1. Ramp Part 1
  2. Ramp Part 2
  3. Ramp Part 3
  4. Ramp Part 4
  5. Ramp Part 5
  6. Ramp Part 6
  7. Ramp Part 7
  8. Ramp Part 8
  9. Ramp Part 9
  10. Ramp Part 10

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Hurriedly cleaning up and putting themselves in order, Andrew was met by a little weary sweetheart of household chores and a romantic table set with delicacies for two. Giving a bouquet to the girl, the boy took her to a health and recreation center; and for 3-4 hours they soared in a beautiful sauna, sat down under the hands of massage therapists and cosmetologists on the neighboring couches, sang karaoke and tenderly loved each other on a soft bed and white sheets. Andrei kissed the bruises on his beloved body, which she explained during rehearsals. Almost at night, barely touching the rich meal of a romantic dinner, they fell asleep, intertwining their legs and bodies.

The next evening, after working at the BM club, Lada was unable to dodge the rapper in time and followed him to the security room to talk. Kicking out the guard and sitting on his chair, the rapper sat her on his knees and, hugging his waist, began with kisses. Since there was no danger nearby and time allowed, she did not resist and, hugging him by the neck, obediently opened her mouth. - We go to me? - easily suggested Maxim. Lada sighed, again pointless talk: - You know, I can not, I have - Andrew. We agreed ... When there is time and we are far away - sometimes it is possible and ... Well, you understand ... Today he is waiting for me at home, I need to go, let me go ... The rapper nodded his head in time with her words and, like it seemed to the girl, thinking about something of his own, looking somewhere behind her back. He smiled badly, stroked her buttocks and said in a sweet voice: - So, in the old way ... Without refusing anyone ... Actress! Go tell him this if he still hears you, - and he turned it over to the video surveillance monitor of the club.

At first she did not understand, peering into the screens. Then, on the screen of an outdoor outdoor camera, I saw several people seem to be marking time, like dancing. Even without having seen, and having guessed, she rushed from his hands, shouting loudly, but he did not let go of her and laughed behind her back. “He has to be at home, he is waiting for me there,” the same bursting-out frantic girl repeated. - It's you, you bastard, here ... Dropping a chair with them and hitting him, feeling no pain, ran along the corridors to the Lada exit, in a concert costume, touching the walls with their shoulders, bumping into visitors. Seeing her, the guards jumped out, trampling at the door inside the club. Andrei was awake and awkwardly tried to get up: he could not do it, he fell again. Crying Lada pulled him over a torn dirty office shirt and could not move his heavy body off the asphalt. She wiped the blood from his face, and she again appeared through her fingers. Looking back, she shouted to the guards: - Ambulance! - and I saw in my hands the phone pressed to my ear. She was dimly aware that someone nearby, it seems, the same guards, shoved a bottle of water in her hands and, not waiting for her reaction, poured water on his face, and she washed off the blood. Someone tried to throw a jacket on her shoulders, and she fell, and she did not feel the coolness on a cool autumn evening. She called him all the time, and he closed his eyes, not making a sound. The ambulance arrived and picked up the wet guy and the frozen Lada.

At the hospital, a shaky, indifferent girl could not understand for a long time what the group administrator, who came later, said to her. He asked her many times to change clothes from a dirty concert costume to her clothes, which he brought in a bag. Lada could not concentrate on his words, looked at him unseeing and did not take the package. Not immediately, from afar, his words reached her and, taking the clothes, she said: - Andrew ... (Especially for eroticspace.infosexitails.org) Dressed, she froze at the door of the reception, not sitting down and not going anywhere.The administrator, a person unfamiliar to her in essence, awkwardly tried to console her. After long negotiations with the doctors, he brought soothing news: Andrei, it’s okay, beaten, bruises, probably a concussion, will live. Lada, frantically clutching his hands, not looking away from the door, refused to leave, although he directly hinted that it would be better for her to go home, and then you never know, and expressed his willingness to take her. Shaking her head, she sat down in front of the doors to the squad. The man again spoke with the doctor on duty and, finally, the girl was allowed into the ward.

Andrey slept; putting a chair beside his bed in a 4-bed ward, she suffered until dawn. In the morning, dozing sitting; When I woke up, I saw Andrei looking at her. Tied up, smeared with iodine, he looked at her seriously, then looked away. Then, to the horror of Lada, he turned away and said something quietly. - What? What are you saying? - re-asked embraced by heavy foreboding girl. She refused to believe her ears, hearing "go away" from the first time. - Go away, do not need more ... - He did not finish. Tears flowed from the eyes; through them, as if through a veil, she looked at the guy's bandaged head and prayed to herself that he would turn and calm her down. She did not know how much she sat and silently cried. She did not notice the strange glances of other patients, their conversations; they got up, walked - she did not move. At times, she wanted to reach out and touch him, but she did not dare touch a loved one who had suddenly become strangers.

Some strange, altered, trumpet voice above her head spoke about the car, about the keys, about recovery; having loudly tinkled, familiar keys appeared on the bedside table, and strong hands raised the Lada and dragged them away from the chamber. She obediently went, but halfway through, she came to her senses and stopped, twisted, and turned back; she was pulled behind her, but she squatted down and tried to pull her hands out of someone's persistent hands. Then they tried to raise her for a long time, but she weakly fought back, looking down and refusing to recognize the one who led her away. Finally, she was pulled up, hugged and dragged out of the office, almost carrying. Everything happened in silence and somehow slowed down, as in the rapid shooting in his clips. He said something in the car, wearing his seat belt, like a rag doll, and she was her, indifferent, immensely tired.

Obediently going to his house, she suddenly started, without taking off her shoes, ran into his bedroom and began to open boxes, rummaging through them. Rising at the door, Maxim was perplexedly watching her, and for the first time since last night, he spoke quietly: “What are you looking for, Lala?” Calm down finally! It's all over. “Give them to me, give me your pills, well, the ones that you ... I saw ... give ...” muttered Lada on one note without interruption. Sighing, he went out. Returning, handed a glass. Not seeing what he had requested from him, the girl pushed him away, continuing to wrench the contents of the boxes. Sitting among the scattered things, she looked uneasily around, as if losing something super important and not finding. He again handed her a glass of liquid, and she turned away from his hands. Maxim tried to get her drunk, but she began to break free; then, putting the drink down, he bent down, shook her shoulders, hit her cheeks, threw back her head, and poured bitterish liquid into her mouth. Trickles flowed down her cheeks, wet T-shirt, and only now came the epiphany. Crying, she clung to his shirt and tried to shake him by the breast from an uncomfortable position while sitting. He stood, bending down to her, with an empty glass in his hands and looking at her with a strange expression on his face. Then he picked it up, threw it on the bed, lay down beside it and crushed it with itself, holding its beating hands. She wept briefly - bitterly and plaintively; but sleepless night and general exhaustion tired her, soon Lada fell asleep.

Waking up from the rumble, not seeing a girl next to her, Max went to the sound. In the middle of the kitchen there was a bad-looking, not rested, but not painfully focused on her thoughts, but simply Lada, which was not in the spirit of his. She took the dishes, looked at them and threw them on the floor, stretched out her hand for the next one.There was a decent pile of shards around her. The rapper exhaled cautiously and smiled: she was recovering. “What day is the week?” He asked suddenly. - Why do you need? - without interrupting ...

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