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Greetings to you, dear readers. This story was written by me to the competition for the New Year, passing on our forum. By that time, many stories had gone a little bit from porn roots, and I decided to conduct an experiment, giving people pure porn. Now my little experiment got to the site. Enjoy your reading!

This is the most probable incredible story, of all the incredible probable stories that have occurred, are occurring, or may occur in the foreseeable future. Whether it was or not, no one will confirm or verify, because, as if it was not, then there is nothing to talk about, and if it was, then no trace was left.

So they work. Who are they? This is a very good question. Nobody knows. In order to at least a little understand what is happening, I will tell you a story in which a variety of people found themselves in this very unusual situation on the eve of the New Year. Is it true or not? Who knows? You decide.


Larisa Udelova - a young writer of erotic novels

Regina Karlovna Makarova - the wife of the general, a strong woman of strict views and conservative education.

Marina Shuvalova is an aspiring actress whose first little success turned her head.

Sonechka - red nurse - nympho.

Mark Savelyevich - chief doctor of the department Kladovka.

Solomon is a guard and orderly. Huge man, tight on his head, but very kind.

Vano - orderly. He is silent all the time, but he knows his business. Georgian or Armenian. Or even Russian. Wears a thick beard.

Margarita Vasilievna - Responsible for sex education. Bisexual

Kesha Tolmatsky - agent of the organization engaged in working with clients.


Snow again, that damned snow! Kesha shivered and straightened the collar of his coat. The month of December, it would seem, is nothing surprising, but Tolmatsky still muttered to himself. He hated the cold, and only the possibility of a big deal, could force him to leave his warm bed and beautiful wife.

- It's time to hire an assistant, - he thought, - let him rush, freeze, and I will spend more time with Nastya.

But it's time to get down to business. When he crossed the threshold of the cafe, he immediately noticed three men at a table in the corner. Although they shared one table, everyone kept apart, trying to show that their meeting was no more than an accident. Kesha immediately went to them and sat on an empty chair.

- Finally, Innocent! I'm tired of waiting for you! - nervously twitched a man in a gray suit, sitting on the left.

“No names,” Tolmatsky said quietly and continued: “So, gentlemen, you probably know each other, and you understand that you have the same problems.” Our company is now engaged in a variety of projects, and I don’t have time to meet with each of you individually. So, let's get straight to the point. You did not change your mind?

“Of course not,” a man with a black mustache, sitting in the middle, said firmly. It felt the real power, he looked like a strong-willed military. The other two nodded, confirming the position of the mustache.

- Wonderful! - Kesha put in front of them three identical contracts, - Everything is clear, concise, and no accurate information. The object is transferred, the object is paid for, and other vague items.

The third man rubbed his glasses. Of all three, he looked the most serious.

- Will the object be eliminated?

- The object will be evaluated, what will happen next with it - our people will decide. But I can assure you, the object will disappear from your life forever.

- It suits me, - the man nodded, putting the signature at the bottom of the contract.

Two others followed suit.

Chapter One, cognitive and informational.

- Oh, why is it so bad for me? - muttered Larissa, clutching at her head. The booze was a success yesterday, they were washing a new erotic novel that she released under her pseudonym Mara Allen. The fourth book.The first three are still very popular with readers, so no one doubted Larisa’s talent. Only a lover has been a wolf for several months. And to hell with him. She already knows about his two "ladies of the heart", so she went headlong into work, she earned twice as much as him. It remains only to change the testament, and then it will start to arrange some muck.

The head just cracked, circles of all colors of the rainbow floated before my eyes. The girl sat on the bed, trying to focus on at least something specific in the room. Only here the room was not at all familiar to her. Bare walls, plaster in some places. From furniture only a washbasin, a mirror, and a bed with a bedside table.

“Soooo ... lousy ... But never mind, we will solve problems as they appear,” Larisa somehow got to the sink, and splashed cold water on her face.

The face is tired, but everything is in place, even a mole above the upper lip. In the eyes of the same sparkle. Clothes are in place, but the handbag, phone, car keys are gone. There were no scars on the body, which means that if any maniac kidnapped her, he didn’t manage to do his dirty deed. Until. Blond hair disheveled, lipstick smeared, everything, as it should be after a stormy party. In addition to the surrounding "landscape".

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an opening door. A man of thirty-five, with a beard, which was already slightly touched by gray, entered the room. He was dressed in classic pants and a long doctor's robe. He looked at Larisa from head to toe, and seemed to be pleased.

Larisa also looked at the man with a calm look, although the cats inside were scratching and it was scary.

- Got there? Excuse me, Solomon pereklinilo, and he slightly went too far with the dosage. In addition, you then mixed so much at the club ... That was such a misfire, ”he said. His voice was cheerful and kind enough. Perhaps it was thanks to his voice that Larissa decided not to panic yet. Although his calm and friendliness were confusing.

- Solomon? - she asked, - What happened yesterday? Who you are? And where am I?

- Oh, I apologize for my manners. My name is Mark Savelich, I am the head of this department. He has some kind of long name, with a bunch of numbers, but we call it the Pantry. As for you, Larochka, then you've been here for a week. And I can congratulate you - you're dead.

Udelova blinked, looked attentively at Mark Savelich, and slightly bowed her head to the right, as if to say - Oh, well ?!

The man laughed.

- I love to watch the first reaction, it's so funny. Marinochka began to squeal, Inga Karlovna fainted, and Solomon, in due time, tried to strangle me. I admit honestly, for the first time I see such a reaction like this.

- I am a writer, - Larissa shrugged her shoulders, - I can imagine a lot and believe a lot. You could just as well say that we were on a spaceship.

- And would you believe me?

- I would take it as an interesting theory. And would require evidence.

- Well, Larisochka, I am glad that I was not mistaken in you. Or do you prefer mara?

- Larissa will do. You tell me what happened?

- And I will tell and show. In the meantime, change clothes. The man handed Larissa a bundle of clothes, and put a pair of white shoes on a small heel next to her.

- You will not turn away? - asked the girl, starting to unfasten the buttons on her blouse.

Mark Savelyevich shook his head and smiled again.

- There is no place for shame. You can be generally naked, I will be pleased. But I decided to give you at least something resembling a uniform. Sonia hates her, but I don’t allow her to undress at all.

- Why? - Larissa asked, turning away to the wall and tightening her blouse. We need to find out what is happening here and how to get out of here. She, of course, was scary, but the work of the writer threw her and not in such situations. This is akin to the work of a journalist - you need to experience a lot for yourself, then to express your feelings and emotions on paper. We will play by the rules - decided Larisa.

“Nymphomaniac,” Mark Savelyevich waved his hand, “but a little more about that ...”

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