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down, and began to pull the clitoris. She was breathing heavily and rewound the video for the moment where Regina squirms in sweet anal pain. Thoughts began to get confused, and wild excitement took control of the body. Oh, how good it is that I don’t have underwear. A single strip of fabric could prevent her depraved thoughts, return it to the ground. But she was not there, and she caressed herself, watching over and over again as a thick, pulsating member penetrates deep into a narrow hole. Tension inside everything was growing, and Larisa finished with a loud moan. Her body shook a powerful orgasm, and the girl leaned back in her chair, trying to catch her breath.

A little later, when her thoughts returned to normal, she thought. This place has some special magic. If yesterday, she, a writer of erotic stories, was ashamed to masturbate while watching the clinic staff, then today a wall inside her collapsed, releasing new desires and emotions. Perhaps, I will not rush, and I will study everything thoroughly here. Maybe a week, maybe longer. I still have nowhere to go back - the girl thought, walking along the corridor. The robe remained wide open, and it did not even occur to her to fasten it.

Chapter 3. Receiving and stilolitelnoy.

New Year inexorably approaching. It looks like he really will be new, Larisa thought, sipping hot coffee from a mug. Every day she felt stronger that her life just made another turn, and that she was here is just a new stage in her life. She has already managed to make friends with all the inhabitants of the hospital. Sonechka was a cheerful, resilient girl, with whom Larisa could spend hours discussing television series, women's novels and men. Sex also took not the last place in their conversations, as well as, in conversations with the others. Margarita Pavlovna, despite her strict appearance, turned out to be quite a good aunt. She gave Larissa many useful tips on caring for her students, and loved to tell stories about her sexual adventures outside the hospital. Unlike other women, she could leave these walls when she pleased. Nobody crossed out of her life - she was just doing what she loved. Mark Savelyevich was a wise and kind boss, and although he was completely tastelessly dressed, he still understood many things, and willingly shared his experience with everyone. Solomon was like a younger brother to everyone. He loved sweets, watching TV, and helping everyone to the best of his ability. Sonechka often retired with him at the post, and a couple of times Larissa had a chance to appreciate the size of his dignity, which her friend so admired. And there was something to brag about. Larisa herself, despite the fact that she masturbated every day on the training records, did not let anyone in to herself. The last wall was still in her mind, although it was mostly cut by deep cracks. She didn’t manage to get close with Kesh. Tolmatsky was experiencing isolation worse than everyone else, muttering all the time and was evil as hell. His dearest Marinochka did not answer calls, and Kesha lost patience. He could at least be understood, but Vano, the head sex coach of girls, remained a real mystery. He has not uttered a word since Larisa was here, although Sonya claimed that he could talk, but he did not like it. Vano did not argue, did not yulil and did not shirk from work. He did everything that was asked of him, and after that he stomped into his corner of a man’s lair and read Rex Stout.

Preparation for the party was already in the final phase. Both girls during their stay in Kladovka radically changed. Regina, once proud and closed, has become a real libertine. In addition, all these innovations in her sex life revealed her and as a person.She opened more and more to Sonya and Larisa, telling all the new details of her life, thoughts and desires. She admitted that she always felt moral pressure on herself, then from the family, then from her husband. Some standards of behavior were imposed on her, in effect depriving her of free will. And now, having got here, she finally felt free. Regina was looking forward to the New Year Party to get an opportunity to prove herself, and how to relax.

With Marina, student number two, it was ridiculously easy. This slightly overweight lady was called to appear in a medium-sized film. The picture did not become a hit, but the money completely discarded, received good reviews, and Marinochka became proud. Zadrala nose, and began to wait for proposals from famous directors. And did not wait, of course. Grumbling and bickering, she went to act in another solid middling, where her heroine had an erotic scene. This is where the conflict happened. She categorically refused to undress, threw herself into the operator and the actors with everything she came across, managed to quarrel even with a cleaner. The director suffered all this for two weeks. The scene hung, the process stood still. And so, one evening, having gotten drunk in a bar, he came across Kesha, who also filled in sorrow there after the next scandal of his sweet eye. The director came out of the bar quite happy, albeit with a better wallet. Slightly podkaty Kesha was surprised to see in the contract section of the proposal and wishes, where there were large letters "Let this fucking there fuck out, zadolbala!" Cry of the soul, can not be said.

Once in the Kladovka, Marinochka also tried to pretend to be a diva. But when curious Solomon looked in on her, to get acquainted with the new inhabitant of the hospital, the girl pretended to be small. Mark Savelyevich arrived in time calmed the girl down and clarified the situation. The failed actress didn’t argue, but she wasn’t in a hurry to take it as it was. Here, as always, Sonechka climbed in, and the situation went uphill. The red-headed slybuga painted all the charms of this life to Marinochka, hinted at various influential people whom she could meet thanks to the new work. And yet, as if by chance poked into the cameras installed in the ward, blurted out that Marinochka could become a real star of films for adults. She listened to her, opening her mouth. When Soncheka finished broadcasting about all kinds of sexual pleasure that you can get here, Marinochka was not only drooling. From the very first day she willingly studied everything new, especially rejoicing when Sonechka brought her to Vano's room.

One day, when the coveted 31st had a little more than a day, Larisa was already doing her usual business - sorting out documents, looking through camera recordings, and taking notes in a notebook for her future novel. She no longer tried to find out something incriminating this organization, rather the opposite. She was inspired by everything happening in these walls, and was quite pleased with the current state of affairs. She showed her notes to Mark Savelyevich, and received a full carte blanche, provided that all names are changed. He even promised to give her manuscript to where it should be, so that she could see the light. We will have to come up with a new pseudonym, Larisa thought, biting the tip of the pen. Mary Allen is no more. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the monitor. Regina had already received her dose of evening sex, and lounged on the bed with a contented smirk. So, Marinochka was in the queue. This time, Sonya promised something special, real fun, and the writer awaited it in anticipation. But reading the documents and the monotonous buzzing of the computer did its job, and the girl fell into a dream.

When Larissa opened her eyes, everything was in full swing on the screen. Vano got comfortable on the couch. Marina moaned with pleasure, steadily rising and falling again on his penis. She arched her back, sneaking glances at the camera in the corner. Sonechka threw off her robe, and climbed onto the sofa with her legs.She began to stroke Marina, to run her hand through her hair. Moving closer, she kissed the girl on the lips, and she, a little hesitant, answered the kiss, moving her right hand from Vano's shoulder to Sonya's buttocks. That really enjoyed it. Vano, too, did not lose time, and began to pull at the nurse's clit with her hand, which made her indescribable delight. His dick moved into the vagina ... Read more →

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