1. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 1
  2. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 2
  3. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 3

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case. I gently freed her breasts, trying not to hurt the nipples, and pulled the topic over his head. She laid her hands under her head again.

I stroked her back with wide movements of my palms. Thumbs deeply walked along the spine. He rubbed his shoulders around the collarbone. Then he switched to his favorite caress with his fingertips. Her velvet skin was slightly damp. After enjoying plenty of tactile sensations, I hooked up the tips of my nails. Scrapers up and down. The palms are turned to her body with the back of her hand. But only the nails touch the skin. The skin was not just wet, it was covered with perspiration.

I lowered my body to her body, my head at the waist level. Fingers clasped her gum panties and pulled them down half, leaving covered the bottom of the priests.

He sat upright again and began to admire the hollows that her priests formed a little higher. Then he ran his fingers to the sides from the bottom up. Particular attention is paid to the armpits. They were smooth and wet. I like the passion I wanted to lick their tongue.

Instead, I took her left arm and straightened it down along the body. I held it with my left hand, and with my right hand I began to stroke it from the palm to the top. The inside of the arm was as soft and tender as the inside of the thighs.

Then I began to massage her palm, kneading each tubercle under each finger. And then the fingers themselves.

Without knowing why, I put her hand behind her back. Gave some effort, as if wringing it. I knew that she was hurt a little, but I was sure that it was a sweet pain.

Holding my hand in that position, I continued stroking and massaging it. Nastya did not resist.

I put my hand back under her head again. It was the turn for the other hand. All the same manipulations were done with it.

Nastya was lying with her eyes closed and her mouth half open. "If I hadn't fallen asleep," flashed through my head, "Nothing, now we wake up."

I again sank to her pope. Licked at the very top, where it begins to divide into two halves. My hands were stretched forward, I put them on the sides of Nastya. Fingers just fit comfortably under her armpits. I alternately moved my fingers, absorbing the tips of the sweat from these hollows.

The room barely had enough light to see the alluring outlines of the body beneath me. I grabbed the panties with my teeth and tried to pull them down. They did not give in. Needed a hand. They were Nastya hands. She lowered them down, took her fingers over the panties on the sides, lifted her ass and pulled. The length of her hands was enough for her panties to stop just below the priests. I left them there.

But the whole priest was now mine. I took it as a child for a big apple. And he began to gnaw. Bite, bite, suck, kiss, sniff and lick. I could smell her skin, the smell of her sweat and some other smell. A little tart, a little spicy, a little sweet. This is the smell of her nature, her femininity. He turned my head to clean house wine, and the member swelled so much that it began to ache.

I took him in hand and began to drive him on her bottom. First he poked at the soft part of her buns, then he put it on top between them and began to lead down.

Member of something rested, and Nastya started. She turned around on my back and with the words "Come to me" extended her arms to me. I still had time to look at her little white pubis before lying on top of her.

She put her arms around me. I rested my elbows on the sofa. She stretched her lips to me, and I answered. She smelled of wine in her mouth. The smell is not quite fresh, a little burned out. But I really liked it, I just dug into her mouth, eating it like a cake.

She began to scratch my nails back.If I died at that moment, it would be the best death in the world.

I pulled away from her mouth and started kissing her neck. Then he took an earlobe on the lips, then swallowed it further and began to pace its tongue. Then it seemed to me a little, and I tongue climbed into her ear. She turned her head the other way.

Her legs were spread apart and slightly bent at the knees. My cock was in her pubic area.

I ran my tongue from the crooked ear along the neck to the hollow between her breasts. Down below. Making the tongue as wide and flat as possible, I put it in the base of my left breast and pulled it up. Got to the nipple. Continued movement. The nipple clung to the rough tongue and stretched behind it. “Like an ice cream lick,” flashed in my head.

Once again, he walked his tongue at the base of the chest around the entire circumference and switched to the right one.

I wanted to go down below. For this, I had to kneel again. But the opportunity to put his hands on his chest. With my palms I made light, wavelike movements, because of which the chest under my arms turned into a kind of jelly.

My tongue went down. Went to the navel. I stayed there for a long time. Lower. He is already on the pubis. But first you need to lick the folds, where the legs are connected to the body. The folds that form the female triangle in the lower abdomen. As we boys were staring at these folds in art history classes at an art school! And now I caressed them with my tongue, and it is not yet known which of us was more pleasant.

And here is my mouth next to the most intimate. And the most desirable. It is dark, nothing is visible, but I am going to explore everything as the blind do. But not with your fingers, but with your tongue.

I found a dimple with which her lips begin and began to press on it with the tip of the tongue. Then he led his tongue to the left and down, along the crease connecting the thigh to the body. I put my arm around her left leg and pulled her aside, increasing the available space. I licked between her legs, but this is not the kind of caress that will drive her crazy. For the most part, I was engaged in the inner side of the thigh at its very foundation. Sometimes I touched the warm skin of her lips with a corner of my tongue, and I barely restrained myself so as not to rush at them with all my passion.

The tongue moved in an arc over her lips to caress the other side. The smell from the bosom intensified. The air that I breathed became thick and heavy.

The preparatory stage is over. I felt that Nastya was ready for the main course.

I got hands with Nastya under the ass. Again he made his tongue wide and soft and bent down to put it as low as possible. Nose rested in the very dimple at the top of her lips.

I kissed my tongue at the bottom. Slowly held them up. She was all wet. My mouth instantly filled with its juice and I felt its taste. It was delicious.

I repeated the movement of the tongue. Nastya moaned. Her hands lay on my head. Now I ran my tongue over the right sponge. Then on the left, as if comparing which of them is softer and tastier. I liked both and I repeated.

Then down again. I felt that it was flowing there, and I wanted to drink this nectar in full. Nastya began to press my head to her lap. I took it as a compliment.

Suddenly, she barely audibly asked: "Higher."

I dutifully obeyed, and here is my tongue dancing on the tubercle at the top of her miracle. “I lick her clit,” managed to guess before Nastya began to shake. She pressed me to her even more, and her hips jerked up and down. I continued to lick until she pulled my head to her.

She looked at me. It was not visible, but it was very well felt. Then she pulled me even higher and dug her lips into my mouth. “I wonder if she feels the taste of her secrets on my lips?”, I thought, “Well, of course she feels!”

We had to decide something with a member. He was already really sick. The eggs were very tense and pulled up to the base of the penis with one tight lump.

I caved in the back, leaning on one outstretched arm. In another he took the member and began to drive him where he had just walked his tongue. Below the head of the penis is almost completely immersed between the lips.

After several such movements, I wanted to introduce a member deeper. When the head enveloped her lips, I moved my hips forward. But the member did not go deeper. I felt resistance, and Nastya screamed.

I removed my hand ... Read more →

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