1. Tribute to God. Prologue
  2. Tribute to God. Harvest
  3. Tribute to God. Court
  4. Tribute to God. Everyday wicked

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A hologram opened in front of Gabriel.

Eileen was a very beautiful girl. Redhead with eyes the color of emerald, short in stature, but with an excellent figure, her face was a little childish even at 23, her breasts were moderately large and neat. Gabriel met her when he conducted a disability program. (Erotic stories) Eileen had a Left Leg and Hand Bone Defect, an incorrigible one. But when she saw her face for the first time, Gabriel, for her personal account, bought implants for her and paid for the operation; now she was perfect. They had met for a very long time, even during quiet family life, Gabriel visited her, but she understood everything and ... she was satisfied with it.

- Hello, sun, can you come to me?

- Hi Gab, of course.

Gabriel again puffed on a cigarette ...

Now what? The whole world hates him, his desire has destroyed the whole race. Although, he also asked for the title of "liberator" from Lucifer, which means that in time people will forget ... And the book. What with her?

Thinking of the book, he decided to check something. Taking a paper knife in his hands, he slightly cut the palm of his hand and involuntarily uttered several incomprehensible words, a drop of blood fell on the table, began to grow, and changed its shape into a book. Now the cover showed the face, the beautiful face of the Angel and he was crying, and the tears formed a runic inscription that Gabriel could read “The Book of Divine Tribute” to his displeasure, but turning it over read the following “You will be cursed forever if you even open the book because this book was presented to his beloved son, who raised his blade on his father and fell forever. ” So, it will be something to read in prison - I hope at least there are pictures - the idea was a bit unusual for Gabriel.

There was a knock at the door.

Opening the door, Gabriel saw Eileen, she was alarmed. And immediately rushed to his neck.

- Is it really loved? Anything they say? You really did it - asked Eileen, her face, expressed concern, which made him even more charming

- No, in any case, deliberately, I did not do it, what do I look like so much about the sadist and the psychopath with which they describe me? - Gabriel broke a scream, which was atypical for him

Eileen found herself behind him and began massaging his shoulders.

- Sorry, but all the media, they talk about it, you need to relax, listen after 3 hours.

“For this, I called you, my love, Gabriel took her by the waist and turned her around. You know, I guess I won’t get out of prison,” said Gabriel, kissing her.

- I will wait for you as long as necessary, but they cannot put you in for a long time, but there is no evidence, only indirect ones. Eileen's hands began to unbutton his pants.

- I'm afraid you will not live so much, my love, they will put me in any case, just to calm people down.

Eileen's hands lowered his panties. And now she takes Gabriel's cock in her mouth. Once when they just started their adventures, Eileen was afraid of a blowjob, but now, she was no longer equal in this. Her uvula slid over the head of the penis, massaged the frenum of the foreskin. Distorted, Eileen was even able to take a member down her throat. Gabriel has already forgotten about the upcoming trial. Thoughts evaporated from the moment when she took his cock into her mouth, and when she began to use her tongue, he felt waves of bliss. But suddenly his mind was in a vacuum and he felt even more power, the barriers fell ... somewhere in the street a car exploded. Gabriel stopped Eileen.

- I want you, otherwise I want to cum in you. Gabriel began to caress Eileen in every way, he used everything he had learned in 20 years of hectic and family life. He frantically caressed her breasts, pulling at her nipples, covered her body with kisses, reaching her vagina, he kissed her on the lips (Not the ones on her face), licked her clit. After such caresses, she was all wet, her bosom was burning with fire and her eyes were closed, with her new feeling, Gabriel felt her pleasure.He hung over her and connected his body to hers. The member entered tightly, one of the reasons why Gabriel loved Eileen was her tight vagina, each time Gabriel felt like a virgin. He began to fuck her, working as a member, and heard a voluptuous moan.

Gabriel himself felt every cell of his beloved member, her and endless pleasure. He changed her position and began to fuck her already from behind, massaging her clitoris with her hand and whispering all kinds of obscenities in her ear. Sex was the element of Gabriel. Finally, having ceased to restrain himself, he allowed himself to pour into it and the light flooded his entire consciousness.


In the name of the international community, Gabriel Johnson was found guilty of the genocide of an entire race and the court granted the sentence of 1,000 years of strict regime. Gabriel does not have the right to appeal this verdict in court, nor does he have the right to leniency. His sentence, Gabriel Johnson will serve in the special prison of the Angel Tower, specially built for him. This ridiculous, modified sentence sounded for Gabriel as the sound of an ax descending on the scaffold or as the roar of an electric roast roared, the judge was not impartial, but this is not important, for he will live forever.

- Guilty you have the last word.

- I have already said that I am not guilty. But you know, I have something to say! I created an implant of immortality, and you, despite your illusion of power, have no power over me. After 1000 years, I will leave here and the World will hear again about Gabriel Johnson, and you will call me a liberator, “your Honor” The last Gabriel said with unconcealed sarcasm. What to lose to him, he is immortal and in his blood a book that turns him into a god, and there is time to study it. 2995 AD e. Approximately 3 days after the creation of humanity. An angel crouched on the snow-white marble, its wings were broken, and the face, once beautiful, was disfigured. There was a man standing above him, no not a man, GOD, who assumed a human form, his whole body could see perfection, and his face was so beautiful that the light hid him from all eyes, there was another angel on his right hand, tears flowed down his beautiful face but his hands clutched a sword burning with a snow-white flame.

- WHAT DID YOU PREFACE ME TO MY SON? DIDN'T I DON'T GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU WANT? YOUR CHILDREN I TRYED NOT NOTICE, BUT IT! DO YOU FORGED THE PEOPLE TO LEAVE, AND NOW WAS THOUGHT TO KILL THE FATHER? - the voice of the LORD was beautiful and terrible at the same time, all the time while GOD spoke, Lucifer screamed in pain and despair.

“You are a father, traded me, we were Angels for an idiot and a Cheap whore, Samoel had a lot of fun with her, and you still ask why?” You left us, you ... If you had not made us Absolutely immortal, you would have already killed us. Lucifer called for help all the power of Hell, all the dirt and vice that instilled in people and at the same time all his angelic power, materialized the sword, concluded all the power in it and threw it at FATHER. GOD stopped the blade and threw it from heaven. Nodding to another angel, GOD said: - MICHAEL, MY SON, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU NEED TO DO, YOU'RE ALL POWER WITH YOU, AND I NEED TO THINK ... And God disappeared. - Mikhail is a pathetic traitor, we are brothers, how can you do that? You now have all the power of Our Father, use it, Kill the Father and we will Be gods of the new world - Lucifer pleaded Michael wept, but His voice was firm, as was the hand that squeezed the blade.

- No, you are not my brother, you are a traitor, my duty is to punish you. And with these words, Mikhail Chopped off the Wings of Lucifer. “You will recognize me as a brother, I will crush the heavens and make you ask for forgiveness, and Father will be my personal footman.” Heavenly Throne-My. Michael waved his hand and a Tron, black, appeared next to Lucifer. - The throne is really yours. Michael sat his weakened brother on a chair, thrust a strange knife into it, forged like gold, but it felt a terrible power, the knife went through the flesh and spirit of Lucifer and entered the throne. “But only the Throne of Hell.” This dagger will tie you to him forever. Now damn you, son of the morning, now fallen. A huge ball of fire pierced the land where Mecca would be built in the distress. On the spiritual plane, the capital of Hell was erected in this place, so to speak.Lucifer understood Gabriel well because he himself fell, but there was a significant difference between them, Lucifer deserved punishment, but did Gabriel deserve it?

P. S. I wish all readers to enjoy life, to feel pleasure from it. Have a wonderful sex and beloved and ... Beloved work. I hope the Lord will help in this, including me

  • Romka (a guest)
    March 3, 2014 20:03

    Wow, yes, such a Christian mythology has not happened. Not bad, but the style is not very. Although reminds Dena Brown. And it is not clear what it all goes.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2014 0:29

    Dan Brown did not read. And Christian mythology is so rich that it allows you to wrap almost anything in it


    • Rating: 0
  • okuyet (a guest)
    March 4, 2014 7:30 pm

    It will not make it difficult to explain why it is “the huge fireball pierced the earth where Mecca will be built in the future?” Why not in Vatican or say somewhere in Tibet? Are you a religious fanatic?


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2014 0:28

    It does not make it difficult, just under Mecca, in reality there is some geological discrepancy, which suggests that there was a meteorite fall long ago. Does it bother you?

    why not in Vatican or say somewhere in Tibet
    Hmm, actually I plan to write something about the Vatican, I think about Pope Alexander VI

    Are you a religious fanatic?
    God forbid, if I were a religious fanatic, I would simply not write something so heretical.


    • Rating: 0
  • okuyet (a guest)
    March 5, 2014 9:47

    really? never heard of it ... i mean geological discrepancy


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2014 15:22

    There is a total ban on research and even more excavations in the Kaaba area


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2014 19:11

    Geological exploration there is quite a search.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2014 21:07

    Ahem) well, maybe I haven’t been interested in this for a long time. And they said that the first person on earth was buried there))) They say a lot of things)


    • Rating: 0
  • okuyet (a guest)
    March 5, 2014 17:06

    and it’s quite natural - I don’t think that the Pope would have agreed to demolish St. Peter’s Cathedral for geological studies, although the significance of the Council for Christians and the Kaaba for Muslims are incompatible ... but my question wasn’t really about that I asked where such information about the discrepancy? unless there are some hypotheses that the Kaaba stone itself is of meteoric origin ...


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2014 19:14

    For geological research it is not necessary to demolish something.

    although the value of the cathedral for Christians and the Kaaba for Muslims are incompatible

    Why? St. Peter’s Cathedral is one of the holiest places on earth for Christianity. Mecca is one of the most holy cities for Muslims.

    unless there are some hypotheses that the Kaaba stone itself is of meteoric origin
    Honestly, I did not even think about it when I wrote the story.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2014 19:17

    People, if my stories offend your feelings, please forgive me.
    I have nothing against Muslims or any other denomination (Except for radical trends). Mecca was chosen just like that, without any intent.


    • Rating: 0
  • okuyet (a guest)
    March 5, 2014 21:22

    On behalf of several billion Muslims, I accept your apologies))
    on the subject - a single cathedral, even the most significant, cannot be compared with the Kaaba for one simple reason: there are dozens, if not hundreds of thousands of cathedrals on Earth, which essentially differ in one - its architectural significance. While Kaaba is the peak, the place where Hajj is performed (google what is Hajj, you can understand the difference ... I’m not in terms of offending, just general education)


    • Rating: 0
  • March 6, 2014 0:41

    I know what hajj is, but you also understand St. Peter’s Cathedral, it’s not just a cathedral, here is the grave of Saint Peter, a man whose significance for Christianity is extremely great, before there were pilgrimages, and now quite a few people go there to bow their knees Holy See.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 6, 2014 19:11

    By the way, not several billions, but 1.5 billion.


    • Rating: 0
  • okuyet (a guest)
    March 5, 2014 21:30

    and, frankly, this site is not the best place for discussions about religion in general ... I already noted, I was just wondering where you got information about the geological inconsistencies under the Kaaba ... again I apologize for repeating


    • Rating: 0
  • March 6, 2014 0:36

    Well, yes, for discussions about religions, the place is not very. And if we talk about the geological discrepancy, you see, Mecca is located not far from the Red Sea, which is located at the junction of the lithospheric plates, therefore there are plenty of different depressions and. t. n, but they lie very deep.


    • Rating: 0
  • okuyet (a guest)
    March 6, 2014 10:46

    St. Peter’s Cathedral is not just a cathedral, here is the tomb of St. Peter, a man whose significance for Christianity is extremely great.

    Peter is one of the apostles; at least another 11 others can go and worship. Muslims also have burials of "saints", which go on for various reasons. But Mecca is completely different ... now it has become somewhat commonplace, boarded a plane and flew, but historically the person who visited Meshed, Kerbala and Mecca became elected, he traveled tens of thousands of kilometers of roads, it took pride, suffered great hardships , to show your commitment ... somewhere it can be compared to the deeds of Christian saints, the same Seraphim, who refused the things of the world. On the other hand, this is one of the places associated with the Prophet, and its significance for Muslims cannot be compared with apostles for Christians ... if we draw parallels, then with Christ himself ... I do not think that normal Christians would agree to make out the same the cross on which they crucified Christ for research ...

    geological inconsistency, you know, Mecca is located near the Red Sea, which is located at the junction of the lithospheric plates, so there are plenty of different depressions

    now your logic is clear ... Jerusalem is also not far from the Red Sea, and the Vatican is from the Mediterranean ... that area is generally one large geological fault, so we return to where we started: in the next part, send a meteorite to the Vatican for balance) )


    • Rating: 0
  • March 6, 2014 19:10

    I advise you to study the meaning of Peter for Christianity, he is not just one of the apostles, he is the first saint, the founder of the Roman Catholic Church. He is the second after Christ, and the third after God

    terrain - in general one large geological fault
    No, Mecca is literally 100 km from the Red Sea, which is located just at the point where the lithospheric plates break.

    the next part for the balance send a meteorite to the Vatican
    This is a porn story, not a political one. And about the Vatican, I can write about Pope Alexander VI, or about Balthazar Kosso.


    • Rating: -1
  • okuyet (a guest)
    March 7, 2014 10:21

    I advise you to study the meaning of Peter for Christianity, he is not just one of the apostles, he is the first saint, the founder of the Roman Catholic Church. He is the second after Christ, and the third after God

    If we have already slipped into the councils, then my advice to you, read about the 1st Ecumenical Council, about the numerous versions of the Bible that were destroyed, about the role of 12 who were canonized and about those that were not included in this list. And all this is to the fact that there is a Lord, who is one for both Muslims, and Christians, and for Buddhists, etc., there are his Prophets (in the number of major religions) and there are people who have done a lot for the formation of these religions .In Islam, worship of the places of “saints” (quotes here not for irony) is considered idolatry, even the tomb of the Prophet is an unremarkable place and behind this is quite understandable: you need to honor the Lord and connected with Him, and not with places where you are buried those who have done something in His name.

    No, Mecca is literally 100 km from the Red Sea, which is located just at the point where the lithospheric plates break.

    Re-read what I wrote, the entire Mediterranean region is a seismic-resistant zone.

    This is a porn story, not a political one.

    I already noted a few posts ago that I didn’t like the discussion about high in such a place ... as I said, I wondered where you had information about the discrepancy under Mecca and we came to the conclusion that there are objective reasons for You did not have such a conclusion. If you don’t mind, let’s stop our pointless argument.


    • Rating: 1
  • Romka (a guest)
    March 14, 2014 1:02

    I wonder when the sequel? I hope there will be something hotter


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