1. Adventure coach. Part 1
  2. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 1
  3. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 2

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After the incident with Marina, I swore to myself that there were no longer any close relationships with the students. Although Marina was not my pupil, but from a different city and another coach, I decided for myself with no one, no, no. It seems to be a young man, just catch the moment. And the moments were more than enough. One year later I understood why girls go to my workouts. They go, sometimes they don’t give up such that they don’t understand anything, as they don’t get it. And went mainly because of the guys. Let's say what a girl likes a guy, and he disappears in my workouts. Here it is, to be closer to him. When it came to me, then ofigel. After that, before deciding who to include in the team, I gathered the guys. Only guys. And these are mostly schoolchildren (although there were also adults). And he spent with them "political work".

- I believe that you are all adults. I will take to the competitions only those who understand that how many of us went to the competitions, so much should return! No more, no less!

Usually newbies started to giggle, which can no longer return. But their friends explained it very intelligibly to their friends. What can be more if someone from the girls comes back pregnant. And this is at least one. With the girls such a conversation took place separately. But if the guys strictly obeyed this unwritten law, for they understood that by this they would substitute me and I would have to answer as a leader. The girls very often flirted with both the guys and me. And if I saw something similar, then for such Madame these competitions were the last. I never took more such little figs with me.

Oddly enough, but sometimes there were cases when I would go berserk. Say, I go late to my room. Light does not turn on, so as not to disturb others. But in my bed I find one of my pupils. As a rule, such a nymphet waits for me already naked. The question is, what should a normal man do in this case? Right. Without breaking the general silence, lie down to her and tear off so that the next day they could not bring their legs together. And I like a fool, grabbed his ear. And so, picking up behind the ear, dragged this youngster into her room. So that others do not have to be. But unfortunately I had no private life. He worked at the company. After work on training. According to the plan it should take one and a half - two hours. But in fact, 5-6 hours. And physical activity was always higher than athletes - pupils. Over the weekend, I gathered all the groups together and spent something like a competition between them.

Gradually, individual athletes (after several years of training) began to help me. It seems easier. Nooo. Once there are assistants, it means you can make more interesting and intense training. As in the famous cartoon Matroskin said: “Hurray! Uncle Fedor arrived! Now we’ll stock up more hay for our ladybug. ” Naturally, our team at regional competitions began to win prizes. And in order to make the team stronger, I often had to run myself. That is, he was a playing coach. After five years, sometimes he himself acted as a man (or someone from experienced guys). And for women constantly put Natasha. Very experienced and strong athlete. For the first time she came to the training a little awkward teenage girl. If I'm not mistaken, seventh grader.

But now she has already finished school and worked at the factory. From the "ugly" duckling she turned into a beautiful swan. Ran like a doe. And not only ran. To be an excellent lisol, you must have not only physical data, the main thing is to have a head on your shoulders, not a kettle. To all, she was very beautiful. With a height of about 75 meters, she had a seductive figure. Long slender (athletic) legs.With a narrow aspen waist, she had a pretty tight, tight, attractive ass. High, lush chest. Beautiful, shoulder-length, brown hair and angelic face. There was one oddity with her. No one has ever seen her with a guy. If someone started asking her about why she was not walking with anyone, then she easily left this topic. All the attempts of the guys to get close to her rejected completely. A kind of iron, passionless lady. And an excellent athlete. Easily bypassed all his rivals. I always began to bet on the team and never regretted it. It was rumored that she was keen on karate. Although no one knew where and how she dealt with it.

But once a misfortune happened. In those days there were three races in the competition. Every day for the race. On the first day, Natasha ran with the best result. The closest rival lost to her for almost half an hour. But on the second day the control time was already over, but Natasha did not appear at the finish. Removed from the distance "Fox". I looked through their reports. Everywhere she visited, but did not return to the finish line. More than three hours have passed since the discovery of the last fox. She could not get lost. In addition to the direction finder, Natasha knew how to use a topographic map. In case of failure of the direction finder, she could easily find the finish on the topographic map. I did not want to believe in the worst. An ambulance doctor, who was on duty at the competitions as always, proved that her working time was over. But she was not released anyway. Almost all in small groups went on the search. Having analyzed the way Natalie could run from the last fox, I also went looking for it. He walked all the way (more than 1 km) to the place where the last “fox” was located. Alas, Natasha is not. He turned back, but decided to take a hundred meters away. Now he was not walking along the path, but was waving straight through the bushes. Suddenly I heard a sob from somewhere. It probably seemed. But just in case, he shouted:

- Natasha !!!
“I'm here,” was heard nearby.
- Natalie, give a voice.
There was no answer, but I still determined at least from which side her weak voice was heard. And suddenly the earth began to leave from under the feet. I barely managed to grab the branches of a bush. Already sliding down, I realized that a little more, the branches would pull out, and I would stick with the branches down. But quickly sorting out the branches and catching up, managed to get out of the pit. And when he turned around, he saw Natasha in this pit. Who and why dug such a wolf pit in the woods is unknown. But Natasha flew into her and seemed to have sprained her leg. With grief in half, managed to get her out of there. She could not step on a sprained and swollen leg. Then I planted it on the grass and began to feel the foot. Realizing that he was not mistaken with the diagnosis, he began to distract her by asking. Then a sharp jerk, the wild cry of Natasha and the foot fell into place.

- Grisha, you're a sadist! It hurts.
- For now everything is in place. But you have to carry you.
- In, even ride on you, - Natasha joked with a forced smile.
I turned my back on her, crouched down and, she climbed onto my back, clasping my arms around my neck, and my legs over my lower back. Supporting her under the hips, went in the direction of the finish.
- Wait.
“Natalie, we're going faster.” Everyone is already tired of looking for you, - he said to her without stopping.
- Stay. You do not want your back to become wet.

I stopped and misunderstood her. Natasha became only on one leg, she was afraid to lean on the second. And her hands were too busy. On one tablet with a topographic map, and in the other direction finder. Headphones hung around the neck.
- Grisha, I am very ashamed. But no longer able to endure. I really want to pee.
- So who does not give you? - I blurted out and immediately stopped short.
This guy can be standing on one leg, get him out of his pants and ssy as you want. A girl should be pulled down to the knees of sports along with panties and then sit down. But how to do it when your hands are busy, and even on one leg? In principle, the direction finder could be put, but the tablet ... After thinking for some instant, I decided.

- Natalie, one option remains. I'll take off your panties and support. Or are you shy?
- I already so hot that it is not embarrassing. Come on fast, but I definitely can not stand it and put it into my pants.
She was standing on one leg, turned her back to me, stretched out her arms with a direction finder and a tablet.

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