1. Ramp Part 1
  2. Ramp Part 2
  3. Ramp Part 3
  4. Ramp Part 4
  5. Ramp Part 5
  6. Ramp Part 6
  7. Ramp Part 7
  8. Ramp Part 8
  9. Ramp Part 9
  10. Ramp Part 10

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Lada settled in the capital, buying a flat on the outskirts: they had to save for a more prestigious one, and she wanted reliability just in case. They spent the velvet season at the European seaside resort. She rested, BM, as always on vacation, was delayed to the fullest. Acquainted with another company of compatriots-fans, he hung out with them wherever possible, noting in all the high places of the town. Lada, accompanying him in a couple of places, quickly got tired of both places and company, preferring shopping, lazy sunbathing and swimming in the bungalow pool. She ran out of money on a card, she forgot to transfer them from Maxim's credit card, because seeing her, she only had time to pay for childish drunken antics. So today, late in the evening, a bungalow stopped at the bungalow in order to land the rapper who had been hanging out. It seemed to Lada lying in front of TV that he was saying good-bye to his drinking companions for too long, until she realized that the car had driven off a long time ago. An angry girl looked out to find out what the guy was doing alone outside the door, and irritably saw him lying. It was not enough for the attendants to notice the tourist who had fallen and moved: Lada shook Maxim in order to wake him up.

Less than an hour later, the tear-stained girl was sitting in the emergency room of the clinic and was waiting for the doctor who conducted resuscitation with Maxim. She prayed that the doctors would not be late with the help that she herself had detained, without immediately realizing what was wrong with him. She cried for fear, remembering how she shook his lifeless, as she thought, how he got foam from his mouth and was beating him. As confusing English words (she spoke poorly, Maxim, who received a foreign education, served her as a translator), she repeated many times in the phone that the Russian tourist needed help, he was sick, and she did not understand the questions. (Especially for eroticspace.infosexitails.org) As she pulled shorts and a T-shirt on her half-naked body with shaking hands and ran out under the lights many times to meet an unhurried ambulance. Tired middle-aged doctor, unfriendly looking at the girl, tried to talk to her, but she understood only the simplest phrases and repeated: - Willhelive? Sighing and saying, “Drugoverdose,” he shrugged and pointed to the sky. Lada was inconsolable.

The unsuccessful search for the missing maximum credit card forced Lada to call his father: she felt lonely, unhappy and helpless without means. The girl with tears babbled into the phone, that would be grateful to him for a bit of money sent, that she would not leave Maxim, that he should not worry and would rely on her, would apologize for something. After asking a couple of questions, he ordered to wait and not to worry, and soon he arrived.

They met near the hospital, and she briefly described the situation. The father gazed at the son who was in a coma and connected to the life support apparatus. Lada did not know how to justify herself before the silent R. M. with a gloomy face. He helped her, saying that he understood how hard it was for her to get on with Maxim and to endure his nasty behavior. He added that neither he nor his mother could influence his son for a long time, and he is grateful to her that she had been babysitting for so long. And that one seemed to be pleased with her. They sat for a long time at the bed of an immobile guy, they spoke little; Lada saw that her father was suffering, blaming himself and thinking hard about something. He communicated with the staff a lot: unlike the half-girl, he, like his son, spoke the language. Doctors did not say anything definite, promised ghostly hopes and called for a wait. No amount of money was able to create a quick miracle. It was the day of the boat departure - she did not guess to exchange tickets.She had gathered in advance, sadly folded Maxim's things, pondering how much more appropriately to strain R. M. with her son's suitcases: who would take them to Russia. Having touched him by the hand in the hallway at the chamber, she warned that she was leaving, asking if he would manage. R. M. was surprised at her hasty departure and asked about the reason. The girl explained that she has plane tickets, and almost no money; the vacation is over and the bungalow needs to be vacated, and work is waiting at home. She hesitated at the mention of work: her employer did not leave the coma with an unclear outcome. Inattentively listening to the inconsistent excuses of the girl, who herself was uncomfortable with that she had to quit Maxim, the man asked if she had important things to do at home. Lada shrugged indifferently: Maxim’s affairs were her long-standing concerns. R. M. convincingly said that his son and he need her here, and he asks her to stay. He specified where she lives and warned that he would go down.

In the evening, R. M. visited her in the bungalow, arriving in a rented car. He brought a credit card and asked not to be shy in spending and requests. Sadly inspecting his son's packed things, he froze in serious meditation; Lada herself sometimes faded away from the painful forebodings, in which she desperately did not want to believe. In order to relieve a little the hopeless situation in which they found themselves with an almost unfamiliar relative of the guy, she suggested to sit by the pool or walk, as they sometimes did with Maxim when he stayed with her. They walked along the embankment, full of idle holidaymakers, and gradually got into conversation. About Maxim. My father talked about the childhood of when they still had a family, about how little they communicated in recent years, although they saw each other, about how their son does not look like him at all, but resembles their mother - an artistic nature that you always want new and sickened stability. As a stranger, the girl listened to a story about a lover, whom she thought she knew well for years. So they spent half the night in conversations. Lada, tormented by remorse of conscience, felt an urgent need to support the inconsolable father and offered him to spend the night in their half-empty bungalow without Maxim. She had a bed in the hall and almost reassured fell asleep in the bedroom. In the morning, when they came to the hospital, they learned that the guy had recently come to his senses. Visiting him every day, caring for the weak, not yet speaking and not getting up, they came together, and the man looked more attentively at the sensible girl, understanding why the son did not let her go. The image of a sexy, laughing, accessible beauty gradually stepped aside, and he watched in front of him a sensible girl with an exceptionally sound mind, while not ceasing to be incredibly seductive.

Once visiting a guy trying to speak and stand up, slowly walking on the amendment, having listened to the encouraging assurances of the doctors, R. M. drove into the bungalow, where he had been living permanently, told Lada to get ready for a swim and said that they would be surprised. He brought her to the sauna and pushed the shy girl to the entrance, assuring them that they deserved a rest. Lying under the strong hands of the massage therapists on the neighboring couches, they finally enjoyed the peace that had come into their lives, which had replaced a period of tremendous tension and anxiety. Watching her, brilliant with oil, with eyes covered with weakness, he understood that it was necessary to solve the problem with her right now, while she trusted him and they are close as relatives. That his recovering son now, oddly enough, is his biggest hurdle and her biggest temptation. He is forced to act until he has again drawn her into his own, and indeed her world, full of delusions and dangers, while she is here and seems to be tired of this exhausting life. It is impossible to let her go to Russia, there they will again become strangers. Besides, the limply lying, half-slumbering girl was an absolute temptation, which he did not want to resist.

Having gone under the shower, they jokingly washed off the massage oil from themselves and rested from the strong fingers of the massage therapists.In the steam room, he handed her a broom and ordered a good, not sparing, whip himself. She, who had never done this, was embarrassed, lashed him, afraid to cause unintentional pain. Laughing at her attempts, he resolutely took a broom from her hands and pointed her to the bench. She was suddenly shy of her open swimsuit, ...

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