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do not see?

- Absolutely can not see anything!

The noodles are a little cold and slightly hot. Dasha dug a finger at the edge of this improvised sausage and put it on her pubis. Then she climbed on Lesha from above, a sort of insidious rider, and slowly dropping down, she introduced his penis through the hole in the noodles. Holding the bag, not only with a side dish, but with a piece of meat, she carefully sat on it completely and asked:

- Well, how are you?

His palms slid down her hips, heading for Vona. Dasha barely managed to catch them, forgetting about the package. He swayed, but remained in place, held back by the inner core.

I do not understand what it is. But ... go on. I like. - Alex removed his hands, giving her complete freedom of action.

- What exactly do you like? - purred prankish. Holding the bag with interesting contents with both hands, she carefully began to raise and lower it.

- Well ... it's so hot, soft ... hard to describe ...

- Interesting! And what is it, guess?

- I guess your noodles are. - slightly mockingly sounded in response.

- Mmmm ... how shrewd you are! - Dasha left a bag on it and shifted upwards. I touched the nipple to his lips and asked again: - And what's this, guess?

Alex did not respond, his lips clasped hard ball nipple. Sucking it all over his mouth, he began to play the tongue, tickling and licking. The second breast was squeezed with a palm, studying its roundness to the touch, passing it over the nipple with the fingers. The mistress of these charms liked his affection. She found her culinary creation with her hand and tried to continue her sexual scam, but nothing happened this time. The bag broke, and the entire contents fell out to Lesha on the stomach.

He let go of her wonderful bosom and, laughing out loud, said: - Oops ... it seems we have an accident!

- Eh, and I tried so hard! - Dasha made a sad face, and then remembered that he did not see anything. Leaning down, removed the bandage from him and immediately sealed his lips with a kiss.

When the girl pulled away from his lips, Alex finally could see her chest. In size, he almost did not understand, but it seemed to him that the beauty has a second size. While Dasha was concentrating on playing with the noodles, gathering her into a ball that fits between the palms, and trying to dress her on the dick, Lesha almost finished again. But Dasha did not let him do it. Hearing his breathing more frequent, she left her manipulations, painfully pinching him by the leg.

- Ay! - in surprise, his eyes opened wide. Immediately forgetting about the pain, he saw Dasha hanging a spiral of vermicelli on the protruding nipple.

Mockingly twisting her lips, she stretched out: “It seems that you have completely forgotten that I also want caressing,” she brought her chest to his face.

Lyosha caught the vermicelli with his lips and sucked it into his mouth. Sliding on the nipple, lapshinka jumped off him and disappeared behind his lips. Immediately Lesha pulled in and nipple. Dasha liked the moment of sliding noodles over the nipple, it’s a pity he was too short.

- Do you have threads? - She was lit up with a new idea, and from this her eyes opened wide, looking inquiringly at Lesha in two blue lakes.

Lyosha squeezed the nipple between his fingers and asked, smiling: - Did you come up with something again?

- Are you against?

- What are you! I, on the contrary, very interesting! You are so interesting! Let's remove the noodles from me, and I'll look for threads.

Dasha, as she could, gathered curls in her palms and carried them to the kitchen. Lesha collected the rest and caught up with the girl. She was already looking for a trash can, and he hurried to open the door under the sink where it stood.

The couple returned to the room. Lesha found the threads and sat on the sofa, holding them in his hands. The guest this time sat in his place, sitting taller than he.

- Sit down on my hips. Do not be afraid, do not crush. - the girl commanded efficiently.

After waiting for the guy to get comfortable and make sure that she really would not crush her, she asked:

- Tear off a piece of thread and lead them in my nipple.

Lesha immediately fulfilled the request. Only here Dasha felt almost nothing.

Try to hold it with two hands and do it like this. - she showed herself, as if squeezing the thread with her fingers, ran it across the chest from the bottom up and onto the nipple.

Lesha repeated. The string, touching the tender flesh, lingered for a moment and slipped off.

- Yeah ... that's so much nicer. Come on the same with the second one.

A couple liked this game. The thread slid up and down the chest, Dasha's words and exclamations of pleasure drove Lesha, and the thread accelerated.

- And now wrap a nipple with thread and slowly pull it down. Just be careful! - commanding, Dasha held her breath, concentrating on her feelings.

Alex wound the thread, as she said, and began to pull, but Dasha abruptly stopped him.

- Stop, not like that. - Dasha took the thread from him and made two turns herself, but with a gap between the turns in half a millimeter. - Here, and now pull.

As it was planned, the thread twice slipped off the juice, giving the inventor a thrill.

- Mmmm ... and now also, but faster, sharper. And I will close my eyes so as not to see when you will be pulling. Closing her eyes, Dasha breathed as she commanded: “I'm ready!”

The second nipple was wrapped in thread, Dasha held her breath. Lesha tugged a little, tightening the thread, wanting to scare her friend. The thread did not slip off, but pulled the nipple.

Ahhh ... so I like it too! - Dasha bristled and arched like a contented cat.

She wanted to say something else, but at that moment Alex dramatically pulled the thread, spreading her arms to the sides. A loud moan broke from her lips.

Opening her surprised eyes, Dasha, in a voice breaking from excitement, asked: “Let's do it again!”

Lesha repeated the manipulation several times. And each time he did this unexpectedly, he deceived the girl with false impulses. When she thought that he was about to jerk, Alex would stop. And when he was still twitching, Dasha screamed with sharp pleasure. And then I suggested to even tie a thread on the nipple.

A fan of Dasha's chest even got up from his zeal, and his excited member rested against her tummy. For him, such unusual games have become a real discovery. And for her, these caresses were a boon. His dexterous fingers tied the thread on each nipple, he held the ends in both hands. Waiting for the team from the inventor, he was ready to pull the threads at any time.

(Attention, it is dangerous to tie very tightly, on two knots, and generally to tie so that you cannot untie. You cannot use a nylon thread, and any cutting one. It is best to wind several turns and tie to one bow, so that you can pull at one end , and immediately untie.)

- Well, what are you waiting for? Come on, my chest is at your disposal, do what you want!

Lesha immediately pulled the thread. Nipple reached out after him. Dash was overwhelmed by new, even more thrill. They seemed to her much better than when her former guys just sucked them. The guy, seeing how much she liked it, immediately began to pull the strings with different strengths. Dasha completely sat back on the sofa and with a loud groan demanded:

- More, even faster! Yeah! - her voice, iridescent in moan, seemed to honey guy. From her calls, he himself was so excited that he began to move his pelvis reflexively, resting his belly on his belly as a member. However, he still did not forget to pull the thread in different directions.

- Honey, suck them ... - in a broken voice, barely aware of what she was saying, Dasha asked.

He did just that: he sucked a red pea nipple into his mouth. And by inertia yanked the thread. The nipple burst from the captivity of his lips, and he caught it again. Alex felt the hand of Dasha crawled under the panties. She no longer controlled herself; she wanted to caress her pussy, as she did at home in moments of intense excitement. He wanted to help her, but he unsuccessfully sharply touched her hand. And it seemed to her that he did not like her prank.

- Dasha groaned: - Yeah, punish my pussy!

Her moans, half-whisper words, on the verge of intelligibility, very much aroused Lesha.His fingers gently touched her ... Read more →

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