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hands to vershinka and asked:

Lesha, tell me, is it true that boys like being touched like that? - Dashulya squeezed the tip in her fist and pulled the foreskin down, mentally imagining what she now had in her hand.

Really like! Hmmm ... especially ... when they touch ... with their lips ... - Lesha, with a voice that was hoarse with excitement, was barely able to clearly answer.

- Can i... ?

- Yes...

Dasha leaned over, holding the key to her well-being, felt the warm, soft flesh touch her lips. She ran the tongue over his velvety skin, behind which the head still hides.

- Do you like?

The fingers slowly moved the delicate skin, and she imagined how the head opens near her lips. Felt, as poured by force the object of her lust.

- Highly!

- And so? - She completely took the head in her mouth, and tried to suck in like a lollipop.

Yeah !!! Oh my God! So cool! - Alex was delighted, and forgetting shyness, he leaned forward. From the thrill of sensation, he moaned when her mouth began to slide along the trunk.

Dasha did not ask about anything. Only skillfully continued to do him a blowjob, forgetting to play in inexperience and enjoying his feelings. And Lesha was floating on the waves of sharply-sweet sensations. His breath with sensual hoarseness caressed the girl's ear. His intermittent moans sounded like music to her skillful mouth.

Dasha was interested in the reaction of the guy to her actions, and she slowly pushed the fabric from her eyes. I saw that the guy, closing his eyes and leaning back on the couch, threw back his head. His mouth was slightly open, and a blush appeared on his cheeks.

Continuing to move her head, she carefully pulled the yellow scarf off her head, without taking her eyes off his face. It was interesting and exciting to follow his emotions. His eyebrows are up, his nostrils are dilated with rapid breathing. The temptress was so fascinated by watching the guy that she missed the moment when his fingers squeezed the pillow, the body tightened, the dick jerked and salty liquid shot from the tip in her mouth. Lesha groaned loudly, pouring out the accumulated desire.

Dasha was not going to bring him to orgasm. Moreover, she did not want him to cum in her mouth. But she overcame her disgust and tried to swallow everything. She knows how guys like it. Still holding the trembling member in her mouth, watched Lesha wake up. He opened his eyes, still covered with a haze of weathered orgasm, reached for her head, and gently stroked her hair.

- Leeeeshaaa, you're so cute when you finish! Sorry, I could not resist and removed the bandage. - Dasha licked the tip of his fallen penis a couple of times and looked at him again, asking: - Do you have any instant noodles?

- Are you hungry? So we have in the fridge a lot of normal food. Or we can order everything you want. - Alex wondered how you can eat such disgusting, and I thought what would be delicious to feed the girl.

- Oh, that you, you already fed me. - fervently laughing, replied the girl.

In fact, I remembered a movie I had seen once, and a crazy idea came to her head that she terribly wanted to bring to life. Feeling that sex with an inexperienced guy would be boring, she decided to be a little hooligan.

- It is unlikely, we must see, maybe somewhere lying around. But I do not think.

Then let's go look for it. I need this particular noodle. - she rose from her knees and took his hand, pulling her. Lesha tried to raise his jeans with his underpants, but Dasha’s question stopped him: “Can you not dress for me?” I have long dreamed that next to me was a naked man.

Shrugging, Alex went to her kitchen. Opening the wall cabinet, he began to look for what the girl asked. Dashulya watched as the T-shirt lifted, baring his elastic buttocks. Looking at them, she mentally said: "Yes!"

- Found! Eat with beef and chicken, what do you like?

- Give both! - she took them and began to open. Remembering something, ordered: - Put the kettle!

Pour boiling water noodles, a couple returned to the room.

- Did you like it? - whispered her lips in his ear when she settled next to him on the couch.

- What exactly? - Leshka turned to her and added a little embarrassed: - Although I really liked everything. So - yes!

The guy's weapon was ready for battle again. Dasha drove him to the couch, forcing him to lean his back on the soft armrest. And she got up on all fours, reached out to kiss, and then went down to his strong cucumber. Having settled down more comfortable, Dasha suggested:

- Alex, will you help me figure out what the boys like more and what less? I now ... mmm ... I will do something, and you will appreciate how nice you are ... let's say poooo ... a ten-point scale. - She smiled slyly and added: - I think the hit will be right in the top ten!

Her lips covered the head, immersing his tender flesh in his mouth.

- Oh yes, right on target!

Dasha noticed that the young man had become bolder, not so embarrassed as at first, and mentally praised ... herself, well, a little bit of him.

- And so?

Her tongue licked the bare head and looked at his face, on which a blissful smile blossomed.

- Somewhere on ... Pyaterochka. - Alex mischievously winked at her.

With a wink at her answer, she came down to the testicles with her lips, but suddenly stopped, straightened up and, looking into his eyes, asked: “Can you now go and shave all the vegetation from there?” - finger pointed to the testicles.

Leshka was only happy to please her girlfriend, without further ado agreed and went to the bathroom. And Dasha went to the kitchen to check the noodles. The noodles are already swollen and soft. Drain the water, she dumped funny curls into the bag. For the conceived noodles are too hot, so the hooligan rolled them neatly into a roll and left for a while. The very same went to the bathroom.

And there was the process of shaving with might and main. The initiator of this action immediately joined him, then holding the member, then shaving the ladder in hard-to-reach places, then checking the quality of work with her fingers.

Finally, the couple returned to the sofa. Dasha gladly breathed in the sweet smell of his body after the shower gel. Kissing his velvety skin, behind which the head is hidden, she thought she wanted his cock to always remain so beautiful. Remembering suddenly that the guys love to take a picture, as they do blowjob, she decided to let him take a few pictures. But on your phone. Taking a cell phone out of her purse and turning on the camera, she handed it to the guy with the words:

- He is now pretty with you, can I have a couple of pictures for memory? - I asked him with a kind of embarrassed smile, knowing that as soon as he left here, he would immediately remove them.

Fully accustomed and feeling the mistress of the evening, Dasha began to pose in front of the camera with a dick in her mouth, making innocent eyes with it. Lesha enthusiastically shot, even more excited. Moving her fist around the penis, she sank to his testicles, took one by one in her mouth to suck, then licked and asked:

- And how was it to you?

- Cool!

- But better than when a member in the mouth, or worse? - she really was interesting and fun.

When you take it with your mouth, the best. - Alex smiles, her mischief does not give the slightest chance to remain indifferent.

- And so? - Opening her mouth and sticking out the tongue, she pressed her head to him and began to move her hand very quickly. But not for long, fearing that he will finish again. Judging by the expression on his face, he was again on the verge.

- Great!

“And now I want to blindfold you and undress.” You want to evaluate how good you will be inside me? - Dasha cooed, radiating waves of desire.

- I really want ... - He removed the phone with spicy photos and allowed him to blindfold.

Dasha undressed, leaving only her panties, ran to the kitchen for a bag of noodles. When she returned, she waved her hand before his eyes and asked just in case:

- You are exactly me ... Read more →

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