1. Tribute to God. Prologue
  2. Tribute to God. Harvest
  3. Tribute to God. Court
  4. Tribute to God. Everyday wicked

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3900 year

The power of human sin is colossal, so colossal that it can very much, in vain the Lord has endowed the human soul with such strength, it will eventually play against him. In the end, hell has already collected many millions of souls, each of which has the potential to be a legionary of hell. Heaven has more power, but hell has an advantage in numbers ...

Sataniel pondered every step ahead. For thousands of years Sataniel was locked up in his personal hell, controlling him and gaining strength, but this Gabriel revived Lucifer, and hell is once again united, now the demons have access to the material world again.

The night closed around Sataniel, he stood on the top of the mountain, the air was surprisingly clear and Sataniel enjoyed it. For thousands of years, he inhaled only sulfur fumes, uranium dust and other "admixtures of hell." It was intolerable at first, but then he got used to it. Now, standing in the flesh, he felt as if he was again in “Heavenly City”. He could return, it was enough for him to simply ask for forgiveness and repent, but Sataniel could not, pride would not allow him to do that.

Out of his thoughtfulness brought a sharp blow. Who could get so quiet?

Looking at the enemy, Sataniel was a bit taken aback. Then he burst out laughing

“And the heavens sent you to kill ME?” And Leah?

He called upon all the power of his Hell, hell flowed through his veins, which glowed crimson, his eyes reflected the abyss of despair of thousands of souls, in this state Sataniel could sink the continent and not even notice it, but he did not attack, and with a smirk enjoyed the effect produced.

Leah was a “heavenly maiden”, one of the best warriors of heaven, they were once very close. Leah looked at his strength and did not even flinch.

- No, Satan, you are deeply mistaken, believing that heaven has no other business than to kill you, if heaven wanted you, even your whole hell would not save you.

Sataniel relaxed, let go.

“Do you know, Leah, after millennia in hell, enjoying this beautiful night and you know what interrupts my slumber?” You are my beloved one...

It seemed that she did not even notice such a frank confession.

“Maybe I would lead Sataniel to your sweet words, if it were not for one thing: I see your true appearance, and it does not look like my beloved.

When the masters of heaven fell, the power of human sins used began to distort their souls and hell. Their beautiful bodies turned into ugly reflections of their vices, and their circles of hell, instead of gardens and palaces, turned into flaming ruins and conflagrations. Sataniel, as the ruler of deception, did not change so much, but Python, Belial, Asmodeus and Abadnon turned into ugly creatures. Samoel changed not so much externally as internally (Of the external changes, only the horns and the huge penis): He became lustful to the impossibility and now he has been quenching his sensuality with earthly women all day long. Lucifer, on the other hand, spent enormous strength to at least externally remain an excellent cherub, but according to Sataniel, he would not have changed much, pride would not disfigure his faces as much as anger or greed.

- I haven't changed so much, honey, by the way, you haven't changed at all, everything is also beautiful.

For the first time in thousands of years, the "Lord of deception" did not lie. Her true appearance looked like this: tall, slim, with a beautiful body and a magnificent chest, with long golden hair. Sky blue eyes. Through her body, a golden stream of ligature, emerging in the inscription: “Bless me, Father, carry your word and crush the wicked.” Behind her back she had six snow-white wings. A sword hung in the air beside her: “The Kiss of the Light”. Her human appearance was dressed in a strict suit, glasses and looked like a secretary. "Though now in the thematic porn" - flashed the thought of Sataniel.

“I'm here for a different purpose, Fallen.” I am a messenger.Her father sends you and your "Hell-Princes" to her and said this with such a smirk that for a second she began to look like Sataniel himself, that you should not touch Gabriel, he was under the protection of Heaven, you should not prevent him from making a choice, it depends will be “Last Judgment” or “Feast of Princes”

- And to tell him that if he chooses the side of heaven, then thousands of years of pain await him, I also can not?

- Tell me, but do not forget to add that he is also waiting for the salvation of the soul and the blessing of the FATHER, I think it costs more than a thousand years of pain.

- Yes, after such pain, he will hate everyone, I say this as having passed through it. And it was necessary for him to stumble upon the "Tribute to God," the poor fellow — Sataniel said this without any emotion; he did not care about this man.

- Do you call the "Father's Gifts" a tribute? Yes, the Father could have destroyed you with one thought, instead he leaves you alive, gives you a book that will allow you to even the odds on how to be so ungrateful.

- Father did not regret Lucifer. And no demon can read the book.

“Lucifer killed Uriel, and the Father punished him for it.” And neither angel nor demon can read the book, man will go mad.

“Uriel, the eternal whiner and the holy one, I hope daddy punished him badly?” Not every man will go mad. Gabriel has been living for almost a thousand years, and he has not gone mad more than a man who has spent so many years in prison.

- Uriel is deprived of legion and strength, after the “fall”, the Father is much more serious about non-execution of orders. And Gabriel was not mad because he not only read the book, his blood swallowed it, now he is the key to closing hell for all eternity.

This thought struck Sataniel, he did not want to spend eternity in hell, despite all his strength. He could not kill Gabriel, and ... nobody could, except the Father himself. Yes, and Gabriel himself learned a lot from the “Tribute to God”, judging by the magical background around his prison, he is only slightly inferior to Sataniel himself in strength.

Seeing his thoughtfulness, Leah pathetically spoke:

“No one can stop Gabriel, now he will make his own choice, he will either close Hell forever, or become another prince of the abyss, and now the Fallen, forgive me. The wings of Leah lifted her into the air, one stroke and she disappeared in a stream of light. Sataniel closed his eyes, the light of heaven burned his essence.

- And she is good. But I wonder why it was sent to the ground?

Next to Sataniel, a pillar of flame rose from the earth, in which another demon materialized. Sataniel recognized G. "Zatranella, one of the highest young demons. During his lifetime, his name was Robert, he was a successful lawyer and saved the criminals from the death penalty, once a" grateful client "came to his house and raped, and then killed his daughter. with a submachine gun bought by him on the black market, he shot guards, a judge, a lawyer, witnesses. He murdered his daughter with a knife until the guards broke into the hall. And then he put the rest of his cage in his head. passing through the fire of hell was reborn and he ratilsya in a powerful demon. And quickly became a 3 blade unclean. But now he appeared in his human form, and it was easy to take for an attorney.

- My lord, I have important news: Heaven has become more active, the messengers of heaven have been seen all over the globe. They collect relics, strengthen the general background of faith. Sanctify the church. In general, they have been doing what they have not done for almost 3 thousand years. One of the heavenly maidens, went to Gabriel.

- How do you know where the heavens have been doing for 3 thousand years? You are barely a thousand.

- I have studied history well, hell has a lot of time for self-development. Can I continue?

- Is there something else?

“My demons tried to break into the prison of Gabriel, but came upon a defense, very powerful, Gabriel wasted no time in his campaign.

- Did you really think that he, the bearer of the “tribute of God”, would sit with folded arms? If the world order has not changed while hell has been shut up, then Gabriel is the only one who understands what is happening, although he does not know his role in all of this, but that’s okay.In the end, he will have no choice.

- There are orders, sir? ...

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