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in a couple of Sonya, since I had such a rare chance to fill up the staff. Do you have any thoughts on this?

- What does the bosses say? - Margarita Pavlovna asked, rubbing her glasses.

- The authorities are silent, or rather not contact anyone. It looks like a technical problem.

“Oh, then we are on our own ...” Sonia sighed.

- Well, since there are no instructions, then just wait, - Margarita shrugged.

- And the order? - Larisa cast a voice.

- And what about the order? We are the last in the chain, we do not charge anything like that. This is a job for specialists from the capital, ”the brunette snorted.

- Well, they will not charge you, with this attitude, - Kesh grunted from the chair.

- And really! - exclaimed Sonia, - let's train them ourselves! Then we will be praised! Maybe even give a premium!

“The prize is good,” Solomon smiled.

“You'll give her all the sweets,” replied Margarita.

- Yeah! - happy nod in response.

- So what are we going to do? - asked the writer. Her curiosity was overwhelming. She no longer collected material for the book herself, and realized that she had come across a unique opportunity. But in any case, it will not be possible to escape, so all that remains is to squeeze the maximum of useful information out of the situation.

- You do not have enough sensitive leadership, argue, but doubt, - Kesha rose from his chair, and stretched, - where can you take a nap? I was exhausted today. And the outlet is needed, charge the phone. Suddenly Marina will call.

- House 12 is free, there is clean linen. The socket next to the bed, the coffee machine next to it, in the hall, Sonechka chirped, arching in a chair, showing off her almost uncovered body.

Kesha blushed, squeezed a choked "thank you" and jumped out of the dining room.

“Why are you seducing a boy?” - Margarita scolded her, - he has a girlfriend!

- The girl is there, and we are here. You might think you do not want to overwhelm him, Margarita Pavlovna!

“Mmm, I do not rule out such a development of events,” the woman replied thoughtfully.

- So, well, how quiet! - Mark Savelyevich raised his voice, - I'm still the chief doctor! And I decided - we ourselves will study! This is our chance to prove that our department is no worse than the capital.

- Risky, Mark Savelyevich, - Margarita shook her head.

Vano, who had shown no interest in what was happening before, agreed nod.

- Of course, risky! But this is a chance that can, falls once in a lifetime! A chance to prove that we are able to work on a par with the rest! And we will not miss it! - enthusiastically gesticulating with his hands, said Mark Savelyevich.

- Hooray! - Sonya exclaimed, and jumped up from her seat, once again, demonstrating to all her charms. Men, as before, did not even lift an eyebrow. It seems that this is a familiar thing for them, ”Larisa decided.

Mark Savelich also rose from his seat.

- Well, it means decided! Ritochka, in this case, you will draw up a program and schedule of training for our students. Sonya - you will check their condition, and conduct sessions of suggestion. Vano, Solomon, you are passing into the submission of Margarita Pavlovna and Sonechka. Will help them with workouts.

- And I? - the writer asked

- You, Larisochka, tomorrow you will start with the study of the cards of our students, and you will conduct observations on them from the nursing post. Of course, you can help others as much as you can. Everybody work! We have a lot to do.

Mark Savelyevich headed for the door, and turned around on the threshold.

- Sonia, come to my office, help me with one report.

The girl giggled in response, and also slowly moved to the exit, winked at Larisa. When she a few minutes passed by the office of the head physician, the report was in full swing, and the cries of the satisfied Sonya were heard throughout the corridor.

Chapter Two Observantly excitable.

When Larisa woke up, it was dark outside the window.It was impossible to understand, day or night. All inhabitants of the Kladovka lived for some of their own, internal clock. Larisa got out of bed, put on her robe, pulled on her stockings, and went to fulfill her new duties. Today, her task was to study the private affairs of one of the wards of the hospital, and to monitor her from a nurse's post. An ideal reason to learn more about what is happening here. No one was on duty. The girl flopped onto an empty chair, clicking a finger on the keyboard. The monitor came to life, and several images of the same room appeared on the screen. It was small, approximately the same size as Larissa’s own room. Bed, table, chair, wash basin, and toilet corner, closed from the chambers with several partitions. In addition to cameras, there were also small loudspeakers, and several large, flat screens on the walls. On the bed lay a naked woman. She lay on her stomach, arms outstretched, and buried her nose in the pillow. In appearance she was about forty, slim, toned body, short black hair. And she takes good care of herself, - Larissa sighed with a hint of envy. The girl herself three days a week, ran to the gym, and still did not achieve such results.

The cameras had a zoom function, and Larisa was able to take a closer look at her ward. Two things caught her attention. The first is a small tattoo in the form of a green tank on the right shoulder blade. A strange choice of drawing for a woman. Maybe she is military? The second curious detail was the butt plug, which was visible in the anus of a sleeping woman. Oh, and this is interesting! Larisa took a folder from the table, and with interest went deep into reading.

Regina Karlovna Makarova, 42, married to General Makarov G. V. Place of work - military unit no. 44. Analyst. Legend for work - transfer to another place. It is classified. Date of entry into the Kladovka - 11.12.2015.

The customer is Makarov G.V. My husband is cold in bed, he allows only classics in several poses once a week. Wishes - sex services, maximum mode.

Physical condition is excellent, completely healthy. Oral sex - yes, the experience is average. Vaginal - yes, a great experience, you only need to improve and a variety of techniques. Anal sex is not. A PRIORITY. Excited by thought, but no trace of contact was found.

Purpose - escort services in the specialty - anal sex, group sex, orgies. Graduation not later than 30. 12. 2015.

Wow, what an interesting lady! - thought the writer, looking again at the sleeping woman. What else is in the documents? Yeah, a list of procedures and a plan for today.

Conducted procedures and teaching methods. The first day - explanatory conversation, meeting with the staff of the pantry. It is forbidden to wear clothes. Contact with the male part of the staff is limited to the desired effect. Every day with Regina Karlovna there are conversations on sexual topics by employees: Sonya (the name is not in the file), Margarita Viktorovna (the name is not available). Reproduction of porn on the subject of anal sex, 2-7 hours a day, in increasing order. Sessions of voice hypnosis on the topic of anal sex are performed every day by the employees listed above. Regina Karlovna is trying to resist, but every day, everything is responding better to the learning process. Repeated cases of strong excitement from films and sound hypnosis are noticed. Frequent swings in the anus with fingers. After passing through the first stage, the female students begin to introduce the anal plug into the anal passage, on an ongoing basis, which can only be extracted for hygienic procedures. Cork sizes increase every two days. The student experiences a mixture of excitement and shame. The first anal sex is scheduled for 24. 12. 2015. Responsible staff: Sonya, Vano.

The girl turned the image from the camera, and looked at the desktop. It is today! It becomes more interesting!

Until the appointed time, the girl was engaged in the study of the bowels of the computer and ... Read more →

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