1. Adventure coach. Part 1
  2. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 1
  3. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 2

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plunged inside. I continued to press down with my hands, and Marina lowered herself, sitting down on the dick, until she sat down completely. The sensations for me were of course completely different than those in Sveta's vagina. Here, too, it was humid and hot, but tight and narrow. With each receptor, with each nerve ending, I felt like a member, plunging, rubbing against the dense walls of the girl's vagina. Although now not girlish, but female. For a while, Marina sat motionless while the pain caused by the rupture of the hymen calmed down. Then she tried to rise and sank down with a slight moan, stopped again.

- Very painful?
- Now is not very. But when you pushed him into me, it seemed that he tore me in half, and not just a cel.
- Marinka, maybe now in the bathroom? And then surely smear sheet.
- Yeah.
“Then hold me tight, I'll carry you.”
Grabbing her ass, he pulled her close, then sat down. Marina put her arms around my neck and pressed me. And when he stood up, holding her under her ass, she threw her legs around me, clinging like a tick. So, without taking out and stomped, holding Marina under my ass (how much I had dreamed to have this attractive ass during the day!). During the movement, the member still moved in Marinkin's crack. Calling her easy moaning. When approaching the bathroom, Marina, releasing one hand, but continuing to cling to me, turned on the lights in the bathroom and opened the door. I slowly lowered her to the edge of the bath and moved away, taking out the member. We both immediately looked at him. There was almost no blood. So a little dirty and that's it. Marina, seeing a member in bright light, could not resist a cry of surprise.

- He is so huge. Maybe that's why it hurt so much?
- Hih. Marinka, 17 cm is not big, but average. What would you say if I had 22 centimeters?
- Horror! How do you hide him in swimming trunks? He will constantly otopyryvat them and interfere with walking. I'm sorry to ask, but I don’t have brothers to spy. But anatomy at school was not very desirable.
- This is it now when he sees a beautiful girl (and you really are beautiful). He likes you very much, so he grows up and wants to climb into your cunt. And in the normal state, it is soft and small.
- Grish, I'm sorry. Since he wants it so much, I will tolerate it. It almost does not hurt.
“Are you sure you want this?”
- Yes, stick it in me.
- What to stick in ?, - I decided to tease her a little.
- Him.
- Marinka, say: "put your dick in my pussy".
- Ugh, that is indecent and rude. Though true. Well, I will say, I will say, only I do not see a way how to do it.

Turning her back to her, she tilted over the edge of the bath, so she rested her hands on the bottom of the bath. Spread his legs wide, so as not to squat. He moved the still wet head over the crack and slowly began to sink. Sensations when immersed in the vagina fresh, not broken-down, impossible to convey. It's a thrill. Admiring her tight big ass, holding her waist, she began to pierce with great speed into this tight and for another hour untouched vagina. I already did not pay attention, Marina moaned or not. Pounded in the brain like a jackhammer: stronger, faster, deeper! A few minutes of such swotting, and I felt sperm moving along the trunk. Instinctively nestling on her ass, I began to pour into Marina. There was no convulsions, no roaring on my part. Just pouring the seed inside. Marina, after I stopped moving, straightened.
- Grisha, I liked it. Are you sick of it?
- I finished.
- Finished? And why did not you twitch and moan like Sveta?
- I do not know. To be honest, I myself still do not know much. You are my first girlfriend, I mean tselochka.
- I am very, very glad that the first. Grisha, are you still going to ... fuck me? Or do you like Svetka more?
- Marinochka, honey. With great pleasure! I will, I will be as much as I can.

Marina was undermining, and at that time I rinsed the penis from the red stains in the washbasin sink. He picked her up and carried her into the room. Sveta peacefully slept. When Marina, getting comfortable, turned her back to me, I hugged her. Ladoshka lay on the cup bra, huge breasts. Huge, for such a miniature girl. In any case, I thought her chest awesome. But I wanted not to feel the bra at hand, but her breasts. He put his hand into the cup and gently squeezed a warm, soft and at the same time rather dense titochku. Marina did not mind. Yes, and put his hand on top, pressing mine to his chest. Although I finished recently, but from this member immediately rose up and rested in Marina in the thigh. She giggled.
- He wants again? I also wanted to. Wanted as soon as you touched my tits. Before, no one touched me that way. It turns out it is very nice. Grisha, sun, do not be shy.
- If you knew how I dreamed to at least touch your beautiful boobs.
- Do I forbid you? I myself am very pleased when your hand squeezes my boobs. I authorize you, even insist. Paw them, squeeze, caress more often. I will only be glad. And now enough already crawl on my thigh. Sun his pussy.

- Marish, I want you to plant yourself on my cock.
- With pleasure, but how?
- Press me back, hold the legs, - Marina immediately began to do everything.
- Now raise the leg. Stretch out your pen, take the dick and send it to her cunt. Then move your ass to make it enter you.
She did everything right. Do not even forget to move the head between the lips. And when the head had already begun to squeeze into its dense and tight crack, I moved the pelvis towards and drove a member of the most eggs. Marina just gasped.
- Now you can lower the leg and push me with your ass, trying to string the dick.
We began to move slowly at first, adjusting to each other’s tempo. Then faster and faster, so that the beds began to rock.
- Well, you pulled up. Let me sleep, - muttered through the dream of Light.
We froze. My hand was still on Marinina's boobs and I continued to squeeze it. A member immersed in her crack. Trying not to stagger the beds, we sometimes made slow, light movements towards each other. But, although the member still stood, Morpheus confidently entered into their rights. And the dream overcame both.

I woke up from a strange, unusual feeling. It seemed that I was dreaming that my dick was moving in a narrow crack of Marina. And so it was kayfovo that woke up completely. Marina gently moved her ass, sitting down on my dick. He had not yet gained good firmness, but he could already, without bending, move inside Marina. I started the response movement.
- Grisha, I'm sorry, I woke you up. But I woke up. And it was so nice to feel your hand on your boobs. And inside there was something incomprehensible. It seems to be something, and at the same time I do not feel full. I decided to check. She reached out and found that your dick is still in me, but it is soft, soft. I touched him, and he immediately began to grow in me. The feeling was charming. So I could not resist, I wanted to move. But moving slowly, so as not to wake you. And you unfortunately woke up.
- Marish, honey. This is the most pleasant awakening in my life. I have never woken up from such a magnificent pleasure.
Light twisted. And we froze.
- If not for Sveta. She always bothers me, - Marina whispered and froze, because the Light began to rise. She rose as a somnambulist and went to the toilet. She also returned in silence, climbed over us and sniffed again. It came to us too late that while we were alone, it was possible to move about. But now we were lying, clinging and not moving. So, waiting for the Light to fall asleep, we fell asleep ourselves.

This time I woke up, lying on my stomach, from the shrill wake-up alarm bell. Cursing mentally this unpleasant sound, I touched the cancel button by touch ... Read more →

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