1. Adventure coach. Part 1
  2. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 1
  3. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 2

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lye. Given that between her legs she was all wet from my saliva and her discharge, I did not understand, moved my pelvis, buried my head in the anus.
- Hihihi. Not there, - Marina giggled, stretched out her hand, took hold of the penis and began to pull him up.
I continued to move until she was all under me. And I rested my head on the bed for her. And only after that Marina held the head between the lips, sending a member right on target. It seemed that her crack had moved almost to the stomach. Again, moving his pelvis, he felt that the member is in her hot and tight vagina. But he entered as it is unusual, curving. So I had to move further. Finally, our pubes stuck to each other (it was stuck, otherwise you can’t tell, because Marina’s entire groin was wet). I felt like the head buried in something inside her vagina and then did not sink.

- Oh.
- Marish, you feel bad? Painfully?
- I feel good. Even very, - Marina, grabbing my ass, pulled me closer, - fuck me, Grisha. Do not pay attention to my moans and drive deeper.
My movements were unhurried, cautious, because every time when a member fully immersed and rested against the head, Marina oykala loudly. But she, not having the opportunity to sit on a member herself (was folded in half), adjusted the speed of my movement with her own hands. Firmly grabbing my ass, she made me gradually move faster and faster. Soon I was already hammering my bolt into it at the speed of a sewing machine.
“Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooilo,” Marina yelled and squeezed my ass against herself with an unusual force. Fluttered under me. Her body, pressed against my bed, shook convulsions. But she was pinned down with all my weight and thus immobilized. The body fluttered as if trying to get rid of a member sticking in it to the full depth, which rested directly into the uterus. The vagina has made several strong hand compressions. From this and I began to discharge it. Each ejected jet of sperm was accompanied by a loud cry from Marina. I was at a loss. It seems that Marina was shaking in a strong orgasm, but her cries were like cries of pain. If she did not hold me with her hands, not giving me the opportunity to draw out a member, then I would have recoiled from her. It seemed to me that I was hurting her a lot. When her convulsions stopped, and I stopped pouring into her suffering crack, I wanted to roll over on my side. But Marina held me.

- Grisha, lie still on me. So nice to feel your weight on yourself.
- But it’s hard for you. I must be two times harder than you.
- Not. Not hard, but very nice. And besides, you're holding onto your elbows. Fuckin Otherwise, I would have suffocated under you, only it is not very convenient for me to hold my legs so - it is not only small compared to me, but also folded in half and was covered with my body. One heel peeking over my shoulders.
“Marish, and you lower your legs,” I released first one of her legs, then the second, “and if you want to scrape them on my lower back.”
She immediately raised her legs and clasped them, pressing me closer.
- Grisha, you know, I just got such a great pleasure that words cannot convey. Hooray! I finished for the first time! I already thought I was frigid. Sveta finished and very quickly, and I never. And I so wanted to finish!
- Didn’t you yourself did not play with your pisyuha yourself?
- Not. Of course, I knew that it was possible to indulge in this way, but somehow it did not reach that point. Yes, and not really wanted, even after the stories of friends.
- And how did you decide to part with your virgin? Yes, and in the presence of Sveta.

- This is the only thing for which I can say thank you. I have come to the regional competitions for several years already. And constantly she turns out to be my main rival. But the struggle was with varying success. Once she won, another time I. They offered to stay at the training camp, but I did not agree. And Sveta remained. So now she bypasses me. This year, a new team. Which you brought. When I saw you, my heart sank. But even to come and meet, I would never have dared. Moreover, you are not just an athlete, but a coach, a leader. And suddenly it turns out that you will be preparing the national team for the upcoming competitions. This time I did not refuse to participate in the training camp. All the same, for almost a month and a half I will see you. And how strange it is. I had only a glimpse of you, as I felt that my panties were starting to get wet. Even in thought there was no desire to lie under you. But my pussy behaved inadequately. When we were three of us and had fun at various attractions, I repeatedly noticed your look on myself. But I thought that it seemed to me that I was wishful thinking. By evening, there was a feeling that something unusual might happen. Svetka offered after a shower to go to your room and stay there for the night. There are free beds, since the guys have gone home. Of course, I agreed, but broke for the sake of appearance. Sleeping with you in the same room, it was even more that I could have dreamed of. Well, after that the events developed so rapidly that I did not have time to figure it out.

At first it turned out to be lying in bed with you. And when you unwittingly put an elbow on my tits, I was on top of happiness. But the touch of your hand to the panties turned out to be so unusual and forbidden for me that I stopped your hand, not letting it into my panties. And in the very thought rushing like lightning. Suddenly you will stop trying to climb into them. Or worse, you climb into the panties to Svetka. And then Svetka's impudence worked. And she climbed on your dick. I could not tear my eyes away, watching at dusk, as he appeared from Svetkina's pussy, then hid in her again. I wanted to be impossible to be in her place. I looked and, it seemed to me that you thrust it into me, and not into Svetka. It seemed that I moan on it from pleasure. And when Sveta finished, I could not miss such an opportunity, so I tried to implant myself on your cock. But did not take into account the virgin. When I realized that I could not overcome the pain, I panicked. I was afraid that you will refuse. And thank God that you still broke her. Although the pain was incredible. Yes, Svetka said that I did not scream. I thought I could not stand it. Lord, how nice it was when you carried me to the bathroom. Even that relatively small pain was for nothing. I even regretted that this distance to the bathroom turned out to be small, so I also wanted not to slazit and stay in your arms. And when you fucked me right in the bathroom, I was immensely happy. I used to dream at least to draw your attention to myself. The same was not even in the wildest dreams.

But in this barrel of honey was a spoon of tar. On the one hand, it seems to be glad that with the help of Svetka she was able to get close to you, on the other hand, I do not want to share you with her.
- Marish, and if you tell her about our guys? I think that they will not give up on her. I will hint the guys, and you tell her.
- Grisha, you are a genius! I have great pleasure! By the way, forgive me.
- For what?!
- For the fact that I swore like a slut.
- What are you talking about? I really liked the opposite. It was so exciting. In the future, do not be shy about anything. And say whatever you want and ask me to plant dick on your cunt.
- You want to say that from my words, he will rise.
- And you try. Just speak sincerely, from the heart.
“Grisha, can you fuck me again?”
- Marish, ask for good
- Grisha, my dear, fuck me. Put your dick in my pussy ... Oh ... The truth is, - Marina smarted, feeling that a hard cock was beginning to be straightened inside her.
She doubled over again and her legs were on my shoulders. Relying on my elbows, I took hold of her tight little tits, and began to move my penis in a hospitable vagina. Marina oykala, when a member stuck into her ... Read more →

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