1. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 1
  2. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 2
  3. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 3

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need to carry them out.

- So you yourself stay at home? - I was afraid to believe an unexpected happiness.

- Well, yes, just for one night, - Nastya smiled. In that smile and in the brilliance of her eyes, it was read that she was making plans for the absence of adults in the apartment.

We all got together too, and drove back to the city. Before going home, Nastya caught the right moment, gently squeezed my fingers with her fingers and barely audibly asked: "Will you come?".

Was it worth asking?

After lunch, I went out into the yard and waited. I looked at Nastin's entrance, so as not to miss the moment of my grandmother and grandfather's departure.

My head was a mess. I tried to collect my thoughts and imagine how night would pass. Our night. Our first night. This is something that did not give rest.

What if I fail? What if I finish too soon? And what if she is hurt and she does not want? What to say to your parents? And she will not get pregnant? Or buy condoms? But how to buy them? Brother ask to buy? No, not this, no one should know anything. What if she changes her mind? What if she didn’t mean it at all?

This stream of consciousness did not have the strength to stop, but it was already so rampant that I noticed a shiver on my fingertips.

The peak of panic came when Nastya and her grandparents appeared on the porch porch.

Well, - I thought, smiling nervously, - Hour X has come, or rather - hour XXX.

A taxi car turned into the yard. The driver opened the trunk and loaded light hand luggage. Grandfather kissed first granddaughter, then grandmother. He opened the front doors and got into the car. The motor roared and the car drove away. Together with my hopes. Grandmother stood next to her granddaughter, they were talking about something.

In my place Stirlitz would have decided that this is a failure. And I completely agreed with him.

I got up and went home. I didn't want to see anyone. He lay down on the sofa and closed his eyes. There was no sleep, there was some kind of haze.

Damn, why worry so much! - I cursed myself, - It did not work out this time, it will turn out like that in another! You just have to wait for the right moment!

The conversation with himself ended with the phone call. I reluctantly got up and went to the phone.

- Hello?

- Hi it's me.

- Hello.

“Grandma couldn't leave today.”

- I noticed.

- Are you upset?

- What makes you think? I'm bursting with happiness. It would have taken and kissed the whole world! Especially your grandmother ...

- Fool, do not be offended, - Nastin's voice became warm, like fresh milk, - She will leave anyway, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Visit grandfather.

- Do you ever stay?

- Yes, and I want to be with you.

- And I will be with you ... in a room with a white ceiling ...

Grandma left every other day. I found out about this phone. Nastya was waiting for me.

I got a bottle of homemade wine from the cache. Poured in advance of a large bootla. There was a piece of hard cheese in the fridge. As well as apples and apricots. Everything was neatly folded into a package, and I went to Nastya.

Taking three deep breaths and exhaling, I pressed the doorbell. Nastya opened and with the words “Come in” gave me her most charming smile.

She was wearing her favorite shorts and a top with narrow straps. I didn't really like this outfit. But the hair was loose. Especially for me, she knew how much I love it.

I took off my sandals and stopped at the door. The apartment was one-bedroom, with adjoining rooms, one of which turned out to be a checkpoint.

- Hold, there is wine and snack, - I stretched the package to Nastya.

- Do you want to drink me? - Nastya took the ears of the package.

Drink and tear, - flashed through my head.

- You will like this homemade wine. Sweet and volatile, like liquor. Like your lips.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me. With his other hand, he wrapped his arms around his waist and firmly pressed her hips to his. Mouth sank into her lips. From such a pressure, she slightly rejected the body back. Her lips were painfully pressed against her own gums. After a moment, she opened in a return kiss. I could feel her breathing out the air into my mouth. I breathed this air, and it made me drunk no worse than wine vapors.

I started my tongue under her upper lip and began to stroke her gums. She grabbed my lower lip with her teeth and bit her. At first gently, then stronger. And then very much, so that I involuntarily tears. But oh, how nice it was! This sharp pain shot through me and stopped at the tip of the penis.

If she bites harder, my head will burst, I thought and tore my lip out of her teeth.

“Leave it,” I turned sideways to her, wrapped my arm around my knees with one hand and lifted with the other. She dropped the package, which clinked on the parquet, and with two hands firmly clutched at my neck.

We entered the room, and I looked around where to sit.

“Let's go to my room,” Nastya prompted.

In her room, in addition to a desk, wardrobe and bookshelves, there was a sofa. Pretty big.

We plopped down on him, the sofa annoyed with the creaking of springs.

Nastya remained on my lap. With one hand I supported her by the shoulders, the other crawled under the topic. We continued to kiss.

A few smooth movements on the tummy, and the hand rose higher to the breasts. She felt at first one, then the other, as if checking whether those breasts, to which she had already gotten used, were.

After making sure that there is no substitution with the breast, I turned my attention to the nipples. I really liked to hold the nipple between your fingers. I did it in turn - first between the index and middle, then the middle finger and the ring finger. When it reached the little finger, the papilla of her right breast was already firm and bristling upwards.

We had to go to the left breast, but Nastya suddenly pulled away and asked: "What about wine?"

There was a dilemma. On the one hand - she was right, the wine will extend the pleasure of this evening. On the other - where to find the strength to break away from her body, let her go from yourself?

- Right now? - I was still impressed by her breasts.

- Well, not a month after all! - Nastya laughed, got up from her knees and went to the kitchen, taking a package from the floor along the way. I looked after her, admiring her figure, especially the booty, when she leaned over the package. Her bare feet left barely noticeable imprints on the floor. They almost immediately disappeared, evaporating, but in this simple process there was some kind of sacrament, some kind of feminine spell. In any case, I was ready to watch this for hours.

I followed.

- Where to eat?

- Come here in the kitchen.

- Where are your glasses?

- Oh, I'm afraid for the crystal. Come from ordinary glasses?

- Come on, - I opened the door of the kitchen cabinet.

While Nastya cut the cheese and laid out the fruit, I opened the bottle and poured a little more than half in two glasses.

We sat across from each other at a small dining table.

“This wine is not served even in the best restaurants in London and Paris,” I raised my glass, gesturing to Nastya to do the same.

“What shall we drink to?”

- Come for us.

- For us!

I took a few sips, savoring the drink. Wine poured in the mouth of the sweet taste of grapes with currants.

Nastya barely took a sip, tasting the proposed.

- Tasty, is it your dad doing?

- Yes, from grapes behind our arbor, - I smile.

Nastya drinks bolder, leaving less than half in a glass.

I reach for a slice of cheese. Then I eat a ripe, juicy apricot. Nastya does the same. Juice flows from the edge of her lips to her chin. She brushes his finger off and licks it. My calming member was reacting to her gesture with a painful jolt in her fly.

Wow, what erotic power wine, cheese and fruit possess! This technique, randomly discovered along with Nastya, I repeated many times later in the following lives, with my other girls. The effect is always the same, and ... Read more →

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