through life without a trace, without consequences.

You can answer! I allow!

Obedient, 07–03–2016 at 16:45

Stop drinking. My friendly advice ...

When I told this story to my girl, my familiar men, the reaction was unequivocal (I did the statistics) - is he a moron?

No, not a moron, we just all see the world with our own eyes. We catch self-loathing and we respond with the same loathing. Each of us lives his life, not someone else's, each of us makes his mistakes. Only geniuses learn from strangers. But geniuses are rare.

Diana Tim Taris

  • Rinat (a guest)
    April 9, 2016 10:49 PM

    Diana, you write awesome. But even I didn’t quite understand what it was ... From the series it boiled out, or the prelude to the conclusion about the difference in worldview? Not the coolest of yours. eight


    • Rating: 0
  • April 9, 2016 23:44

    The first part of the continuation!
    In fact, the story is not intended for this resource, it got here by mistake)) It happens.
    Do you want to throw me stones - throw, ready. Assumed!


    • Rating: 0
  • April 10, 2016 1:00

    The so-called "unformat". It is for the best. For if there are descriptions of typical sessions and delight, which both participants invariably receive, I could have written something out of politeness, but that is out of politeness.

    And not just "unformat", that is, the absence of sex. But bummer. Fiasco. Disappointment. Not to say that life is shocked right, but definitely an unpleasant situation. Moreover, this “Obedient” did not shut up, but began to make claims.

    You are too good, Diana! Your correspondence with him after his return gave him a chance to open his mouth. Much more effective would be complete silence, ignore, oblivion.

    I can not put 10, but 9 - for the cry of the soul, for the exposure of nerves, for the emotionality of the offended woman - no problem.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 10, 2016 4:32

    Thank you But it was my silence that he waited for. And I did not become silent. I threw all that boiling.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 10, 2016 4:39

    Funny You write in the format, you are scolded. You write in the NOT format, as DD said, they do not understand you. I do not care assessment as such. But here are the three treasured buttons. I always evaluate the result by them.
    Under this story, something very strange: hooked - three to one, originality - three to one, ease of reading - three to one! The latter has always strained me, I was told a hundred times that I read hard.
    So what happens?
    Scribble not format and you will appreciate?
    Well, the second part will be an abundance of sex, look at the reaction.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 10, 2016 17:33

    The fact is that the "hooked" originality and ease do not have a direct correlation with the presence / absence of sex on the plot.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 10, 2016 7:30 pm

    Do not tell ... on this site have!


    • Rating: 1
  • April 11, 2016 10:51

    Strange "story." It is even difficult to take him seriously. The author describes herself as a relatively experienced lady. I don’t put myself in the place of such a lady, but in a similar situation after the second “Any desire, only this is not so” I would have stopped communicating with such a wise ... m. And she writes something else to him, offers, explains, even goes to herself with an inventory suitcase (!!!). There is nothing surprising in the fact that the mud ... ak in the correspondence turned out to be mudh ... in life. Surprisingly, the behavior of a “woman with a strong character”, who was counting on something else to the last.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 11, 2016 13:46

    You know, sometimes such bores happen, which is easier for him to give than to refuse. By the way, among the potential and real “rabikov” such a dime! Wear out until they get their way!


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2016 7:54

    Strong women, Darius, always hope for something. Because first of all they are just women.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2016 7:52

    Diana, the story is excellent. Although not a format for ST. And I put +10 with three checkboxes.
    I was hooked and the situation, and heroes.
    About sex. In this part, it is not needed. If the heroine still yielded, I would not be able to respect her. She gave so much to him - her time, her nerves.
    I go read further.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2016 10:22

    Thank you, Neferty, you always understood me correctly!


    • Rating: 1
  • April 16, 2016 10:42

    As it turns out, I read this story, but why is my kament not here? I do not know. Maybe he was going to write later and forgot, or maybe he wrote and did not send. But I put a mark on him. The second time does not work)))

    But after reading the second time I will try to express my opinion again. At first I thought it was not a story, but an article, abstract or manual. As it turned out not - this is a preface about how Diana from the bottom rose to the top. It happens. It happens and vice versa.

    I overlooked the correspondence with the schizoid embolide diagonally, because it is not interesting how this woman with a man’s face aches.

    And then I was surprised, Diana still flooded far away ... no, not for the session, but in order to punish the brat, make the bastard a pale life, humiliate him, wipe his feet on him but ... it was in dreams)))

    In reality, everything turned out to be worse. Who does not smoke and does not drink, he will die with healthy imbecile with cretinic tendencies. When a person does not have a single bad habit, they usually have mental disorders. But this is my rule. And I'm not going to put it on everyone.

    And if I were Diana, I would unsubscribe him with a whip, make me undress to a goal and crawl along the floor. Then he would have arranged a golden rain for him and as a climax, dressed in a maid costume with great pleasure otstraponila in his ... ass. Periodically rewarding with a whip in different places and asking: “Well, what do you like, the creature? Drag, scum! That you wanted, deshovka !? To which he replied: “Yes, Madam! I drag. I am such a scum, such a dischofka, a floor cloth that deserves only this. ”

    But I am not Diana and therefore this alternative continuation has no right to exist)))

    The story is not bad and causes a lot of thoughts from readers. Format it or not format is not worth judging. After all, this is the first part. And maybe in her porn should not be. Since she is a prelude to sexual intercourse. The reader, like the woman, must first be warmed up, irritated, prepared, and only then fucked in the brain so that he gets a mental orgasm from reading.))))

    What rating did I give for the story? And I do not remember)))


    • Rating: 0
  • April 16, 2016 20:25

    And I did not get up on him)))) Neither otpendosit, nor spank, only one disgust, and therefore ran away!


    • Rating: 1
  • April 16, 2016 20:34

    Because shiz. and with shizoy better not to get involved. It is immoral with the wretched)))


    • Rating: 1
  • Biene (a guest)
    July 10, 2016 13:36

    First thought: this is in the spirit of Yu. Shilova) (Sorry for such a comparison!) It's funny, but read on. And then ... interesting, damn it. Has not experienced disgust, the subject has not caused anything but mild irritation. Sorry for the time spent on seeing it ... But it’s not a pity to have spent reading this story! Thank.


    • Rating: 0

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