1. Adventure coach. Part 1
  2. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 1
  3. Adventure coach. Part 2. Episode 2

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- Grisha, you will have to not only pull off my pants, but then support me under your thighs. I can not sit down. And further. Forgive me, in my back pocket I have a nosepiece. Do not disdain, soak them pussy before pulling the pants. Not very comfortable to flaunt in soaked.

Just presenting this all that I had to do, the member immediately recovered, and in my pants appeared mound. I started to fever when I ran my hands under the gum of her panties. Began to tighten, and they do not tighten (very tightly sit on her ass). Hands began to shake like a young boy, who first started his hands in women's panties.

- Grisha, stop shaking like an aspen leaf. I was pounding all over myself. But there is no more strength to endure.
With difficulty pulling off her panties with sports, I took her hips. At the same time I tried to push my ass far away in order not to rest a member of Natasha in the back. But when she sat down, I was on my outstretched hands, sticking out my ass, I could not hold her and still poked a member in her back. But Natasha seems to have not even paid attention to it. For quite a long time, a jet murmured in the grass (or perhaps it seemed to me that for a long time). When Natalie finished pouring, I wanted to pick it up.
- Wait, get wet first.
- How can I get wet if my hands are busy?
- Oh, I have these guys! Hold the sore leg, and the other get wet!

I put a nose on her pussy-nut, but to hold out not to stick my finger between her lips it was beyond my strength.

- Grisha, stop pawing me.

- Yes, I just wipe.

- And then I do not feel. Everything. Lift up.
I picked it up and began to wear panties. It was unforgettable and very exciting. I took off my panties with sports pants, but I had to dress separately. Although it didn’t work out very well, and my hands shook, but I managed. Even Natalie, despite the pain in her leg, barely restrained laughter. After I dressed her and sports, she turned to me.
- Grisha, I'm sorry. I understand that it is difficult to resist the temptation. But I am also a living person. And after you rub your hand over the pussy, then all wiping will be a damn.
“Why?” Asked a stupid question in a hoarse voice.
“You don't know.” Because drip. But as a compensation I promise that I will allow the hotel to paw as much as you want. Anyway, you have to suffer with me.
- I catch the word.
- Yes, where will I go. But I will not give it a stick. And do not hope - and she kissed me on the cheek.

Again put her on his back and carried to the finish line. Never before has a kilometer of a journey been so hard. First, Natasha constantly crawled, fidgeting with nipples on my back, and from time to time she had to sit higher. Secondly, with every hundred meters it seemed to me harder. When I dragged it, the doctor immediately ran up, and I collapsed onto the grass. After spraying a spray-like frieze onto an injured place, the doctor froze the dislocated and swollen joint, examined it and said that there was nothing terrible and her services were no longer needed. The freezing allowed Natasha for some time at least slightly, but leaning on her injured leg. But while they reached the city and went to the dining room, the frost passed, and Natasha could not step on that foot again. I did not drag on the 8th floor to her room. We only got to my number.

Put her on the bed, broke. He took off his sock from his injured leg and gently, trying not to cause pain, rubbed the place of dislocation with tiger ointment. Speaking of this ointment. Before the race, each of us used this ointment. So it is a myth, but it seems to give a good effect and after the race, legs do not hurt. And we smeared it with whole tubes. The smell is very similar to the famous "star".In this case, after rubbed the place of dislocation, wrapped and for some time Natasha was supposed to lie down. Perhaps the ointment worked, or the tiredness and stressful situation affected, but Natalie fell asleep.

The night has come. I saw my neighbor only in the morning (the room is double). And now FIG knows where he went. Natasha was sleeping, and I was sitting on a chair, I didn’t know what to do. Lie down to her? I'll wake you up. Lie down on your neighbor's bed? And if he comes? And without inventing anything, I pulled one of the winter blankets from the closet. I laid him on the floor next to the bed. He lay down on this blanket and took refuge with it, putting his bag under his head. In the middle of the night I woke up from the fact that Natasha, hanging from the bed, shook me.

- Grisha, why are you on the floor?
- I was afraid to wake you up.
- For nothing. I had to drive me to myself. But now the girls have locked the room and are asleep. And what should we do? It is necessary to sleep. And not only to sleep. I need to go to the toilet and wash too. And then after the race stinky. Fuu.
- I will help you to get to the toilet, there is also a shower.
- You will get help, and then how?
- Once in the woods I helped you. Surely now I can not?
- Then let's go. Fuckin Horse, put your back, - Natalie giggled, - although I can do it myself.

I silently put my back and carried it to the bathroom. There Natalie got off me and I turned to leave.
- Where?! And who promised to help?
- I ... well ... uh ...
- Do not go, I will try it myself for now, and there it will be visible.
She pulled her panties to the knees with the sports and started to squat on the toilet, but without keeping her balance, literally fell on him. Having done that, she tried to get up, but nothing happened to her. I had to lift it.

- I thought I could already myself. Well then. To be able to wash, you have to undress me. At least below the belt, and above I can handle it myself. Or do not want? Yeah, I saw. You want Even as you like, - she glanced at my knoll in her pants.
Damn, even embarrassed. And Natalie, not pulling up her knee-length panties, sat on the edge of the bath. I understood without words. First, pulled off her panties with injured legs. At the same time trying not to hurt her. Then she clutched at my shoulders with her hands so as not to burden the leg and it turned out to be removed from the other. Natasha undid the snake on the sports jacket and my eyes were presented with quite large melons, tightly tied with a bra. Taking off her jacket, she put her hands behind her back. The click of the lifon clasp sounded like a shot to me. I tried to turn away, but could not. Eyes have become attached to the opened beauty.

“Grisha, hold me, please, I will turn around in the bathroom,” Natasha asked calmly.
She was holding me with one hand. On the other hand, I held her by the armpit. And only Natalie threw her legs over the edge of the bath, as I put my hand on, putting my palm on her chest. At first she jerked to throw off my hand, but apparently remembering her promise, she froze.
- Grisha, all this is good, but I feel that I cannot wash myself completely. I'll have to help you.
- With pleasure.
“I wonder how you can help if you're dressed.” Me, you know, section. Are you ashamed of yourself? Although if you have what to wear, you can not undress.
- Of course, no, I am not at all ashamed, - I briskly undressed and got into the bath too, - some of them promised me something in the forest. Or forgot?
- Do not forget and do not refuse. It’s just that you’re probably not interested, ”Natasha said, embarrassed.

Already standing in the bathroom, I sat down on the edge and pulled Natasha to me.

- Natasha, sit down on my leg.
She slowly lowered her ass to my thigh.
- Sunny, spread your legs.
“Does the sun have legs?” Natalie giggled, but obediently spread her knees to the sides and my hand immediately settled on her silky fur. With one hand, I caressed her tit, the other climbed between her legs. Soft, full sponges easily parted, letting my finger between them. He immediately became wet. Reaching between them, I shoved him deeper, but I felt a barrier, and Natasha jerked and grabbed my hand.

- Grisha, it hurts me. Please do not stick your finger deep. I'm still a girl.
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