1. Adventure coach. Part 1
  2. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 1
  3. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 2

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full length, and the eggs gently clapped her ass. Her hands forced her to pick up a crazy speed and soon began to cum violently. Suddenly she went limp and frozen motionless. By inertia, I made a few more shocks and stopped. Realizing that she was unconscious, he jumped up and began to bother her.

- Marinka, what's wrong with you? Pretty, wake up.
To bring her to consciousness, hit on the cheek. She opened her eyes with difficulty.
- It's ok. I even turned off from such a high. Grisha, what are you on the floor?
- For you scared! Tried to bring you in consciousness!
- silly. Should not have. And so you interrupted such a buzz.
- Oh well. Next time I will not.
- Right! And do not take out, and do not get rid of me.
I climbed onto the bed, leaned against Marina, hugged her, putting my hand on the tits, and we fell into a deep sleep.

The next two days we climbed out of bed only to go to the dining room. On Sunday evening, the guys came and Sveta. I had only to hint that Sveta would not mind having sex, as his eyes immediately lit up in the guys. I suggested that after the festive dinner I can leave Sveta with them, and I will remove myself (if they want, I can for the whole night). This offer was met with a bang. During dinner, they only exchanged glances with Marina, and she nodded imperceptibly. It was clear that our plan was 100% successful.
The first is Marina. Soon after, I faded. Just went into the room to the girls, as Marina immediately blocked the door with a chair (put the leg of the chair into the door handle) so that no one would go.
“Now Svetka will not bother me,” said Marina happily, and began to undress.
Then we put a mattress on the floor so that the squeak of the bed could not be heard. And the sex marathon began. Soon behind the wall I heard the characteristic creak of a bed.
- Grishunya, do you hear how Sveta is fucked? Well, we are great! Now you will only fuck me. Ebi, ebi as you want.
- Marish, and if you want more than I can? Then will you go beat some of the guys off Sveta?
She started banging me with her fists.
- Never! I will never give to another!
- Nevermind.
But Marina was indignant for a long time, while both fell asleep.

After that, Sveta moved completely to the room with the children. My whereabouts were quickly discovered (it is possible that Sveta sold). And Marina and I stopped hiding or locking the door. Now, at any time, someone either naked to jump into the bathroom. Only Marina always dressed when she left the room. Nobody went home the next weekend. Judging by the sounds that came from the next room, Sveta was fucked all day (on weekends) and in the evenings. And probably not only in turns, but in two bows. And ten days later, an emergency occurred.
On this day, in addition to the race, the foxes still trained in throwing grenades. It was necessary to not just throw a lemon on a decent distance. And you need to get into the square meter. At the competition, each hit improved the result of the races for one minute. It seems to be a bit, but if you throw in a square all 10 grenades, then this may allow to win. Handicap in 10 minutes is a lot when the score can go for seconds.

Even the guys didn’t manage to get a little squared in the leaves. And the girls often could not throw at all. For example, Sveta sometimes even fell, but Marina didn’t throw a few meters away. Then I applied the method I was taught to hit. Cause anger. Came up to Marina and whispered in her ear:
- If you don’t fall into the square with lemon, in the evening I will fuck Sveta.
I saw Marina gritted her teeth and threw me a withering glance. He said, and he went on the selection of grenades and became just in the square.
- I'm standing in the square. Get in!
Observing the flight of the grenade, I moved aside, picked up the fallen grenade and again returned to the square. All grenades flew exactly square. Naturally Marina was pleased with this result, but she still went thoughtful. I chose the moment and really pleased her.
- Marinka, I was joking. This is what makes you angry and be able to throw grenades.
She smiled with relief and showed me her fist.

In the evening, removing the antenna direction finders, put them on charge. In the absence of space, they were always charged to the bedside table at the head of the bed. In principle, the direction finder is a regular receiver. The secret is only in the antennas. Factory direction finders are placed in a silumin body (by the way, rather thick). Therefore, they easily withstood the fall of athletes and continued to work even after hitting a stone. Having finished on this preparation for tomorrow, everyone took turns in their souls and Sveta and the guys stayed, as usual, and Marina and I.
When it came to caresses, and I started kissing her boobs, she took my head away:
- What are you prickly. When will you shave?
- Usually I shave in the morning, but I can now.
- Grisha, please shave now. Only quick. I will look forward to it.
Without thinking, without even dressing, I ran to the bathroom. And even the door to the room did not close.

Already finished shaving and just rinsed my face, as the silence was broken by a heart-rending female cry:
- Ahhhh !!! , - followed by a roar and a shout of Marina again, - I WILL KILL GADA !!!
“Fuck yourself!” Came the voice of Leshki. All this happened in a second.

I instantly flew out of the bath, burst into the room and froze. Behind me, Vadim (also completely naked) ran in from the boys' room. From behind his back, she looked out of fear with fear. But what we saw for a few seconds led us into a complete stupor. Marina (also completely naked) stood on the bed, leaning her back against the wall. In her raised hand she held the direction finder. Leshka, with an offended and confused look, stood next to the bed and held his head. A blood lane slowly flowed from under his fingers. Next to him on the floor lay the second direction finder.
But most of all shocked by the view of Marina. Even an enraged tigress cannot be compared with her. She looked ahead of her with a strange, aloof and at the same time withering gaze. Resolve, anger, rage, hatred, it was all in her eyes. Vadim came to his senses and rushed to Leshka. At the same instant, the direction finder flew into it. That’s where Marina used hand accuracy. This piece of iron flew exactly in the head of Vadim.

Many can now talk about my reaction, but I myself even now can not explain why I reacted so. As soon as the direction finder flew in his direction, I pushed Vadim into the chest with all my might. He flew off to the side of his door, but I could not resist, slipped on the floor and slid in the fall to the wall between Leshka standing with the bloody head and the bed on which Marina stood. My body, trained to automatism to fall (I must be able to fall in the forest), continued to slide on the parquet, and at that time I was twisting like a cat, trying to lift the body. I partially succeeded. And when the movement of my legs was stopped by the wall, I began to lift the body, grabbing Marina by the legs and falling with her on the bed. She began to frantically beat me with her fists on the back. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Vadim nevertheless reacted to my push and, spreading his arms, lingered in the doorway. But Sveta, standing behind him, flew off somewhere in the room.
And he again rushed to Leshka. He grabbed him under the arms and dragged him to his room. The blows of Marina gradually weakened, but for that, hysterical sobs began. As best I could, I tried to calm her down, but just in case, I continued to hold tight. Vadim, having dragged Leshka, returned and closed the door tightly. Now we are left with Marina together. Realizing that her aggression had already passed, I lay down beside me and began to gently soothe, gently stroke. Soon she stopped crying, only sobbing. And I decided to ask, the same thing happened.

“Marish, I'm sorry, but why are you so enraged that you were ready to kill anyone?”
- He wanted to fuck me. At first I thought it was you. But he is different, not like you, began to push my legs. I opened my eyes. I saw that it was not you, that's why I got mad. Only you can fuck me. How much you want, how you want and when you want. And the other - HERE! - she twisted the fig, - I am not Sveta, and I don’t want to move my legs in front of everyone and I will not! And not slut to go under each. I have you and more I will not give to anyone! Are you shameless like to fuck Svetka today ?, - she sat on my stomach, - do you want to be the third? Sveta boasted to me that Vadim and Lehoy fucked her at the same time.
- Maybe in turn?
- And take turns too. But now I rape you for it.
- Come on, honey, rape.
- Today you are obliged to bring me to orgasm at least three times. You will be outraged, you will have to try harder.

Well, then rushed. Somersault probably half the night. Marina really pounded me. It turns out that in the still waters there are exactly devils.
In the morning, Leshka with a plaster on his head came to ask for forgiveness. Marina took an oath from him that this will not happen again, and if she does, she will surely kill him. After this incident, Marina and I lived together as husband and wife. And Sveta had a fuck with both guys and lived with them in the room.
Soon I realized that Marina got pregnant. Proposed to marry. But she did not agree. She said that she will come to the competitions again in the fall, and then we will decide if I do not change my mind. The separation was very difficult. Marina did not respond to my letters and did not write to me, although she had my address. In the autumn she did not come to the competition. The coach said that Marina soon after the training camp went to the Far East and he doesn’t know anything else. That's how our affair ended with her.

  • a guest (a guest)
    November 20, 2015 19:39

    And what is the end of this? who was born to her? and that she did not show the child?


    • Rating: 1
  • November 21, 2015 2:19

    To be honest, the end of the story is not finalized by me ... I confess ... there are such moments when it does not work ... so I apologize for this blooper ... and thanks for the comment


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  • Azamat (a guest)
    November 20, 2015 20:53

    Changeling, are you talking about the heroes of socialist competition and the milkmaid Anusha wrote crap already?))


    • Rating: 0
  • November 21, 2015 2:21

    Azamat, sorry, but it seems to me that the koment is intended for another author and another story, and not for me.


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