1. A gift from a loved one and best friend. Part 1
  2. A gift from a loved one and best friend. Part 2: Alone with the Tempter

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you are changing ... But his foam inside knows that this passion is impossible to resist, he understands everything perfectly and accepts you with gentleness. Holding on to his back, you sit on your knees, a friend slowly lowers your ass until the head of the brush touches the edge of the sofa, making your way up to the goosebumps. He made you jump, and made sure that the brush touches the edge of the sofa with bristles, deviates and passes on, and he himself stood between you and the back of the sofa.

His excited head caresses his cheeks, nose, eyes, you try to catch her with your lips, and a friend does not give her playing to you, as soon as his lips touch him, he immediately slips away, and somewhere for the fifth time he did not slip away, but on the contrary went deep into mouth.

“Oh, yes ...” - he clearly enjoys this trick, and maybe he has gone so deep, or that he has a best friend in his mouth. There is a big penis in his mouth, and before his eyes the pubis rolling into the press, raising his eyes even higher, saw him throwing his head back slightly moaning. “Poor thing, probably languishing with desire when you caressed you,” you thought, and began to caress him in response. He put his palms on his shoulders, and slowly began to swing you, up and down, forcing the brush to rub on the sofa, it all gave in the ass with such sensations that you yourself began to swing, getting pleasure from every movement. The pussy is empty, and this emptiness contrasts so much with the ass, which, when annoyed, releases pleasant waves all over the body, and you like a drunken sucking head, completely surrendering to this process.

“Honey, caress the pussy, and I just suck, jump and suck. “- his voice filled with pleasure makes him do everything as he says, although the light dress caressed his hips so pleasantly, you lifted him up and penetrated between your legs. She put her finger on the clitoris, from which it became even more pleasant, a drop of moisture slowly flows down the thigh, I want to remove it, but I do not want to be distracted.

“Imagine how tonight will be healthy, yours will take you from behind, and will push your mouth on my dick. You’d have no one in the pussy ... - He thought, stroking your hair, and then issued: - Do you have someone in mind, I would persuade him to join us! ”

When I realized what he was talking about, you stopped and looked into his eyes, he was serious, even though he was playing a smile on his lips. Involuntarily imagined a familiar guy who would definitely join you, he was still in a dream, but you shook your head, and taking out his head said: - "I want only you and your loved one ..."

“You will get me now, and him too, but later. - Gently speaking, stopping your movements, which you resumed again, and raising you by the hand forcing you to get up from the sofa, asked: - Let's grow your tail, but first you need to relax, and you know how?

“Massage?” Suggested and hugged each other by the neck, and his palms parted the buttocks and slowly pulled out this magic wand. From unexpected sensations there the body arched, you would probably have fallen from weakness in your legs, if his strong hands did not catch and put you on the sofa.

“What are you doing?” - Lover became interested in your condition, sitting between your legs on the sofa.

Lying on your back, you are embarrassed and said: - "When you pulled out ... It was very nice ..."

Druzhek pressed your legs to his chest, and asked to hold them in this position, and he squeezed grease from his tube on his finger, and with circular movements he smeared the anus. He asked you to relax, and as soon as she closed her eyes, she felt that the handle was creeping into you again, it was screwed in, with each turn you do not arbitrarily squeeze there, this feeling becomes brighter.

The immersion of the magic wand was over, you felt the sexual lips licked, opened your eyes when you saw how the very first and best lover is attached to your pussy. His head touches the genital lips, he strokes it with you, lightly slaps the clitoris with its juicy sausage, and sends it to a very wet cave.

"Finally ...!" - Only now you understand how much you want his cock, clasped his legs, wishing that he slipped into you completely, from your efforts your ass reminded you with several pleasant waves all over your body that she was busy with something. Through the veil of this wild passion, you remembered that you had only to prepare your ass for the arrival of your beloved, and you couldn’t change him an hour ago, and now you are completely at the mercy of some of his friend’s charms. In spite of all your efforts, he entered you slowly, you groaned feeling his head pushing the inner walls, and at the very end he pressed the brush like that, so that she pressed herself inside the tip to the wall.

His lips came close to yours, you kissed him greedily, took his tongue into his mouth, from tenderness began to caress him. He set his piece in motion between his legs, it slides easily leaving behind him the emptiness and refilling it. Tearing off a kiss, his lips whispered in his ear: “Hurry for the evening, can't wait to try how your lover will take your ass with his dick, and he will have you, and I will feel it with my dick through a thin wall in my pussy. - his movements became sharper, the handle in the pope also began to move quickly from his pushes, and it seemed to you that the beloved was already there, in you, and a friend slowed down a little added: - And when he finishes, I will get down to business. "

The earlobe was taken into the mouth, and there they squeezed, right at the ear he often breathed in time with his own shocks, and you were even more excited about what the guys would do with you today.

“Will you behave with us as a nymphomaniac?” - his question was half a moan, by intonation only guessed what he asked and did not order. And you are ready for them to be anyone and somehow, I want what they would do with you today what they want.

"Yes ...!" - groaned in response to a friend, he began to move even more, and you squeezed into a tight string with your claws glaring at his back from a strong orgasm. He did not stop, on the contrary, he felt how you were finishing, accelerated the bombardment, and did not stop until he completely squeezed all possible sensations out of you.

Remaining still in you, he sat down more comfortably, and gently stroked his breasts, squeezing them in his palms, and you breathing heavily, came to your senses from this wild orgasm, basking in his caresses. You asked, "Why didn't you finish?"

“I didn’t have time, and I wanted to finish when I mean a tail. - he smiled and asked. “Are you relaxed, ready?”

Having listened to your inner feelings, you told him that you were ready, he came out of you and took out a brush by throwing it on the floor, and you once again felt how nice it was there while she was being pulled out. At his request, you became a cancer, and with hands you parted the ass, and he smeared grease with his finger, then pressed there with something big, something that screwed you into expanding your ass. The body involuntarily resisted and squeezed a foreign object, the guy stopped at these moments, and gave time to get used, because of this you didn’t feel any pain, it was just very unusual, extremely and excited that your friend was preparing your butt for her beloved one that evening.

"That's it!" - The widest part of the oval ended and he went inside taking his place as it was. Your hands were removed from the ass, and he began to stroke her, then his fingers squeezed the buttocks, as if some thing, and pressed, so you strongly arched. Felt his head at the entrance to the pussy, he pulled you on his penis, inside tightly with an oval, from which it seems as if he is huge. Strong hands are holding you imperiously, such a kind and gentle friend is now hard at shoving his dignity into the narrow pussy, and looking back, she saw bliss on his face.

Strong tremors permeate you, hit the tip of the oval, it seems that the guys like you have two of you yesterday, only more pleasant. You even moaned through his moan to move even tougher, your beloved never once fought you, and this is very cool, more often it would be like that.

He accelerated, and suddenly froze, he pulled you as hard as he could, and a hot stream of his seed sprayed inside. His moan of pleasure was more like the roar of the beast, he fell all over you breathing heavily, and his dick continued to decline spewing sperm residues. You thought that you should have another contraceptive drink, not waiting for the evening.

Having caught his breath, he asked you, sneaking his fingers under you to the clitoris: “bring you?”

“Come on in the evening, otherwise it will not be enough for me ...” - you answered him, but not stopping his hand, strong excitement did not let go, and his member slowly falls into you.

“My asterisk, you have enough for ten! - He kissed your neck and got up with you, on the way to the bathroom, he added: - But I probably need to get in shape by the evening ... ”

Lying on the sofas you are in no hurry, just want to remove the dress wrinkled and damp with sweat, you want your favorite one to come sooner. I threw the dress to the floor, went to the mirror, looking into my eyes and asked myself: “How will you look into his eyes?” Having circled around, looking at the chic tail, I decided that he would have no time for him, you will arrange this for him!

1 comment
  • August 12, 2015 21:51

    Dear girls, did I adequately write the behavior of the heroine, or jarred on her actions?


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