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the table. In her computer, to her regret, there was little useful. Most of the information was immediately sent to a secure server, but something that remained was encrypted. Larisa knew little about technology, so the computer search had to be stopped. Finds in the table did not carry much importance, but were entertaining. The top two boxes were packed with various sex toys and grease bottles. Probably her colleague Sonechka spends a lot of time here, watching the patients and pleasing herself.

The girl grinned and returned to Regina's observation. A couple of minutes later Sonya and one of the orderlies, Vano, entered the room to see the wife of the general. The nurse was holding a small suitcase. Her robe was shamelessly flung open, exposing her young body for all to see. She looked into the lens of one of the cameras and winked at Larisa. The writer smiled: it seems that now they will arrange a small show for her.

Vano closed the door, and leaned against it, demonstrating boredom and indifference with his whole appearance.

Sonya slowly approached the sleeping woman and put her hand on her buttock. Regina mumbled something in her sleep. Then Sonya chuckled and slapped her on the bottom with her palm. The woman shuddered and woke up. She sat on the bed and grimaced, whether from discontent, that she was awakened, or from the traffic jam that occupied her anus.

- Good morning, Regina, how are you feeling today? - Sonya asked her, taking out a notebook from her small suitcase and taking some notes.

“Fine,” the woman replied in a deep, deep voice.

- No health complaints?

“There is discomfort ... in the pope,” Regina blushed slightly when she said this.

- This is normal! - the nurse shook her hand and smiled broadly, - your butt is still studying, and today she will have a small exam. Get on your knees, right here, - she patted the center of the bed.

The student hesitated for a couple of seconds, but then she obeyed. Sonia climbed up on the bed, and sat down at her student's buttocks, trembling with excitement.

- Feet wider ... clever. Now relax your ass and get a little bit worse.

Sonechka's fingers are on top of the cork, and she gently pulls her over. The woman on the bed groans, and finely trembles. The cork leaves her butt with a soft, squishy sound. Larisa was surprised to find that all of this turns her on. Good image quality, and powerful sound equipment allows you to enjoy the spectacle from several angles, and creates the effect that the writer is really there in this room. The nurse chuckled contentedly and put the cork on the table next to the bed. She sat for a few seconds, and admired the sight before her. Regina's ass resembled an open flower. She blushed a little, and the hole did not close, after a long acquaintance with the cork.

The former wife of the general now experienced a whole storm of emotions. Her calm and measured life ended a week ago, like a wave of a magic wand. She was kidnapped, brought here, and held as if in captivity. Worst of all, her husband allowed it. Sex Regina Karlovna loved, and very much so. But from her own fantasies, about anal sex, she was instantly covered with a blush. The desire was, and what else, but she grew up in a very conservative society, where even the thought of such was considered unacceptable. So her ass remained virgin, although the soldiers asked her, and persuaded. And now, everything around reminds her of anal sex, porn films all day, various conversations of staff. And the voice from the speakers all the time repeats - you are a depraved whore, you crave for a fat cock to enter your ass. You want to fuck in the ass, every day, every hour, every minute. Your ass is just made for sex.

At first she resisted, chased away all these thoughts.She was hurt and very unpleasant when she began to insert a cork. But soon, she liked the feeling of fullness, when in response to every movement her ass pleasantly itched from an elongated object inside. And now, when the sleeve finally came out of it, the itch was replaced by cold and emptiness. And the rest of the body just burned with excitement. This mixture of shame and pleasure just drove her crazy.

From the thoughts of her distracted steps. The man approached, and Sonya told him something in his ear, and then climbed out of bed. The orderly acted quickly and clearly, as if on a machine. He took off his robe, let down his pants and climbed onto the bed behind Regina. At the touch of his masculine, strong hands, she shuddered, and her body was covered with goosebumps. Not a single man has ever seen her in such a position, with her ass open, waiting for something incomprehensible. Although everything is obvious. Vano did not stand on ceremony. Lavishly dripped grease directly into the open hole, and the feeling of cold again overwhelmed the woman. After a second, the feeling of emptiness disappeared, and a hot dick burst into her ass. Enters immediately, at full length, not allowing her to come to his senses. In surprise, she screams, and her scream turns into a moan. It hurts her, and this dull pain sweeps across the body and lingers in the vagina, which is already languishing from lust and desire. Where inside, behind this pain, another, more powerful wave rolls in.

Fuck me ... a hefty, hairy man ... planting his dick in my ass, - a fragmentary thought flashes through her head. And it seems that this is what she lacked. Awareness of this fact. She shudders all over. The wave covers her, the anus ring pulses and squeezes the male member. Regina moans loudly and ends, forgetting about the whole world around. Her legs cease to obey, and she falls on her stomach, dragging Vano with her. A member of her ass stops, and the wave slowly begins to recede.

The excitement ebbed away and the feeling of shame returned. She is breathing heavily. Unexpectedly for her, the orderly does not stop his occupation. Now, he leaned on her, squeezing her body in his hands, and began to practically hammer his penis into her ravaged hole. Regina starts screaming and tries to escape. But he is stronger, he is like a dog, taking his bitch from behind, he just follows instincts. Not caring about her feelings and pleasure. In this position, her ass shrinks even more, causing the pain to become stronger. A man only increases the pace, with a hoarse and hoot doing his work.

- Well, bitch, do you like it when your supple ass fucks a real member? Asked Sonya, bending over the woman.

These words rekindled the vicious fire inside the woman, and the spark, the pleasure and arousal that she felt a few minutes ago, was added to the pain again. The wave again originates somewhere in the depths of her body, and captures more and more quickly. Regina groans again. And more, and more. Time after time she ends, and a tireless orderly mercilessly tortures her ass. And again a dull pain, and then a surge of pleasure. And now, when she is no longer able to moan, the tension in her anus increases, and she feels a small volcano exploding inside, which fills her ass with hot liquid.

Ending Vano long, very long, for a long time he was no longer allowed to fuck such a sweet, narrow, mature virgin ass. Sperm splashes out of a narrow hole, filling the elastic buttocks of the newly made whore and draining her legs ...

The man with a quick movement takes the dick out of her ass, gets dressed and goes to the door. Sonya takes it by the sleeve and speaks loudly so that Regina can hear.

- Starting tomorrow, come to her three times a day, for anal procedures. We have to fuck her in the ass every day so that she is ready for the New Year Party. There will be a lot of customers, and everyone will want to try out her juicy ass.

Regina is teetering on the edge of sleep, from fatigue and the stress of the last days. Her ass is not closed, and still throws out a thin trickle of sperm. Eyelids become heavy, and a contented smile wanders on your face ...The last thought flashed through her head, repeating the words of the nurse - in the ass, every day.

Larisa herself did not know what came over her. With trembling fingers, she unzipped her robe and spread her legs. Her hand stretched itself ... Read more →

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