1. Ramp Part 1
  2. Ramp Part 2
  3. Ramp Part 3
  4. Ramp Part 4
  5. Ramp Part 5
  6. Ramp Part 6
  7. Ramp Part 7
  8. Ramp Part 8
  9. Ramp Part 9
  10. Ramp Part 10

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out of the gate in an executive car and with a friendly waving hand to the guards. He watched incredulously, as in the evenings, in high spirits, charmingly smiling at all the domestic ones, who loved her for her good temper, they played with the nanny with the babies, who smiled trustingly to her mother. He annoyed him and her pointedly benevolent attitude towards him, who had given her so much. And received in return only not satisfying his sympathy, no more. He correctly saw her steps on the device of his own young life. And these her guessed her actions were contrary to his plans for such a seductive mother of his children.

Maxim is going on tour. I wondered if she would go. The temptation to once again plunge into the creative youth atmosphere and for a moment leave, though hospitable, but the house that was crushing on her with unsmiling host was great. Children, of course, are still small, but they are well looked after, with them is a caring father. Lada dizzy from the anticipation of an exciting trip, where you can fully indulge in work and performances, feel the taste of the scene, just change the situation to relaxed. And without interference, get enough of a hot body of a skilled lover, which is also important. Confident that there would be no interference from this side, she left the nursery, putting the children to rest, and headed to the living room for a watching TV businessman. She sat down on his sofa and took her hand, she led the conversation from afar, thanking him for the regular gifts. And she tried to reasonably explain why she left with Maxim. Stroking his hand and looking into an incredulous face, she said about creative and professional growth, artistic atmosphere, interest in traveling around the country, etc.

“No,” he said shortly, “I am against it.” Not frightened, Lada continued to convince him, citing all the new arguments about the need for her own departure, ending with a reminder about the observance of the clauses of the contract. An indulgent man gazing at her arrogantly explained that the disappearing, then the emerging mother, leading a dubious lifestyle, cannot bring up his children and serve as an example to them. A mother who comes almost at night from someone unknown and who looks around in search of adventure is an even more bad example. And he does not want for his children a mother who does not respect their father.

Lada choked with indignation: almost everything that was said was not true. Guessing what she deserved such injustice, trying to stay calm, the girl tried to dissuade a man in serious suspicions about her account. She said that working and succeeding in affairs, the mother is the best example for children, and as for the rest of his ridiculous accusations, they are all wrong and ridiculous. Continuing to squeeze his hand, lowering her eyes, Lada reminded the man that, under the terms of the contract, she was free to manage her life and was not bound by anything. To which the businessman replied that he was not holding her for a second, only wondering whether to let her go to the children upon returning from the tour. Where is she, of what he is sure, will certainly begin to behave immorally. Of the last strength, the girl R.M. trying to hold back her tears and not believing her ears assured her of her infinite respect, to which he, having interrupted her, replied that he was not satisfied with such a relationship. Fearing to relive her dependence on an unwanted man who does not suit her, she tried to convince R. M. of her eternal friendships, recognizing that yes, she would like to arrange her personal life with a man she likes when she meets this person and asks the man to understand her. R.M. smiled badly, harshly, directly declared that she would be away from HIS children, who would immediately cease to be HER, too.Impressively added that the parents of HIS children should be together, in the full sense of these words, or he will find another mother to his children.

He smugly hugged his face with his hands and silently weeping Lada and pretended in a sympathetic voice said that he already gave her enough time for madness, indulging her in everything, while she felt like the queen of the beau monde. What, in his opinion, she was foolish enough in her life, and it was time to calm down and become a respectable mother of the family, having given birth, for example, to another child and pleased him, who was so loving and pampering her. That, as she noted, he does not force her to marry, seeing how this thought is unpleasant to her, and waits until she is ripe for marriage; He is ready to wait for the frivolous mother of his adorable little ones. For the sake of her happiness, even though it is sickening to him, she will allow her to work, if it does not prevent her from fulfilling the duties of WIFE and MOTHER. And what he is sure of is that he does this for the common good of their FAMILY, despite these tears that offend him.

Fearing to tear her hands away from her face, Lada's heartbroken Lada listened to this whole nightmare, childlikely believing that now she would remove her hands, and evil forces, like on waking up, would disappear, driven away by morning light. And a sensible, sensible, generally respected man will laugh as if in games with kids, and say that he was joking and they are friends. “You're upset, let's go to the bedroom, I'll give you a sedative or pour something,” he suggested, lifting. The word “sleeping” sobered up the girl, she tried to wipe away the tears imperceptibly and rose. - I will leave now to myself (she had a nice apartment in a prestigious area). I need to think. I also ask you to think about what was said: everything you offer me does not correspond to our contract, which I honestly fulfilled my part of. You know it and offend me. We will discuss your suggestions tomorrow, for me they are unexpected. Turning quickly away from the grimly smiling RM, Lada came out.

The girl who arrived in the evening of the next day was met by a tightly closed gate. She tried to reach her father by phone, but the answer was silence; he later disconnected. Standing in front of the eye of a video camera, Lada realized that she was in a trap into which she had driven herself. And no one is to blame, and no one will help. She went to Maxim. - Fuck me as it should! - not often she asked him so, usually everything turned out without asking, of course. Starting to kiss her, he stopped: - I can not, you're some kind of stone. What happened? Are you going to cry? - Then, first in bed! - Are you sure? Sex turned out somehow messy, not bringing pleasure to anyone, only both are tired. He lit a cigarette and looked at her carefully: “I will try to guess: my father did not let go on tour.” Right? She nodded, wondering whether to devote the guy to his problems, whether he could help or only hurt. And he suggested: - Why did you so badly persuade him? I would try! What, your charms have ceased to operate on him? So soon? - As agreed, all about the same! Charms ... If everything was so simple !? - painfully thought the girl holding back tears, listening to the hints of a guy who does not suspect that she guessed her problem. Lada rose from bed. Dressed, she nevertheless asked Maxim: - Could you talk to your father about me? And children? Protect us ... from it? The guy who got up on his elbows was silent for a long time: - It was worth guessing ... So, that's it ... I recognize my dad ... Is it just about the tour or something? Lada nodded. - Got you, Lada! Yes ... Maxim was silent, and she went to the door; Already there, the rapper caught her answer: - I can't, Lala, I really can't. You have your own business there ... Do not mess, only you will lose more ... Agree better. I knew that this would end ...

  • Sergey (a guest)
    February 15, 2013 20:34

    What was looking for and found (big problems on the fifth point), great! With such slut as she is the only way.


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  • kid (a guest)
    February 15, 2013 21:15

    I want to continue =)


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