1. Tribute to God. Prologue
  2. Tribute to God. Harvest
  3. Tribute to God. Court
  4. Tribute to God. Everyday wicked

Page: 2 of 2

- Take the heavenly maiden, and deliver to me. Alive. I am not a samuel, but I also sometimes need to be amused, and then I will become like Lucifer, equally gloomy and dull.

- Yes, sir.

And G "Zatranella disappeared, this time without special effects, just disappeared into the air.

Here Leah - bitch, should not interfere mean? And she herself went to instruct Gabriel on the right path. Nothing, the world will still see the "Feast of Princes" and the Heavenly Throne will be in our hands.


Gabriel Enjoyed the female body, enjoyed it to the fullest. At first, everything was forbidden to him. He lived worse than slaves. He was tested and tortured. He was killed dozens of times, but every time he was resurrected. Scientific concerns have offered a lot, in exchange for the secret of immortality, but Gabriel refused them. At first he suffered from hunger and lust, the whole world considered him a monster, in a sense it was. But then, when his deeds began to be remembered only vaguely, he turned into a “Liberator” and only two reasons prevented him from leaving prison: pride and a thirst for knowledge. Here in prison, once a former monastery, he learned to invoke the book of God's gifts and became the first sorcerer in the last 2,500 years. True, the "Gifts of God" cursed the one who used the knowledge, but Gabriel had nothing to lose. He learned to Summon demons from adjacent worlds (not from hell because it was too risky), to subjugate people, control the elements and many forbidden knowledge. He also learned that Lucifer was killed in one of the skirmishes of heaven and hell, inconclusively, but it sealed hell and his circles. Heaven was forced to follow the principle of balance and also gradually ceased to interfere in people's affairs. And more and more souls went to hell, in 2995. Any religion practically died. There remained only small pockets of faith. Belief in God was replaced by faith in technology. Reviving Lucifer, Gabriel brought Heaven and Hell back into play. And now a new wave of religious inspiration has swept the world.

Gabriel, however, almost did not notice.

At the moment, Gabriel covered Elena's neck with kisses, he was going to take off her dress. But she did something and the dress fell apart into molecules and was pulled into a ring.

Well, at least the bra is in place, Gabriel thought. Tearing his lips from his neck, he unbuckled his bra and covered his chest with kisses. Elena has already launched her hand into her panties and massaged her clitoris. Gabriel enjoyed every kiss, for after spending almost 300 years without women, he almost went insane. Now he was engaged in love (Actually sex, but Gabriel is very romantic lately) with a very beautiful woman, with a beautiful face, emerald eyes, a neat, slightly upturned nose, a gorgeous face framed by not less gorgeous red hair. The overall picture was complemented by a gorgeous chest and a magnificent ass. And now Gabriel pulled off her panties and began to caress her pussy, Elena, apparently not wanting to remain in debt, took his cock in her mouth and began to caress him skillfully. Gabriel, applying his rather big experience, tickled the clitoris with his tongue, caressed his labia, his hand, sliding between his bodies, crushing his chest. Elena skillfully sucked his dick, caressed the bridle and foreskin with her tongue, periodically masturbating him, in general, Gabriel and Helen's pleasure was maximum and mutual.

Enough, I still want to give you pleasure, dear, otherwise your skillful tongue drives me crazy - Gabriel wanted to immerse herself in it, he loved oral sex, but he loved much more, classical vaginal, because there is little that can be compared with the pleasure of creation life (Angels once terribly jealous of such a gift).

Pleased to feel Elena's hands on his Chest, Gabriel put her on cancer (approx. In the 3900 millennium, this position will be called "in the pose of the sovereign") and began to move, simultaneously massaging her pussy with his free hand.Elena was moaning, and judging by the detached facial expression she enjoyed the process very much. And Gabriel enjoyed even more, he decided to surprise her and using a simple thought-image, filled him with force and here: The sensations increased several times both in his and hers. The groans became even louder and ... her pussy became noticeably tighter, and Gabriel's pleasure became even sweeter and ... a flash of light and before the eyes, a feeling of perfect happiness and freedom, and his penis ejaculate the seed into her vagina. And having applied more magic, his dick was again filled with power and now the feast of the flesh continues, only now Elena Rides him on the way to paradise. They feasted for a long time. After they decided to drink coffee.

- Well, how are things with my property? - asked Gabrielle (Elena Was a steward, moreover hereditary, her family managed the affairs of Gabriel for a very long time)

- All is well, Dorain's & Roman Stocks bring you a significant income, not to mention smaller concerns, Your overall fortune is estimated at 98,000,000. 000 Aurians, already 200 years old, is the first place in the ranking of the richest people on the planet, and 70% of the GDP of a small state, she coldly declared, as if they had not had sex before.

- Well, honey, do not be angry, but just trying to keep the conversation going, I forgot to say - I love you - I lied to Gabriel. He had lived on earth for so many years and was tormented by nightmares, that ... he could hardly fall in love with someone truly.

Elena brightened, but continued her report, something was missing.

- But about 8. 000. 000. 000 will leave this year, many of your descendants wished to receive "parental expense" so ...

He did not have time to agree, Gabriel, hugging her, kissed her.

Their kiss was interrupted by a sharp announcement, heard from the speakers.

- Gabriel Johnson, visitor for you, according to the regulations of St. Nicholas Prison, your current visitor must leave the residence area after 5 minutes.

Elena said goodbye to Gabriel left.

A new visitor was unfamiliar to Gabriel. Tall, slim, nice breasts, blue eyes, she was wearing a strict formal suit (so rare at the time). Her appearance aroused in him new bouts of lust, but he choked his intuition to look at her with magical eyesight. And he saw what he least wanted to see: Six snow-white wings and a sword hanging in the air ,. Angel, and a mighty, but completely naked. Using magic, he covered himself and the angel with a soundproof dome, it was not enough for his guards to take him for a madman.

“Please sit down.” Gabriel pointed to the armchair.

“So why did heaven send an angel to me?” I deserve to die?

The angel looked at him very coldly, in his eyes, the truth was something else. A pity?

- My name is Leah, and I'm not an angel, I'm a heavenly Virgin, a warrior of heaven. And I did not come to kill you. You will kill yourself anyway. I have to warn you.

- Is it customary for your heavenly maidens to declare themselves naked to a stranger and make such statements, or a special case?

- Heavenly creatures do not burden themselves with clothes, only you people see something shameful in the demonstration of the body. In any case, I am naked only in true guise. But that's not the point, I have to tell you that when you read the “Gifts of God” for the first time, your fate changed. Do you know what the “Last Judgment” is?

Gabriel wondered for a moment, he had studied the “Gift of God” far and wide, but there only briefly mentioned it. He knew that it was somehow related to Christianity, but in his time, religion was not as strong as it is now.

- Honestly, I am not very familiar with religion. Is this something like the end of the world?

- “Last Judgment” is the triumph of light, when Heaven and Hell meet in the final duel, and Heaven will win this battle, hell will be sealed forever and everlasting, most people will go to heaven and be cleansed of original sin. Material earth truth will be destroyed.

“And why are you telling me this?” Paradise doesn't shine for me anymore, the “gifts of God” clearly speak about it - Gabriel asked

- Here you are not quite right, but first things first.In addition to the “Last Judgment” there is also the “Feast of Princes”, this will happen if the heavens lose the battle, then the demons will devour the souls of people, receive tremendous power and seal the heavens, and then all of humanity will burn eternity in hell.

- As you can lose, the Most High is on your side, he alone can destroy all hell.

- Our Lord will not interfere, the principle of balance, and he is a neutral side. Most likely, if the "Feast of Princes" happens, he will try to start all over again.

- And where am I? Paradise has already rejected me.

Leah looked around sharply, as if she saw something. She jumped up from the chair.

- They are close, I can not stay here, if they punched even such protection, then I am doomed. (eroticspace.info) Remember you can still save your soul, for this you have to stop Lucifer, to captivate him. When you are free, find one of your descendants, use their blood to figure out how to capture Lucifer.

With these words, she disappeared

Gabriel woke up. Elena slept next to him.

Was it really a dream? I doubt


Leah was caught, and now she was carried in the antigrav demon, a very powerful demon. For people looking like a lawyer.

Arriving at the gloomy view, she was led inside.

Leah saw Sataniel, his famous smirk was written on his face.

- A G "zatranella, you executed the order, well you can go.

G "Zatranella disappeared, as if he had never been

- Leah, I hope you will not run?

“Damn you, I will never give out the fallen to you.”

Sataniel took her hand and fastened a bracelet on it, thin and black with rubies.

- You know what it is? This is a famous bracelet of obedience forged with the blood of pure souls; it captivates the soul of even angels. Now, Leah, you will give me pleasure. And Satanil threw off his disguise and appeared in his true guise of a fallen angel. Pale skin, pitch black hair, burns on a slender body, pitch seemed to flow through the veins along with a flame, complemented the picture of black wings.

Leah tried to resist, but the bracelet seemed to overshadow her will.

Her hands reached for his penis, and began to masturbate him, her lips touched the head.

Sataniel was happy, for the first time his demonic nature did not conflict with the angelic. On the one hand, he reveled in his power over the maiden, on the other, tender feelings flared up. But she would have to learn a blowjob.

Having stopped Leah Sataniel, he pressed his lips to her pussy, and began to lick her, his snake (literally) tongue slid and delivered to Leah not a little pleasure (Although Leah herself tried to make her mind fall asleep), drops of stimulating poison fell from her tongue, which kindled Leah's pussy love longing. Putting Leah on his knees, he began furiously fucking her, getting unprecedented pleasure. Leah against her will, moaning feeling little comparable pleasure with what, her pussy was filled to the limit, the member slid delivering her flesh pleasure. Two opposites gave each other pleasure. But Leah really hoped that when Sataniel would satisfy his lust, she would kill her ...

Sataniel satisfied his lust for a long time, but at the end of the day, pouring into her, he whispered:
“We will have many more nights, dear.”

Leah wanted to kill him or unchain him, but the damned bracelet prevented her from doing so.

/ p
  • March 15, 2014 12:17

    Rare nonsense. The beginning of the story is able to put to sleep the sleeping beauty, and she and the prince without sleep and sleep for centuries. But, and the second part. Somehow sadly happened ...


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  • Lloid (a guest)
    March 15, 2014 15:33

    Such is the fate of all the stories trying to describe forces that a person has never watched, and is unable to imagine (imagine). The usual case of the perception block is an inexperienced reality. (Sarcasm).


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