1. Ramp Part 1
  2. Ramp Part 2
  3. Ramp Part 3
  4. Ramp Part 4
  5. Ramp Part 5
  6. Ramp Part 6
  7. Ramp Part 7
  8. Ramp Part 8
  9. Ramp Part 9
  10. Ramp Part 10

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showing more than hiding, and retreated. He paternally insistently laid it down and stretched it out with hot branches along the back. Lada cursed her ropes, hidden in the hollow of the buttocks, and her helpless, parading naked, so much to Maxim and herself, showing her trained figure in the most favorable light. She suffered blows, becoming stronger, as if on purpose, on the pope, and later on the back, fearing that the bra lock would be unlocked. Then he busily turned it over and began to clap her chest and stomach, teasing her with her hands. Fingering her legs and forcing him to choke on the heat of the steam room, he suddenly sat down, pressing his thigh to her and hugging his waist, and offered to listen to him carefully.

He so convincingly developed his thought, not giving her a chance to interrupt him and insert at least a word that Lada was silent throughout his speech. She was amazed to hear that he was no longer young and almost lost his son in front of her eyes. That he does not believe in the complete recovery of Maxim and the desire for a healthy lifestyle later. It is hard for him to realize his potential loneliness and the loss of the meaning of life. That he blames himself for everything that happened to his son and himself. That the only way out of this impasse, in his opinion, is in the birth of his other children, at least for the beginning of one, but certainly a boy, to become the heir to his work. That he is sure that he will be able to raise them before he leaves the business. And what he is absolutely convinced of is that it will provide a woman for her whole life - the mother of his late children and will be grateful to her. - Well, so, Lada? He asked in exactly the same way as his son asked when he expected support and understanding from her.

The heat of the steam room became unbearable, the body of Lada became sluggish, thoughts were confused, then they acquired frightening clarity. She didn’t want to admit to herself that she had guessed in the middle of the talk about the final and, over the course of it, was painfully considering the answer. And this answer, as a complex equation, did not come to a common denominator, in which she could not bring together two men interested in her or choose one of them. His hand pathetically stroked her side, he looked away from her confused face and almost possessively examined the sweaty body, shifting his hand to her hip, covering the string of thongs. Pulling the twisted fabric, he added that he saw her in a similar position, which lost everything if Maxim did not pull it out. He seemed to have guessed that she herself often thought about it, endlessly congratulating herself for at least the timely purchase of an apartment. She likes him - R. M. didn’t stop talking - and his proposal is in her interests too: she, it seems to him, wouldn’t refuse a generous life sponsor sincerely grateful and further attached to her. “As to his daughter,” he did not add, considering it to be folly. After all, they understand each other well and can get along well. She got up and went to the door of Lada in the back that his proposal, she accepted it, would in no way bind her now or in the future: having received everything, she will remain free and free to manage her life. After silently listening to the proposal that shook her, she pushed the door of the choking steam room and stood under a cold shower. Even the fact that she did not refuse hastily and did not ask a lot of questions could be considered a good sign, he decided.

Suddenly, a head ache that did not bother her even during the period of Maxim's coma. A string of thoughts, from the most unexpected and crazy to sensible, forced to knock at the temples, causing a pulsating spasm. The inner consciousness pointed to the adoption of a noble, such the only right decision, leaving her among a number of decent people.But the damned worm of doubt tirelessly undermined this shaky belief in a carefree future and made Lada, who had lost all confidence, waver. How long has she been in doubt about the reliability of BM as a partner in life? And is the hope of his health, broken before her eyes, justified? How long will he want her, is it always? Is their cohabitation built on anything solid except work and sex? Split them, how quickly she settled in the profession itself, so long being his protégé? So connected with it all lifestyle? And the devilish voice from the inside, pounding into her temples, whispered: - There will be no other chance ... It is once in a lifetime ... You are not a nurse for someone who can easily replace you with anyone ... You don’t should ... He does not offer it to you ... And he will not offer ... He is unreliable ... And this is the very thoroughness ... NO ONE will be waiting for you at home ... By and large, you don’t betray ANYONE .. HIM, about which you have forbidden yourself to think, you TRAILED for a long time ... You do not love ANYONE ... Yes, and no one loves you ... So why are you in doubt? Under the sound of pouring water, she seemed at first to be insinuating, then intensifying, interrupting whispers: - A traitor ... A traitor ... Hypocrite ... You leave when they feel bad ... Cruel ... Already two ... Who is next ? ... Who? ... Who? ..

Lada turned off the water tormenting her brain. The whispers became wilder, as if they had already left her, reaching from a distance fragmentary and hardly intelligible. Accompanied by barely audible: - You will be punished ... Punished ... You will! ... You! ... - the frozen girl returned to the steam room. She met the watchful look of a businessman as clearly as possible; and he stifled the alarm by gazing appreciatively at her. She sat down, then lay down on the bench. He moved to her head and, putting his hand on her hair, clarified what she had to think, and he would wait as long as necessary. Turning over her wet strands, he was no worse than an insidious tempter beckoning her imagination with generous promises and indispensable well-being - the basis of her future happiness and well-being. Not forgetting to mention her complete freedom from all obligations. Lada was silent, indirectly confirming his guess of a positive response. Already making the expected decision.

After visiting a gynecologist at the clinic, asking about her means of contraception, and having passed the tests, they returned to the house where the man went to take a nap, strongly advising her too. She settled near the pool to think, although the main choice was made by her. Again she was tormented by remorse, and she feared to succumb to them and make a mistake. She was frightened by the coming dramatic changes; it was terrible pity for myself, so young, forced to give in to the men who manipulated her, who could fulfill her dreams of fame. And suddenly I remembered the one who generously gave her love, and herself, and her - everything except glory ... And she thought that it was so easy to get up and run away from here, where they buy her, knowing that it is for sale. After all, she still has money. And a lot. For the first time. Money ... While they are ... And in her independent life there will not be many of them. And find her, and live with him, also will not increase ... And wealth is here and now with the one who offers to be with him and asks for not so much, if you figure it out. Lada turned away from the tolerant afternoon sun.

- You almost burned out, so it is impossible, I suggested you to go into the house, - the money stood over her in swimming trunks and with sunscreen in her hands. - Do not get up, I'll smear you! Move over! He sat down on a lounger and slid cold and fat hands over her really burning back. Ignoring her weak protests, diligently walked my hands over the buttocks, as if trying them on in size, went down to my ankles and pulled my hands back, squeezing the skin of my thighs and thighs. Carefully undid the bra, again not noticing her restrained indignation. And for a long time, she stubbornly crushed her body, running her fingers under her arms, on her flattened breasts, in the gap between her tense buttocks and on her closed thighs, touching the crotch.Gently lifting, turned Lada on his back, paternally smiling at her awkward attempts to catch the unbuttoned bra sliding down from her. The sun burned her eyes, did not save even the closed eyelids, through which it was burning. The girl covered her face with her hand, anxiously feeling the glide over the body of his strong hands, becoming less and less fatherly. Having run symbolically through the open abdomen, he slid along his legs, carefully kneading his hips and thighs, improvisingly massaging them. A light inadvertent touch soon changed to a confident rubbing of her crotch, disguised as a relaxing massage. Lada was sure that he did not miss the wetting of her panties; therefore, he didn’t have enough, ”he almost dismissed her hoarse“ I almost finished, be patient ”and, carefully spreading her arms with the words“ you need to spread your neck and shoulders, ”threw off her small bra. Having calmed her excitement with some quick soothing phrases, the man distractedly circling her neck and shoulders and confidently laid slippery hands on her chest.

The last illusions of the Lada dissipated, as his heavy, tasteful hands squeezed tightly on the slipping small hemispheres. It seemed to the girl who was closing on the bright rays with her hands that the exhausting excitation process would have no end, that her breasts would burn from the heat that had come to them and she would start screaming from the painful sensitivity of her nipples. He threw up a thin string of thongs and pulled them out from under it. He took her weak attempts to get up for the obligatory female game of light resistance, and, pressing her on top of her neck, laid him down again. Weakened by heat and struggle, unable even to open her eyes, gripped by unhealthy excitement, Lada defended the last bastion of shyness, bringing her hips together, with which the man pushed her palm with a squish. Finally, putting his finger in the wet gap, he pressed it deeper and began to remove the melting with one hand. Lifting her legs, he moved closer to her buttocks, mumbling "now, be patient, that's all," began to screw into her unyielding bosom. Lada still could not relax from the thought that it happened anyway and she had a premonition and expecting something like that. Having introduced a head into it, he somehow noticeably loosened his grip and, feeling some lightness after a tiring duel, she was finally able to get rid of the tight tension of all the muscles of the overheated body. Through the divorced fingers on her face, she hardly distinguished his evenly swinging figure and her raised legs, pressed against his chest. She suddenly became much easier because he so quickly and simply saved her from the painful need to choose, deciding everything for her and removing some of the responsibility. She was grateful to him for ignoring her cowardly unsteady rebuff: who knows how they would have to behave in the event of his indecision.

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