1. A gift from a loved one and best friend. Part 1
  2. A gift from a loved one and best friend. Part 2: Alone with the Tempter

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A story for girls, from the female face. Fans of spelling is better not to read, so as not to torment their poor psyche.

Enjoy watching.

Sleeping city is permeated with hot breath of the night summer, windows are completely open in all houses, and only breeze saves, which walks from one window to another. Perhaps he is looking for those who are not sleeping, and he is in a hurry to help them soar up their bare legs and get under the dress, bringing blissful coolness with him.

Your boyfriend is sitting on a swing in front of you, there is a completely deserted playground around you, and for some reason your legs go forward. The cool breeze helped to realize that there was nothing under the dress, and we should go home and get dressed, but my legs keep going. You calm down that you are alone, there is no one else, and you allow yourself to continue moving.

It seems that you would have already reached your lover a long time ago, but every time you look at him after looking around in search of strangers, you again find yourself at the same distance as before. And the breeze does not stop getting under your feet, now and then strives to lift the light fabric of the dress, and as soon as this happens, the look snatches from the darkness a man walking with a dog. You translate your gaze to the upturned edges of the dress, try to catch them and put them back in place, but the fabric slips out and rushes up again. A corner of consciousness comes to the realization that something is going wrong here, but a very close unfamiliar voice with a small charity calls you shameless.

And then you hear your boyfriend behind you, he leaned against you, embraced you from behind, gently covering your palm with the most intimate place from prying eyes. He said that you still have that slut, and gently kissed his neck, his lips fluttering on the skin like butterfly wings. You want to object to him, but the fingers that protected you from a curious dogman, felt that it was impossible to touch in any case. All the air came out of the chest from the piercing desire in the lower abdomen, and his legs gave way. You grabbed the guy's clothes and hung on his arms, and looked guiltily at the stranger, who for some reason had already become familiar from work, he used to pester your girlfriend in front of your eyes.

You are ashamed that they are doing it with you in front of his eyes, but the finger of a loved one is so keenly felt, which allows itself to plunge into you and bend slightly there. A colleague in a blue shirt and black trousers came up to you, said that now he would help, he thrust his hands under the naughty legs from the back of his knees, and pulled over, lifting you to the top. His hand went down the hip to the priest and then the other repeated her way, but on the other hand, he fastened his hands under your ass in a strong lock, improvising the seat. You lay back on the chest of your beloved, and as you could hug him by the neck, because you began to slowly slide down. His fingers caress you in front of a colleague in the eyes, now there are no secrets of stealth, he deliberately opens his labia with his fingers, no longer touching the clitoris, only teasing with your hole, exciting him.

You did not notice how it became bright on the street, opening your eyes and saw how a colleague eagerly examines a place on your body, which is eager to plunge into something big and strong. Behind the colleague there is one more familiar guy, you somehow often crossed paths with him at the institute, he greets you, kisses you on the cheek, and puts his hand on his chest in his own way, says he has long dreamed to cuddle your charms.

There are many men on the street, each one is cute in their own way, and each one passing by strives to touch you and say something pleasant.Every touch was very pleasant, and my head was spinning from pleasure, everyone likes you and kisses everyone in different places, sometimes in the most intimate ones, and they do it so nicely that you want to burst with excitement.

The voice of your boyfriend returns you from bliss, you are already lying on the table in the center of a large assembly hall, and there are a lot of people around, and everyone is looking at you, completely naked. Your boyfriend says it's time to punish you. He looked at you sternly, and ordered you to get up - you did not dare to disobey, climbed down from the table and stood on trembling legs. The sharp voice of the beloved announced to everyone that you are guilty before him, and therefore everyone in this room should come up and stick his dick into you! He looked at you and added, so that everyone would be pleased!

The first was the head, he approached and gently patted you on the head, apologizing and referring to circumstances from which he could not do otherwise. He lowered his pants and put you on the edge of the table, his trunk rested between your legs. He whispered in your ear that he knows about your innocence, and asked to be patient, and his hot head purposefully puts more and more pressure on you, you feel how she found the passage, and quickly fills all the space in you. He whispers that he will write you a premium, and you lean on the table and push your legs wider, surrendering to his pushes. The rest fit, they take you by the legs, holding what you feel comfortable, one kissed your lips very gently, and quietly whispered in your ear that he would do something for you at work, and then took out his dick and put it in his mouth. Someone else entered into you, after the boss, he entered abruptly and began to move quickly, whose hands took hold of the chest, someone took your hand, and put something warm and thick into it.

You have already gone astray once you are logged in, but each time it was different, someone is harsh, someone is very careful, and this is incredibly exciting. The body languishes from passion, the sensations become sharper, someone new enters into you, but for some reason it is hard, as if it is dry there. You feel yourself now in bed, you are very well and comfortable, the member has already plunged into you, and gentle lips have touched the neck. You feel a strong body on yourself, and in yourself its ending which smoothly set in motion. You opened your eyes, and you saw the ceiling of your room, gradually realizing that it was all a dream. Although not quite, the man is real, and he kisses you behind the ear, and with slow movements he sinks into you and takes out his big and solid one. You close your eyes, surrendering to the continuation of sleep, the strong arms of a man embrace you behind your back, he holds you by the shoulders, not letting go, which you would not want to.

His lips find yours, only here you notice that not your boyfriend kisses you, catch a glimpse of yesterday’s entertainment with your beloved and friend, and the tongue penetrates your mouth looking for your tongue. This is a friend, he is just like yesterday, he deeply passes in you with his dignity, you feel it perfectly, and you strive to meet him in your body, and through a moan you ask him not to do it. Just like in a dream, with all your efforts you are trying to change the situation, and the naughty body, like someone else's, responds to the jolts of a scoundrel who took advantage of the situation.

The male weighs the buttocks with a weight so that you feel the head there, where no one ever got, under your strong body you feel like a sponge ready to accept any form of domineering hand, the main thing is that it does not stop and continue to knead. You try to clasp him behind your back, so that you can pull your pelvis closer to him, you feel with your palms that they protrude from under the skin of his shoulder blade and tight muscles.

My thoughts are confused in my head, you ask to stop in a whisper, and ask him where your beloved is, and when a friend accelerates, you are suffocating from sensations that seize trembling in the lower abdomen. You know that you need to pull yourself together and push him away from you, at least try to do it, your friend will understand and control himself, so now there is still a little bit of this sweet and forbidden passion, and you have to do it.Only here is a little more of his flesh, he is still there anyway, so a couple of moments will not change anything, but such a thrill that you want to cling to his hot buttocks with your nails and not to let go.

He saved the phone from the maelstrom of sensations, he began to play the melody and moved to the edge of the nightstand from vibration. The friend stopped, but obviously was not going to leave the warm place, he only raised it with one hand ...

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