1. Tribute to God. Prologue
  2. Tribute to God. Harvest
  3. Tribute to God. Court
  4. Tribute to God. Everyday wicked

Page: 1 of 2

2995 was not the most successful for humanity. The European Union was on the verge of collapse and kept only on snot and prayers. Countries tried to keep from breaking up. Many of them avoided the help of terror and biological weapons. Science, although it has reached great heights, could not fully satisfy all sectors of society. The rich got everything, and the poor actually got terror.

A small corporation Dorain's & Roman, made an extraordinary find, carefully hidden from the public, under Mecca, there was a huge crater, judging by the indicators filled with an incomprehensible substance. The corporation sent several of its men for preliminary reconnaissance.

Suddenly the light bulb went out and Gabriel was in the dark. Darkness, however, was not absolute, the walls of the crater found were a smooth black substance with patches of red stones, which glowed slightly red, which together with the darkness created an eerie sensation. It seemed to Gabriel that hundreds of thousands of eyes were looking at him, with not the best of intentions. How is this possible? - thought Gabriel, stoshary extremely reliable, they will burn even ... yes everywhere.

Gabriel had to come down here to find out what happened to the other members of the expedition, Professor Wesslav and bodyguard Mario. Their indicators just disappeared from the devices. So he, one of the founders, had to descend into this fucking hole. He was generally appointed the leader of the expedition only because he participated in all kinds of illegal operations of the company, be it experiments on humans or the creation of biological weapons. In general, it was trite hooked. Gabriel's thoughts interrupted the disabling of the holo interface.

- Damn, what's going on here.

He walked up the steps from the same strange material as the walls. here the steps ended and the corridor began. Gabriel overcame fear and moved forward. having passed a little. Along the way, he tried to activate a laser implant, sewn into his hand and nothing ...

Yes, I’ll go back to asking for my money back - that was Gabriel’s last thought before he saw it ...

Vsesslav was lying on the floor, his throat was literally torn out, and his expression was frozen ... Gabriel had never seen such horror. Mario was lying next to him and ... his hands were bloody, and his face, after the peaceful Italian, expressed some kind of tireless rage, as if he were a character from those terrible films. WTF? What the hell happened here - Gabriel swore.

Go ahead and do not be afraid, you are not threatened with the same thing as these dolphins - a voice rang out, as if woven from hundreds of voices.

There was a sweat on Gabriel's forehead;

- Who is there? Who are you? Show yourself!

- neuettt Gaabbriellll go ahead and learn everything and there was a terrible laugh.

I'm not crazy! This voice really is, but what does all this mean?

It remained to go forward into the only passage, passing through it, Gabriel saw everything:

it was a round hall, in the middle of it there was an altar and opposite the passage in which stood Gabriel there was a niche in which there was a book, carved and of stone.

Come to the book of your fate, mortal - again whispered voices

Gabriel, with difficulty holding back the fear, approached the book. Her cover was decorated with the face of a man whose face was unusually spiritualized and seemed to be a focus of courage and justice. around the face, incomprehensible symbols and runes were inscribed and at the bottom there was a sharp ledge.

Spill the blood, give our Lord a drink, and now the voice was more like a chorus of female voices.

Gabriel, without thinking twice, struck his palm sharply on a sharp ledge, poured blood, suddenly the blood rose into the air and slid in a continuous stream into the center of the face. The blood stopped flowing and the book opened abruptly.With surprise, Gabriel realized that the book was written in Russian, his once native language.

Gabriel plunged into reading:

Know mortal, if you read this, then you are the executor of the devilish plan of Lucifer, and you will become an instrument in the hands of the Lord. Do not be surprised, but you need to revive Lucifer again because you want the Lord, you will be cursed, but the unclean will fulfill 6 of your desires. You have no choice, but you can try to resist and die here. Do you know that it was in this very place that Lucifer fell, and it is here that all his anger and strength, as well as the legion of his faithful angels, are concentrated?

Mortal, shedding your blood on the book, you got the power to control people and generate any elements. You need this power in order to perform the Lucifer Revival Ritual.

To revive Lucifer is necessary, in order to do this you will need to bring here a harlot and 7 men dedicated to the princes of the underworld. For dedication, you will need to burn out the fire with ... here Gabriel got a little confused because he couldn’t understand the word for each prince’s name you dedicate to him: Samael, Beelzebub, Python, Belial, Asmodeus, Abadnon, Satan.

Next, sing their fresh blood and bring the vessels, and let their seed be mixed inside the harlot and give rise to the Fallen.

After the birth, bring the baby here and it will be embodied in the present and will appear in all its glory and will be obliged to you 6 desires.

You embody the purpose of the Creator, but damn you forever and ever.

The book slammed shut.

Gabriel read a lot of disgusting things in his life, but the book of rituals of Lucifer was the most disgusting of all this.

That means who you are, the legion of Lucifer - Gabriel cried out - and how can I get out of here?

- Ritual, that's the main thing, the ritual you have to conduct.

One of the walls opened and a platform appeared floating in the air.

Lift probably - thought Gabriel and was right.

It was difficult to hush things up with missing people, but Gabriel could do it. He used his new abilities to make the whole board of shareholders believe him. When he wanted people to believe him, he just concentrated the flow of energy on his voice and ... everyone believed.

Every night he was tormented by nightmares, in some he burned alive under the laughter of fallen angels, in others he was killed by quite a real angel.

And each time, the dream ended in one word: Ritual.

Finally, Gabriel set about implementing his plan.

It was easiest to find the harlot. Going to his friend, the owner of a brothel, he explained what he needed (of course, without details). One of the "girls" agreed, her name was Jane Anderson, he was tall and the side of a girl with thick and red hair and gray eyes, in addition, she suffered from nymphomania. The girl agreed to the condition of Gabriel, but demanded a huge fee.

In order to create dedicated, Gabriel hired porn actors, It flew into his penny, but if everything works out, then he will never need anything.

Having gathered all the initiates, he first of all, with the help of magic, turned off all feelings from them and forced them to undress. 7 people, 4 of them were white Europeans, 2 blacks and 1 was Mexican. Using his new power, Gabriel burned the prince's names and corresponding runes enclosed in his brain with a book on the skin of each of them.

Journey to the cleft of Lucifer (As Gabrielle christened her took a little time)

And having gone down, he filled the goblet with blood and made all the initiates drink blood. Then they went to the "Hall of Rituals" and started.

Further, the story is on behalf of Jane.

Gabriel asked me to undress, and I finally got out of clothes without clothes, while we were flying on antigrav, my pussy was craving sex, especially in the midst of such men. Most of all she wanted Gabriel, for he was in spite of her shortcomings, a real master, she felt how she wanted to obey him.

I lay down on this strange bed and said:

- Well, boys, let's start, the girl wants so much to fuck her today.

- Well, if you want, then ...

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