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later, I'll start with the main thing. No, you're not physically dead. You as if erased from life. Someone just paid to not have you. He could have paid the killer, but he chose us. We do not tell customers what happens to those who disappear. We simply find other methods of using the so-called dead souls. Some are smart enough to understand their position. Such people we take to work. Those who resist, or is of particular interest to the organization - become a resource. We adjust their world views a little so that they can bring us benefits and profits. Customers are satisfied - the person does not interfere with them anymore, and we are satisfied - have acquired a valuable frame, or a conscientious worker.

Larisa has already managed to pull off her outerwear, and began to take on underwear. Mars Savelievich looked at her without any embarrassment, but somehow differently than other men usually looked at her. She hesitated just a couple of seconds, and took off her panties.

“Nice tattoo,” the man nodded at the purple heart located on the girl’s left buttock.

- At the dispute did, still in school.

From the clothes, only a short medical gown, barely covering the ass, and a pull-down look, was revealed. The girl’s chest was small, but in such a uniform it attracted the eye. There was no hint of underwear, only white stockings, which Larissa slowly pulled on her legs.

Finally she put on her shoes and straightened.

- Well, how?

- Turn around.

The girl spun on the spot, and her robe slightly bulged, exposing her buttocks, but she was in no hurry to hide behind.

“Great,” the doctor nodded. “Come on, I will bring you up to date.”

He left the room in a dimly lit corridor, and Larisa followed him.

- Our company is engaged in almost everything - construction, restaurant business, industry ... There is no such area where our people did not shine. But this is only the surface of the lake. The most interesting, occurs under water. All you do not need to know, I will explain only the main thing. If we are ordered to remove the girl, we take her to a special clinic where she is taught a new craft. Although for some it is not new at all, Mark Savelyevich continued to broadcast.

- Prostitutes do? - Trying not to betray her curiosity, the girl asked

- Roughly speaking - yes, - the man nodded, - but this is a very delicate process, and many-sided. We do not just prostitutes. We create ideal women who can satisfy any sexual needs of men. We are engaged in their training and re-education.

Interesting, the writer thought to herself. That is, they are ordered to remove the girl, and they, instead of killing, kidnap her and make her a prostitute? It cannot be that nothing is known about it. Some information should have leaked.

They walked past the imposing door, near which two men were arguing. One looked quite intelligent, in a strict suit, and red hair. He waved his arms, trying to bring something to his companion. The second one was simply huge, not less than two meters in height, with broad shoulders, huge arms, and short hair. He also wore a classic suit, clearly tailored to order. The man was calm, and answered all the cries of the redhead with monosyllabic phrases.

Noticing the interested look of Larisa, Mark Savelyevich stopped and nodded at the debaters.

- This is Kesha and Solomon. Kesha we have a specialist in working with clients. He helped the guys bring you here. And the bully next to him is Solomon, our guard, our orderly, and our chief assistant. He's a little tight on his head, but he understands simple commands. Boys - this is Larissa, our new assistant.

- Very nice! - smiled girl.I wonder who hid me here? Any envious? Or someone's wife? Larisa had no husband, and no children either. She led a fairly free lifestyle, and she often had to meet married men, whose wives then pestered her with calls and threats. It will be necessary to reflect on this at your leisure.

Solomon at the sight of Larisa in a very frank outfit spread out in a broad smile.

- Hello! - he stretched

The girl waved his hand to him, from which the scarecrow came in complete delight.

Kesh on the contrary, did not pay much attention to her. He nodded in her direction, and again switched to Solomon, trying to achieve something from him.

- What is he? - whisper girl asked

- The guy was upset, on the nerves. On the street such a snowfall, just awful. Nothing flies, and does not go. And the girl is waiting for him at home. So he freaks out - asks Solomon to dig out the garage. Only it is all useless, there everything in a few seconds sweeps!

- Not allowed! - boomed a huge orderly.

Kesh only waved his hand. Leaning against the door jamb, he took out a pack of Winston and lit it.

- This is a hospital, we do not smoke, - as if casually said Mark Savelich.

“Well, yes, hospital,” Tolmatsky grinned sourly. “You have a madhouse here.”

- Welcome! - grunted head doctor, and dragged Larissa down the hall

“Margarita Pavlovna lives here,” Mark Savelyevich nodded at the office door, where there was a sign “The head of the educational process department. Margarita Pavlovna »

- Why not a last name? The girl asked.

- Do not forget, we still have not well-known organization. Here, among ourselves, we can calmly call each other by real names. But the names do not need to know. Superfluous information, and nothing more. And so - is there such a little Margarita. Name as a name.

Reaching out to the door, he suddenly froze and listened. Larisa also heard heavy breathing and monotonous slaps coming from the office.

- Maybe we will come later? She asked

“Well, why,” Mark Savelyevich grinned, opening the door, “everything is his, why be ashamed.” The girl followed him and entered the office. There she saw a very interesting picture. In the center of the room, leaning on a desk, stood a serious-looking woman with glasses, with long black hair tied in a ponytail. Her white robe lay on the floor, her panties lowered just below her knees, her whole body shook with jolts, and a satisfied smile played on her face. A strong man with a thick black beard fell in behind. He also wore a medical uniform, and now with amazing calmness he fucked Margarita Pavlovna in the ass, clutching her buttocks in her hands.

The couple did not react to the appearance of the head physician. Larisa looked at them, realizing that it excites her. I will definitely write something similar about the sex life of the inhabitants of any hospital. This is so turns on - flashed through the head writer.

- This is our Margarita Pavlovna, she directs the training of students. Of course, when we have them, and rarely. Your direct boss, ”said Mark Savelyich cheerfully, and then continued,“ and Vano, our second orderly, is working from behind. He is laconic, but he knows his business. It helps in training and delivery. And female staff helps relieve stress.

- Wow ... wow ... wow. aah ... - Margaret gasped, tightly clutching the edge of the table

Vano has visibly accelerated, and now he has confronted the doctor with some bestial obsession.

- Next to me, Larissa, our new nurse

“It's a pleasure to meet you,” the girl said, licking her lips.

- Oooh ... yes, damn it! Yeah! - Margarita answered her, crying. She began to pound the table with her palm, startle more and more. Vano's face twisted into a grimace, and he squeezed Margarita so that she screamed. After that, they froze and stood for a few seconds, like a sculpture in an erotic museum. Finally, Vano removed his cock from the brunette and silently pulled on his pants. He looked at Larisa from head to toe, and seemed to be pleased with the result.He nodded, making it clear that the acquaintance took place, shook hands with Mark Savelich and left the office. Margarita was still standing in the same pose, trying to come ... Read more →

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