1. Ramp Part 1
  2. Ramp Part 2
  3. Ramp Part 3
  4. Ramp Part 4
  5. Ramp Part 5
  6. Ramp Part 6
  7. Ramp Part 7
  8. Ramp Part 8
  9. Ramp Part 9
  10. Ramp Part 10

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holding his stomach so as not to twitch. It became more painful, this rapper drove 2 fingers into it; a couple of times he pushed slowly, more and more accelerating pace. Under the mournful moans of Lada, the ruthless fingers were rapidly sweeping between the buttocks. BM accompanied his own manipulations for what effect with slaps and again firmly held the girl by the stomach, not allowing him to dodge sliding nimble fingers. When he turned three fingers in her, she called him a sadist and shouted that she would crack there now. He insisted that he controls the process and everything is in order there. Pushing in 4 fingers, he barely held her on bending legs, and she was convinced that she was seriously injured from behind because of severe pain.

Laughing at her curses, he suddenly pulled out his fingers and entered the aching hole with lightning speed. She did not feel the moment she entered the penis, only came to her senses when he firmly settled inside the buttocks. The pain of the rough and long pushing of his hand gradually subsided, he still waited for her readiness to begin, fingering his hips. She caught her breath, rested against the glass of the booth, led her booty, getting comfortable. Without torturing her now, he slid slowly and shallowly inside her; there was a strange feeling of inconvenience, heaviness, but not pain. Minutes languidly slowly. (Especially for eroticspace. orgsexitails. org) How much time can he swing like that? When will she let her go? Andrew, probably, cut off the phone. Acceleration of the pace of shocks testified to the proximity of the end; Lada tightened, his hands fluttered at her hips, and he splashed into her. Waiting until he left her, turned on the water and poured over the exhausted body. With shaking hands, the girl got dressed and walked to the door. He tried to hug her and said something; pushing his hands away, she repeated that he would open. Having ordered to wait for a taxi at the door, he finally said: “After all, it was good, yes, Lala ?! At home, having wiped away even the memories, Lada collapsed dead, explaining her exhaustion to a heavy rehearsal.

The following months before the start of the tour were hard for the girl. The exhausting long rehearsals were interspersed with equally exhausting filming. Pavilions, nature, dressing rooms, fittings, individual and group rehearsals, lengthy discussions, setting the light, staging the set-ups - all merged for the first time working in such a rhythm of Lada into a motley carousel. She, as the heroine of the video, had to work as much as the BM: to show acting, endurance and patience. I was surprised to find out in the middle of the process that erotic scenes with Maxim were to be portrayed; she, who was indignant, was pointed at the lines of the contract, which were not read attentively. The rapper, who sat down at a break next to her, explained to her the rules of the game and calmed her down, promising that it would be beautiful. And Lada, resigned, trusted to the film crew, rolled half-naked on the bed in an embrace with a hip-hop, imitated sex with him, splashed foam on him in a jacuzzi and finally danced in a wet white transparent shirt on a naked body under a fake rain. The director assured her that not all will enter.

Maxim was exhausted no less than her during the shooting; he could only hold out by drinking almost nothing. Without giving in to excesses, he was visibly nervous and capricious. And broke at all. And it was already time to complete the filming process, in order not to overpay to hired specialists, to meet the budget, to observe the deadlines for the release of the video, declared on the music channels. Having cursed the director, dancers or musicians for a bungled double, promising to dismiss everyone, he would take a break from himself, going to the dressing room or sitting in a chair away from the group.He called Lada or waved her hand, seated himself on his knees or beside him, and putting his head on her shoulder or chest, pressed silently to her. As if gathering from her calm and strength. At first, being lost from such unexpected acts, the girl later simply held her tightly and stroked him. The group waited patiently for the end of the star wrath.

After filming was delayed until the night, the actors were transported by bus to their homes, giving them some sleep in the morning. Lada kissed sleepy Andrew in the head and immediately fell asleep, hugging his warm back. She often set herself an alarm clock to pamper her beloved with morning, half-asleep sex. He scolded a non-slept girl for these feats, warmly embracing a flexible body. After seeing a satisfied boyfriend, she again fell asleep for 1-2 hours, so that hastily assembled, rushing headlong to work.

The most difficult was, of course, not this. Work per se pleased Lada, giving her a sense of satisfaction with their achievements. The team gradually ceased hostile mourning at her, with some surprise accepted as the indefinitely delayed, the mistress of the BM. The behavior of Lada as a soloist and mistress of leadership has become more confident, but not bitchy, and communication with the group has become less tense. The main discomfort was created by BM himself, disposing of the girl as his own property, putting his irreducible creative ambitions in contact with her and fueling them. Ended rehearsal and filming day a little earlier, he, without talking, carried her into the car and drove to his place, where they indulged in the most unrestrained sex. Resting after another exhausting intercourse, laying his head on her stomach or chest, the guy did not miss the opportunity to stress how they feel good in bed, how it will be even better. And Lada had to agree with him, carefully hiding from him and herself, which imperceptibly falls into sexual dependence on him, fully justifying her bed expectations.

Lying on his stomach, resting her head on her folded hands, Lada watched intensely at the barely moving hand of the clock on the wall. They, like hip-hoper, were in no hurry, and she had to not let the time out of sight so as not to be late for that beloved one, not to make him worry and think about their reduced joint pastime. The heavy feeling of guilt became a constant companion of the girl, threatening to complicate the ideal relationship of the couple. She tried her best not to let Andrew feel his forced absence in his life, giving him as much as she could more attention, love and sex. Andrew missed her evenings in the evenings, strove to meet her after work, and she, fearing possible inadequate antics of a star lover, how she could, kept the guy at a distance from her dangerous work. As BM deliberately painted to her imagination, her pictures of future joint success, be it at concerts, in music videos, on television, abroad, without separating his success from her, the unchanging soloist and the face of his clips. And she let these sweet dreams into her ambitious soul, as many times his strong member in her thirsty bosom. Betraying Andrew again and again.

Stroking the girl lying on his stomach on the back, it was not the first time when the rapper thought that it would be nice to have this charming, intelligent, able to calm him down and not irritate the dancer all the time. Without releasing it is not clear where it is not clear to whom. Without giving the opportunity to compare himself it is unclear with whom he will lose in advance. Not wanting to notice her gaze fixed on the clock, and generally depend on the minute hands, which steal the exciting moments of her moans, screams and orgasms from him. The time she spent there will not give anything except a lack of mood and excessive thoughtfulness. He was probably ripe for living together with a woman, and not just for episodic fucking, and this Asian-like, flexible Lala is a suitable candidate. She will not deny that he satisfies her well. How much time did she see there? Enough for half a time? So that her freak does not suspect too much, as she does not get tired to ask him.How sick! Maybe settle this ridiculous situation after the tour? So that there, in the south, she did not unnerve him, but only pacified how she can and, as already noted in the group, what the administrators are saying to him.

He took a member and stroking his head, fingered it with his fingers. She thoughtfully watched his unhurried preparatory manipulations. So annoying his glance at his watch is thrown, seizing the initiative from him, her hand replaces him. Soon, standing on all fours above him, she, holding the erect penis with her hand, sweetly licks the soft testicles. He crushes her buttocks, pushes them apart and pushes his thumbs into his licked holes. So that in the next moment to earn them like pistons, while her dark-haired head squeezed between his spread legs. They were in a hurry to get insatiable pleasure from each other.

  • Sergey (a guest)
    February 13, 2013 14:39

    Andrew is a pity, let him leave this bitch, who for the sake of recognition is paying the price with his body. The same prostitute, only besides money, also rises on the career ladder.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 13, 2013 16:06

    Well, just like us, on this side of the monitor.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 13, 2013 23:09

    Cool story. The psychology and inner world of the characters is well thought out.


    • Rating: 0

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