1. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 1
  2. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 2
  3. Stories of our yard. How we became adults. Part 3

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With Nastya, we met almost by chance. I was returning from the city of my childhood home, to the city where I live now. The road is not close, more than half a thousand kilometers. I was driving alone, I didn't want to take fellow travelers. Empty road and quiet music in the car sucked my mind into memories of my childhood. About the close friendship of our yard team, about the first discoveries, about the first sweet experiences.

So here, turning the steering wheel, driving the machine completely automatically, I did not notice how I missed the turn to the ring.

Crossroads, traffic lights, pedestrians, car signals brought me out of the state of nostalgia for childhood. I realized that, unwittingly, I found myself in the first regional center on the way.

And suddenly I realized that I was in the city where the same girl lives, with which these memories of mine are connected. We have not seen her for more than ten years. I knew that she had a family, like a son. Sometimes I remembered about her, but consciously did not seek a meeting, knowing full well that the past should be left in the past. I remembered her as she was when she was 16, and did not want to destroy this image.

But this time the inner voice whispered that perhaps another chance to see her might not be. Well, what is there about this - just find out how her life has developed, what she does and so on? In general, I wanted to meet an old friend, talk for life, and, laughing, remember together our old happy days.

By the way, the city where I accidentally drove, was always her hometown. She lived there, went to school. And in our small town I came mostly for holidays, to my grandparents. The rest of the time we wrote letters to each other and called each other on the phone, delighting our parents with three-digit telephone bills.

I was surprised to find that the memory obligingly provided 6 digits of that phone number. Stopped on the sidelines. I noticed that I was somehow nervous. But the decision is made - I take out my mobile and dial the number.

Hooters. One, two, five. Well, okay, it means - no luck. With some relief, I’m going to complete the call, and suddenly ...

- Hello.

- Good day.

- Good day.

The voice is female, a little familiar, but whose - I can not understand. The tone is quite benevolent.

- I would like to hear Nastya, please invite her to the phone.

- Nastya? Nastya has not lived here for a long time. And who asks?

- Yes, one old acquaintance. And you, probably, her mother, right? Marya Stanislavovna?

- Yes. And who am I talking to all the same?

- This is Oleg. From N-ska. Remember me?

- Oh, Oleg! Of course I remember! Where are you calling from?

- Yes, I am passing by you, there are a few free minutes, so I thought - it would be nice to meet Nastya, I have not seen each other for a long time.

- Yes, indeed, I have not heard about you for a long time. So, how are you?

- Thank you, everything is fine, family, work. Well - as usual. And you can somehow contact Nastya?

- With Nastya? It is possible, why. She is now on maternity leave. My grandson is raising me.

- Congratulations! So how can I find Nastya?

- Write the number: 067 ...

- Thank you, Marya Stanislavovna, was glad to hear from you. Goodbye.

- Yes, me too. Goodbye, Oleg.

Here you go. Phone number is. It remains only to call. It is already impossible not to call - mom will tell her everything anyway.

Dialing the number.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hi, and who is it?

- You will not know? This is Oleg.

- Oleg! Such a surprise! Of course I will! Where are you calling from?

- Yes, I am now passing by you, I learned here your number. Give, I think, will call. Maybe you can find a few minutes. Let's sit down, drink some coffee.

- Of course! Well, you give - 10 years, no, no more, not a dream, not a spirit, and then on you - let's meet! Warn it is necessary that there was time even to wash the neck!

- Yes, I myself did not expect.Well, so how are you, not busy?

- Well, actually I have a son, I need to attach him somewhere. Oh, I'll call my aunt now. If she can look after him, then I'm free. I'll call you back in 5 minutes.

- Ok, waiting for the call.

I'm sitting, waiting for a call. Feelings are like before the first date. On the one hand, I want to see her, on the other - you understand that this is already a completely different person, and not that girl from the yard.

In the hands of the phone rang.

- Hi it's me. Aunt agreed to sit with her son, so I'm free. Where are you?

- I'm near Vernadsky Park.

- Are you in a car?

- Yes.

- Well, then the rudders to Parkovaya, there is one cafe near the clinic. I'll be there in 20 minutes. Know where to go?

- Yes, I just along the way. See you.

I drove to a cafe, sat on the veranda, ordered coffee. I am waiting. I see - is Nastya. By walking, I immediately recognized that I didn’t even have to peer into my face. Comes closer - well, exactly. Smiles, waving his hand to me.

- Hello!

- Hello! And you have not changed a bit!

- Well, just do not flatter me. I know, that decently fat.

Laugh both.

- Come on, I say, you feel so good. And my husband has something to hold on to.

- How did you get to us?

- Yes, I'm going home. Passed by - decided that you can see. It is good that your mother was at home.

- Yes, mom is now often at home. Retired already. At home he gives lessons. Well, you remember, she taught mathematics at school.

- Yes I remember. I was also surprised then where my mathematician's daughter had a penchant for philology.

That's how we sat, talking about nothing. I am about my life, she is about my own. We’re both over thirty. Since those yard times a lot of water has flowed, there is something to tell each other.

Word by word - the conversation turned to topics that begin like this:

- Do you remember how you ...

- Of course, and then you still ...

- Do you remember how we are with you for the first time ...

The first story. Skirt, apples and panties.

The company in the yard was wonderful. All about the same age - 17-16 years. There were about ten of our own, but they also resorted to us from other yards. Our yard was real. Well, that is not the way it is now - the courtyards have become equal to the car parks. We had our own small garden, benches, and garages, on the roofs of which it was interesting to climb, and a brick fence enclosing a stadium adjacent to the courtyard.

And the bushes near the fence that grew impassable. Local men in those bushes made themselves an arbor so that under the guise of playing dominoes they could drink vodka there without eyes, but the young people in our person privatized this arbor to themselves. What else did we need? To thicket thicker, and sit on what. And they played cards there and in a bottle in the evenings. And they tried the wine there for the first time in their life, and learned to kiss.

And here is the end of June. Nastya has already arrived. We gave her a stormy meeting. With a disco, a tape recorder on round batteries, and a bottle of house wine stolen from parents.

And then somehow at one moment almost all of our courtyards departed. Who with his parents at sea, who in the village to the grandmothers.

I stayed, Nastya and Marina, a girl a year younger than us.

We sit in the arbor in the afternoon, we miss. What to do - no one represents. I say - climbed over the apples.

And near our arbor on the other side of the fence the apple tree grew. And the first summer apples have just begun to ripen.

The girls supported the idea.

Then Marina says - you are the first to meddle. I was surprised, I think, what's the difference? And then it came to me, I was in the pants, and Nastya was in shorts. And Marina is wearing a light summer skirt. So, if she gets the first one, I can look under her skirt.

Well, - I say, - got, Nastya.

Nastya got up, clutched her hand over the edge of the fence.

Let me pick you up, I say.

No need, - he answers, but it's too late, I’m giving her hand under her ass - and pushing upwards. It is already impossible to resist her, and in the situation, it seems I did an innocent favor.

Nastya is already on the fence, jumping to the other side. I quickly jumped over the fence.

We stand on that side.

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