1. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 1
  2. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 2
  3. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 3

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The third story. GOOG night kids.

A few days have passed. Nobody remembered what happened to us, everyone tried to behave as usual. In one of the unremarkable evenings, the three of us sat in the gazebo. Friends gave a listen to a fashionable and rare at that time tape - "Brothers of the Viper". The tape recorder on the round batteries once again told that “Karpaty znov programmed football”. This song delivers me to this day. I hear her - and before my eyes the events of those summer carefree evenings in our yard.

It was getting dark. Marina aspired home. Her mother did not like when she came late. I have never had a problem with this. I could walk even till the morning, the main thing is that parents should know where I am and with whom I am.

Nastya's grandmother was more strict, but, as a rule, allowed her to be on the street until late.

We stayed with Nastya together. She sat leaning against the back of the bench.

- Can I lie down?

- Get down.

I lay down on the bench, put Nastya on her knees. I loved to lie like that. There was nothing reprehensible in this, and at the same time there was something intimate. Sometimes Nastya buried her hand in my hair and stroked the back of her head. I really enjoyed this feeling of comfort and complete peace.

So it was this time, I was lying on her lap, and Nastya was massaging my head.

After the next round of Gadyukins I asked:

- Listen, and you after, well, that time, touched yourself?

Pause. The hand on her head stopped. Then I continued my movements again, and I heard the desired "yes."

It has become even more comfortable. I asked again:

- And often?

She thought a little, said:

- Well, yes, every day.

My cock began to strain. I asked again:

- And when do you do it?

- In the evening, before bedtime. In the bed. Sometimes in the morning.

- Cool, bring yourself to orgasm, and then you go to bed?

- Well, I can take a break and continue further.

- Yes? Great! And can you finish several times in a row?

- Well, yes, if you try.

- Wow! I can't do that. Once finished, that's all, no longer want.

- Yes? So you can only once a day?

- No, why not. I can many times: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. Only after each time the desire for some time disappears, then returns again.

Both were silent again. But the topic was very interesting, I decided to continue:

- And you during, well, when you touch yourself, what are you thinking about?

- Well, about different things.

- Do you remember excerpts from porn?

- And this too.

- Yes? And what else? Imagine something?

- Well yes.

- Tell me?

She was embarrassed. Says something you are curious today too.

I say, - Well, this topic is also interesting for you, let's tell each other who is thinking about what at this moment.

- Well, tell me, - responds.

- Well, I have already asked you, you start.

She hesitated a little and said:

- Well, I imagine different things. As a man caresses me, as we lie nearby, hug, kiss, touch each other with body parts.

- I would like to be on the site of this man.

And here she says:

- So I imagine you.

I jumped as if stung. In my head all mixed up. How? Is it really? She wants us in the same bed ...

I sit next to her, turn her towards me, lean forward slightly, look into my eyes and ask: “Making fun, yes?

But she does not take her eyes off and replies: “No.”

I hug her with one hand and start kissing. We kiss hard, for a long time we do not break away from each other. But so uncomfortable to sit.

She rises from the bench and sits on my knees sideways. Hugs my neck with both hands and kisses. I wrap my arms around her and hold me tight. It is served all over. Our lips are crushed, they cut their teeth.It seems to me that I already feel the taste of blood in my mouth.

Break away from each other to breathe air.

- I think about you, too.

- True?

- Of course.

With my left hand I hug her behind the back, and the right box on her chest.

Nastya does not resist. On the contrary, she starts kissing me. But this time gently so gently. Covers my lips with my own, sucks a little. Releases - and again covers. Her lips are soft and wet. I feel her breath, literally inhale the air that she exhales through her mouth.

I do not forget about her breasts, at first I wrinkle her through the fabric of a T-shirt, then I guess to stick her hand under her. I move my hand under the shirt from one breast to the other. I touch the nipples, I feel how they swell under my fingers.

I lower both hands, take the edges of the jersey and start pulling up. Nastya helps me, but when both breasts are in the open air, she leaves the folded T-shirt over her breasts, not allowing her to pull off her clothes completely.

And I do not mind, it is enough for me that there is. I see both her breasts, I can touch them with my hands. Why only hands? - rush through your head. I stoop and gently kiss one nipple. The other is fiddling. Nastya flexes in the back, I swallow the nipple completely, start to suck it and caress the tongue.

This continues for some time. Suddenly Nastya, as if having come to her senses, tears me away from her chest and lowers the T-shirt down, with the words: “Don't, suddenly someone sees. And he sits down again, the body is turned towards me.

I do not want her to be uncomfortable and not oppose her actions. Instead, I take her face in my two palms, gently kiss my lips, pull away a little and, looking into her eyes, ask: “When will we be able to continue?”

She turns to me sideways. The back is flat, hands on closed knees. Head down a bit. Bites herself to her lower lip. Nervous.

Pause. We are silent. I do not hurry her.

Without turning, asks:

- Do you want to continue?

I again embrace her by the shoulders and pull her to me: “You don’t see ...”

She was silent and I was silent. We sat and listened to the sounds of the night summer - the chirping of crickets, the quiet rustle of foliage. How many people there are with whom you can talk about anything, and how few, with whom you can just keep quiet. Just sit side by side, feeling the warmth of your loved one. Feel her breath. Feel the smell of her hair. Feel how love fills your heart. His rhythm quickens, it tries to absorb everything without reserve. But now there is no room left, and this grace flows over the edge. It envelops both of us, and the stars at that moment burn only for us ...

A few days have passed. And today promised to be no worse and no better than the rest. During this time, our relationship with Nastya strengthened and became, so to speak, official. In the sense that in our circle we have secretly declared ourselves as a pair. It had its pros and cons. In the pros, of course, this is an opportunity to kiss in front of others, an opportunity to go hand in hand and the right to evening solitude in our gazebo.

The disadvantages include the relationship with Marina. She became a stranger not only for me, but also for Nastya. Often she preferred our company home privacy with a book (as she explained). It was neither cold nor hot because of this, but Nastya was worried and even tried to find an admirer for Marina from neighboring yards.

Today we decided to go to the lake on bicycles. It was a walk for the whole day, the lake was outside the city.

We bought plenty and lay on the beach. I especially liked to bathe with Nastya and touch her body — hug the back, clasping my hands to her chest, or walk my hand over the inner thigh to the swimsuit, lingering at the top. This all happened in front of our friends, but at the same time they could only guess at the details - the green lake water hid my actions.

Until the evening there was still quite a lot of time, as Nastya suddenly gathered home.

- Where are you in a hurry? - I wondered the reason for such a rush.

- Grandmother and grandfather leave in the evening, I ...

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