1. Ramp Part 1
  2. Ramp Part 2
  3. Ramp Part 3
  4. Ramp Part 4
  5. Ramp Part 5
  6. Ramp Part 6
  7. Ramp Part 7
  8. Ramp Part 8
  9. Ramp Part 9
  10. Ramp Part 10

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Not too surprised, but still embarrassed by the abundance of information that suddenly fell on her, Lada found out that their star is a goat and a complete asshole, stoned, fucked up, fucked up. It was a small part of the compliments, weighed by the former lover of the recently beloved “lover”. At the cautious leading questions, the girl, without a word, swearing, answered that there was no quarrel as such, the dissatisfaction that had long been accumulating with each other just broke through and turned into a terrible scandal with a fight today. BM beat her up and told her to get out, which she immediately did, fearing the revenge of "this fucked up idiot." To Lada's surprise about revenge, the girl graciously made it clear that according to rumors, very similar to the truth, BM knows how and likes to revenge on those who did not please him at least something, be it business partners (Lada learned from BM business for the first time) disgruntled, or former mistresses - no matter who, the punishment should be promptly. She, for example, will not be paid either a daily allowance or a salary, and she is afraid that she will not find such a job in showbiz. BM and his entourage will try, for nothing that she ditched on him a month of personal time. On the cautious assumption of Lada about their mutual tender feelings, that evil enlightened her that there could be no “feelings” near the rapper: she slept with him under duress and hoping for future bonuses. And now, having lost everything, thanks to the hip-hopper's caprice, she returns home with nothing. Where would she have to start everything from scratch: work, money, etc. When asked where she got so many things, the girl smugly replied that she managed to shake her lover well during their romance and hide clothes and gifts so that he would not take it away . She added that she got drunk with self-pity, she advised Lada to have brains and not to approach her father's cannon shot, so as not to be “fucked to death”. She talked a lot more drunk, until Lada finally stuffed her sober, stuffed her into the train. Wishing finally BM “to die from overdose”, and Lada - to safely survive the south, she left. Puzzled girl returned to the hotel, thinking along the way, how much truth in this bag of rumors.

Shooting the video was completed successfully, some dancers were released and even sent home. The choice of the released ones remained a mystery for Lada, since her cautious request to leave, she was told by the administrator bluntly that she would leave when necessary, and not when “Her Majesty” would wish. The holiday season began, beaches, embankments and, accordingly, restaurants began to be filled. The producers agreed on several rapper performances in a couple of places. Departure home was postponed indefinitely. Most of the group members were happy to have the opportunity, free of charge, though at work, to rest at the sea, although the rest was very conventional. Lada, now dancing in the proscenium in a thinned out troupe, with her doubled effort, performed her own and hastily taught other people's movements, trying to justify the trust of the leadership who had not sent her to the still cool capital and given the chance to earn. Now, right in front of her, there was a hip-hop closely, not at all similar in appearance to the “stoned womanizer” presented by his former girlfriend. He conscientiously worked out the program and gained the interest of the resort public. Being in a complacent, peace-loving mood, rejoicing at the current river of earnings, he praised the diligently working group and barely bothered with whims. Temporary loneliness went to the benefit of the star - Lada decided, not noticing the attentive views of BM towards the dancers.After the concerts, the group led by the rapper often hung out at the club where he had just completed the program, and the leader gratefully treated his retinue. The dancers showed a class on the dance floor, as it used to be in the capital, confusing locals and tourists. Maxim went out with them, unprofessional, but not bad dancing. A couple of times he and Lada hooligans excitedly lit in the center of the dance floor opposite each other, having a friendly hug after.

Once, during the afternoon, the group was released in a children's camp, where they were accepted “with a bang,” and the dancers left the beach and went on a banana ride. The boat brought them to the yacht BM, drifting away from the coast, and the guys jumped into the water to swim. A large mattress was thrown from a beautiful ship and the rapper jumped off himself. Going up to the bathers, he began to poke fun at the girls. Releasing compliments to everyone, he rolled the girls on the mattress, then they rolled him, then he offered to race to the yacht: a couple of swimmers, including Lada, supported the call and, driving each other, rushed to the ship. They dived there, holding their breath under water for a while, who was longer, and at some point Lada noticed a hastily sitting on a banana and a group of bathers sailing away. - Hey, where, wait! - she rushed after them under the cheerful laughter of Maxim. Laughing, he deliberately indifferently said: - Well, I, perhaps, go home. How are you? Will you get by yourself?

Evil Lada, without answering, swam up to the stairs. The rapper contentedly admired the tight open buttocks in white thongs of a swimsuit right above his head as they climbed aboard. Welcoming him to be a guest, he showed her the yacht, introduced the young captain and pointed to the table with drinks and fruits. Vowing to bring her to the shore soon or ask to send a boat for her, the rapper reassured her and they lay down on the deck chairs. The guy behaved exceptionally kindly, and Lada calmed down a bit, ceasing to imagine disturbing pictures. Sunbathing and sipping drinks, for the first time they didn’t talk like ordinary acquaintances, who they were until now. To the surprise of Lada, for a long time, without stopping and without any visible tension, they found new topics for conversation. She was interested to listen to him, who had seen the world, was familiar with media people. People from different social strata, here, in the middle of the sea, shared their impressions about creativity, public, work, stage as equals. The angry characteristics of the rapper, released by his former girlfriend, did not leave the girl’s head, and she glanced at him imperceptibly, his eyes half closed on a deck chair, she didn’t know what to think. Now in front of her was a charming, friendly, stupid guy. It was late afternoon, the sun was no longer hot, and the guy decided to take a nap. He offered her to go down to the cabin and lie down too; Lada, of course, refused, because there she noticed only one, albeit a large bed. Laughing knowingly, he did not insist and went downstairs. Deciding that the evening sun is the most useful for sunbathing, Lada found a place where it was not visible to the captain from the cabin, and, feeling completely safe, spread out on a deckchair topless.

Beloved Andrew gently, barely touching, kissed her face, then came down the neck to her chest and with her cold tongue incredibly pleasantly licked the ranges of her nipples. Then he chewed on his lips the pink hardened cones themselves and began to stroke the hips. She felt some unpleasant gliding there and stirred in her chair, wanting to get rid of the discomfort. Warm lips clung to her lips, the voice of her beloved whispered something and asked; she opened her mouth, and his tongue penetrated there, filling it with a strange smell. - What does it smell like that he ate? - flashed in the head of Lada, and she slowly began to get out of a beautiful dream. Someone stroked her legs, lower and lower, finally, something slipped down from her, and she finally woke up. Smiling strange smile, vigorous hip-hoper went through some rags in his hands; putting them aside, he extended his hands to the girl and with the words: - It's time to get up, otherwise we will not have time to do anything! - helped her get up.Half asleep from heavy sleep at sunset, rising, Lada felt the coolness: the breeze swept her naked body. With difficulty turning her tongue, hiding behind her hands, she recoiled from the guy and looked around for a swimsuit. - It should be washed, he became hardened from salt, you yourself took it off, - explained the rapper. - Let's go to the cabin, take a shower and put on a bathrobe. Fears returned to the girl along with unpleasant memories of the habits of the guy. “Bring him here, please,” she asked. - To you ...

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