1. Ramp Part 1
  2. Ramp Part 2
  3. Ramp Part 3
  4. Ramp Part 4
  5. Ramp Part 5
  6. Ramp Part 6
  7. Ramp Part 7
  8. Ramp Part 8
  9. Ramp Part 9
  10. Ramp Part 10

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she answered. - I remember whether you need to call a maid or she will come. Lada stopped. She looked around and froze in the middle of the bust. - Let's eat something for breakfast, Ladka! - and Maxim went to the refrigerator, tacking among the shards.

Not immediately, but they got along. A good pair came out of them, as the hip-hoper had foreseen. Ambitious, creative, adoring scene, they perfectly complement each other, despite the difference of everything else. A balanced and enthusiastic Lada perfectly suited a crazy and enthusiastic rapper. She, as noted by his entourage, knew how to influence him and pacify his antics. Increasingly, he listened to her, generally not inclined to tolerate criticism and restrain his violent impulses. They looked wonderfully outwardly: a healthy, handsome guy and a taller slim girl in exclusive styled hip-hop dresses. When, before a concert, or a party, or a presentation, where the show beau-monde was going, they left the limousine and embraced, walked to the entrance, it seemed to others that the couple did not exist as the ideal. Yes, and they themselves were of the same opinion, getting used to each other. They were very successful and worked hard on it. Glossy magazines liked to put photos of their spectacular couple on the pages and covers. They never refused to open photo shoots and interviews: the idol of youth and his girlfriend, a dancer. The group took for granted their new status of common-law spouses. More Lada did not hear the mocking whisper behind her back, and so did the sympathetic views: they were jealous of her. She did not converge closely with any of the dancers, naturally became the leader of the group, along with BM, the constant face of his clips. She was not inclined to command, to the spectacular leadership of parade; just any of her quietly spoken words was of paramount importance for the troupe. Maxim liked her confident behavior, she liked her very much. Everyone thought Lada was the perfect girlfriend of a star.

Nothing has changed in their intimate habits: they were still captured by each other sexually. Having no third facet, the once dramatic triangle has disappeared, and now nothing has restrained their passionate, ardent desires. Their love activities were filled with excitement, frenzy, folly. When, in their unstoppable desire to quench their mutual animal lust, they enthusiastically fought on crumpled sheets and greedily sucked each other’s overexcited flesh to squeeze them into a drop and calm them, and they believed that they had everything they could receive. Most of all, Maxim loved anal and oral sex, and Lada loved them, getting no less vivid pleasure than from traditional. If she wanted a classic copulation, she herself possessed a lazily sprawling guy who smoked and watched her temperamental jump on him from below.

Lada has long convinced herself that this is her real desired life that she deserved. The girl firmly knew that she, the past, who seemed to be the only correct one, was lost to her forever, and only she and no one else was to blame for this. She did not deserve that perfect relationship. And that ideal man who did not want to be hypocritical and live in a lie. How could she. Including now. A hole formed in her heart forever and an emptiness settled behind it. Lada knew this for sure, because this emptiness sometimes ached and ached. She shut her up like a cork, work, party, sex, friendship with BM, and never let out memories from there into her full life. And they did not forget. Away, dimmed, details disappeared, but did not disappear at all. Yes, Lada had everything in this life.

Were they true to each other? Lada - yes, she did not set out to lay on the shoulder blades of all the men staring at her. None touched her thoughts, so why? BM is definitely not: she knew about most of his adventures, she guessed about the others. Bringing him to his senses after the next spree already in the afternoon (only she got up early), Lada gently scolded him for the admitted next excesses, helping to bounce back. He tiredly embraced her and admitted that he is with him - better than anyone, and not like those who can only spread her legs and require bonuses after. Lada laughed and never figured out who was better there. She was absolutely not jealous, asking only not to get involved with minors and observe precautions. Yes, they got along well!

Lada graduated from high school, and the producer, at the request of BM, appointed her choreographer for the group. That old woman who once took her to work left with scandal, publicly calling Lada a whore and bedding. The girl listened in cold blood to the accusations and, turning to the group, said that her name was Lada and nothing else, and if anyone has any other wishes or maybe claims ... With the full silence of the troupe, she began to rehearse. As then, in her youth, she tried very hard, and she got no worse. Wanting to gain experience, Lada rubbed wherever possible in the world of showbiz, and Maxim, as she could, helped her. She starred in the crowd of various dance shows and films on TV, offered her services as a choreographer to clubs and groups and was arranged somewhere. She was always busy, and she did not have time for stupidity and extraneous thoughts. What can not be said about the BM, who did not leave their habits reckless party-goer. As far as she could, Lada controlled his leisure time and served as an art director at his nightclub, but could not completely separate him from the excesses.

Only now, confidentially communicating, she learned about Maxim's family. Parents were divorced not so long ago, his mother - abroad, she has a family and a small child, Maxim rarely sees her. His father is an oligarch, according to Lada; the owner of a large business empire. He was the sponsor of all the undertakings of the only son, a boring man, according to Maxim,. They often visited the large country house of R. M. Lada was introduced to that. She did not have a definite opinion about Maxim's father, since they spoke little: for example, a couple of polite phrases. The fact that the father did not support the dissatisfied lifestyle of his son, Lada realized when he heard a few conversations of relatives. Maxim, after his father’s visits, irritated Lada about the inappropriate conservatism of his father about his stay in the show business, adding that he liked it to go around. The girl as a whole supported a polite, chilly, smaller than a son, a man by the age of 50.

R. M. with some surprise observed a thin, dark-haired, slightly Asian-looking girl next to his darling-son for more than a year. Previous passions could not be remembered, due to the short duration of their stay near Maxim, but this one was delayed. Her son often brought them to their home, which he had once built for his family, while he was there. Now for the most part he is alone, the son does not want him, despite his insistent invitations. He has his own life, incomprehensible to him and causing persistent aversion; all that is required of the father is an unconditional infusion of funds for “projects” that sometimes pay off. What rarely happens in his profitable business. True, the pastime of his son with this, in general, pleasing to him, prudent dancer, in his opinion, is no different from leisure with the previous ones: non-stop sex. And it is worthwhile for this to be dragged so far from the city, under the pretext of visiting his father, so that, wherever possible, to satisfy one another uncontrollably. He even began to think that wherever he went in his house, he would definitely stumble upon them, copulating at least rabbits. In the most unnatural poses.

He only laughed at his polite remarks to his son and asked him not to envy him, confirming that he was probably out of the fresh air outside the city, they were really being attacked by impetuousness and wanted to endlessly indulge in extremes. They indulged yesterday in the winter garden, among exotic plants, standing by the glass wall, leaning their hands on it, until the son saw him getting out of the car, and did not point her to her, sprawled on the glass, with a robe lowered over his hips, with flattened breasts, with his hands in the lower abdomen, with eyes closed and a half smile on his face. They immediately went deep into the greenhouse and continued, only it was already evident that it was bad, and he didn’t watch. But the picture of the passionate, bringing both the pleasure of copulation remained in the memory and, of course, caused envy, like his son was teasing. He is not old at all, and such scenes excite him.

Seeing, or rather, having heard for the first time the soundtrack of their love activities, R. M., surprised at himself, went to the sound of the girl's perky laughter. Confident in their own loneliness, not allowing the thought of primitive measures of secrecy, with the door open a couple indulged, in the opinion of R. M., to debauchery. Closely sticking to her, kneeling behind her, on half-bent apart legs rhythmically pushed into her ass son. He said something funny, but she laughed mischievously, very temptingly turning her hips to meet him. They were so noisy that they did not notice him standing a few meters behind them at the back of the open door; and he, at first ashamed of himself, then being convinced of his own invisibility, watched the peep show to the end. By the way her son's long testicles slapped her crotch, and by their jokes, he guessed that sex was not quite traditional. For him, the most similar method was acceptable somewhere in the sauna with a prostitute, but the youth held more progressive views and did not sentimentally waste. He dreamily imagined a similar occupation with his ex-wife - nothing, of course, did not work: they were both too conservative. And in vain! - he was angry at himself, only time was lost in thought, what is possible and what is not. And young people do not spend the gift of a second let go and enjoy each other without limits. And again, caustic envy of the owner of a compliant, merry girl pierced him. Already gloomy, he saw his son straighten up and, grabbing her leg, threw himself no shoulder. She turned to Maxim face and pulled her hand to the groin. Not wanting to be known as an overripe teenager and simply being caught behind an unseemly occupation, he quickly went to the bathroom and completed the process of arousal with his hands.

More than once he heard from their room familiar sounds and tempting laughter, later always followed by a constant ending of voluptuous groans. And his subsequent self-gratification alone. It was still embarrassing for him to bring women into her son’s house. He believed that his son had nothing to be aware of his intimate life. That parade that. A wonderful Sunday morning dream was interrupted by their teasing cries. What are they, so loud in ping-pong playing? She loses again and, not wanting to surrender, pulls him up? He went to the balcony. The blue surface of the pool was empty and beckoned by coolness, now it will descend and dip. Not now; He fell asleep late yesterday because of work and did not get up early, now he will not soon get into the water. She seems to have lost the game of tennis and was subjected to sweet punishment, which he observes with an enviable regularity by the pool: the son sitting on a lounger vigorously strung on her lying with legs spread out on a string. Fucking laughing. Well, at least do not go out on the balcony! Although, incidentally, nobody cares whether anyone sees or not: the doves are consumed with each other. So Maxim, holding out his hand, lifts her little bathing bra and, patting the jumping breasts, grabs her thighs again. She, having thrown off the symbolic triangles, presses the jerking nipples with her hands and throws back her head.Quickly quickly pushing into each other, the couple freezes for a moment, then a healthy blockhead rises, not letting her out, sitting astride, out of her hands, and with a loud squeal jumps into the pool. I did not want to bathe: the smell of other people's love juices, like the feeling of being deprived of their own, would not allow him to enjoy swimming in his own pool. R. M. left the balcony, waving his hand at the son who had just noticed him.

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