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How nice to fall into bed with fresh linen, smelling a rinse, and stretch feeling like a pressed fabric touches you. The lamp of a night lamp slightly snatches the room out of the darkness, and the bright illumination of the screen of your smart screen cuts your eyes first, but you can get used to it. Tonight you will be entertained by your faithful friend with electronic brains.

You recently installed an erotic application, and now, after returning home after another boring date, you have a desire to inquire what the creators of this game have come up with. Anonymous registration, nickname, avatar and all! As if by a very simple one, it seemed to you, judging by the comments, the game would be the best.

Suddenly, a large Online inscription went up the screen and diminished, and instead a message appeared asking you about whether you want to contact the guy with the nickname April. Pressing "yes" there was a submenu in which there were several options, you chose to wink. The guy asks if you can peep your profile? And below is an explanation of where they say that you can show any 5 points from the questionnaire, and in return, the guy will open the same points. The questionnaire was very detailed, and naturally not filled, apparently you can fill in the process. You chose only the height and size of the waist, entered your data, a little bit of course, and sent it to the guy. The cards were opened by the guy, and mentally estimating the numbers, the guy presented himself as quite good, but you have no idea what size you should have.

The screen flashed "your move" and followed by a countdown of 15 minutes, the time went upstairs where there is an inscription online, and a drawing of a guy appeared on the screen, and a number of icons meant to touch a finger, stroke, slap, there are many, you can scroll with a tape measure. You chose to stroke and put your finger on the guy's stomach, and immediately felt ... Yes! felt in real life with your fingertips something elastic and warm, you immediately pulled back your hand. What a joke, what was that !? Is it really true that you, not believing yourself, stretched again, your palm leaned against his press, you ran along it slowly, feeling its shape and warmth, the cubes were almost not felt, but you still felt inflated. Stunned as it is real, you already boldly stroke it with two hands imagining how it stands above you, but only the abdominal area is felt, then only the air.

Taking the phone, you saw that the guy finished your move, and now his move began, and a comment appeared in the form of a chat where he appreciated your tender fingers. You just wanted to answer how the guy made the move, a picture of his lips appeared, and a number of your hands. When you accepted the move, his lips touched your fingers, he walked over them with light kisses, and then you felt how your palm lay on his face, you touch his eyes, helping yourself with the second palm, rising spelled and digging into your hair with your fingers, it seems not very long, but also not a hedgehog. You are hugging his head with your hands, massaging it with your fingers, it seems big to you, but you know that it's hard to imagine this guy just to the touch, but you draw a beautiful imagination to you, although you used to think that with such a press he can only be handsome.

You write a message leaning on the headboard, you do not understand how it is even possible, what kind of miracles? This is so realistic, you admit to the guy that when she touched him, she did not believe her feelings, and with bated breath continued to stroke him. It even seemed to smell like a man's shower gel, but you didn't tell him that. And he answered you that he himself hardly believes in it, proposed the idea that the cellular hypnotized him, and now everything seems to him or dreams. And after asking what would be the fruit of his imagination?

Having written that you feel quite real, so another question is who is dreaming who, and since the move is yours, now you will see what imagination is there.

Choosing your hands in the picture, you are not daring to poke, hesitated, twisting a finger at his dignity, he suddenly refuses, and if he does not, you hardly decide to touch him. But you presented as something invisible in your hands, but dense and hot. Chasing away these thoughts you chose his back.

Sitting on the Turkish, you stretched your arms slightly forward, and your palms lay on his shoulders, they were cool, you thought how hot your palms would seem to him. Held on his spine, gently, almost without touching, slowly studying him, passing from the neck to the tailbone, and you felt a small strip from his pants, but they did not exist, it means you can iron him naked in whatever clothes he was. You wanted to check it out when he was at work, for example, so you would have fun. You wanted to cuddle up to his chest, you almost felt the nipples touch his back, heated by your hands, but your chest went through. It means only hands, or rather the fact that indicated in the application. While thinking about what pranks you can afford, you thoughtfully claw lightly at the back of any badges on his back, you definitely like it. Before the time runs out, only the guy took these badges for wishes.

You leaned on the back of the bed, additionally laying a pillow under your back, and biting your lip while waiting. You can't believe it, but you just agreed to the guy's suggestion to touch his chest, and who knows whether you like it or not and you sit pulling the beacon by the edges, as if hiding his chest from everyone, but excited nipples, on the contrary, clearly appear. Thoughts from adrenaline and excitement quickly run, you remembered how you dreamed to blindfold one guy at work, and it’s better to completely tie him up so that he would not have time to see you, and then having undressed to touch his nipples to his lips and further, from which his belly is sweet pulled

His fingers touched the left breast, apparently not seeing her, he could not immediately find it, or did not dare for a long time, but his fingers, and then the palm, lay down completely covering the nipple. It is strange to feel his palm without seeing her, you raised the shirt, and clearly saw how the chest took the shape of his palm. Amazingly, you touched the nipple, which was pressed against his palm, pressed it, and letting it go, he again touched his palm. The guy felt it, took the second breast in his hand, and gently ran his hand over the nipples, sometimes squeezing the chest with his fingers. Who is this guy who can now do anything with your girls, for the time allotted by the application? This question went nowhere, because his fingers squeezed the nipples, and began to twist them, slightly squeezing between the thumb and forefinger. But whatever he is, you feel good now, I want his lips to caress yours, I want a passionate kiss, and such that his tongue chases your mouth causing a storm that already boils in your soul area. His palms spread out of permissiveness with might and main, he squeezed you and let you go again so that you could gently stroke your hard nipples with your fingers, each time even more scorching you. You wonder what else he will do to you when his hands let you go, but at that moment the smartphone checked the message, in it the guy put you before the fact that it would be a little painful now, but asked to be patient.

He took your nipples, squeezed a little harder than usual, and began to slightly jerk them in different directions, from which your heart beat faster. Yes, you are a little sick, but what is pleasant is spreading on the breast from the nipples. What does he do with your pretty boobs, for which he is with them so what they have done? You clenched your jersey in your teeth even more, and arched you more, giving all yourselves to his possessions. Having stopped pulling, he let them go, gently running his palms across his chest, from top to bottom, and rising back, slightly squeezing. This guy does what he wants with you, and at the same time that you let him, impatiently and with passion.He again took the nipples with his fingers, you felt how he had pulled them a little, began to rotate, causing in you a desire to dig into him with claws, but they squeezed only the sheets.

And everything ended abruptly, only sweet languor in the chest remained. You looked at the screen on which was the choice of your turn. You threw back ...

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