1. Ramp Part 1
  2. Ramp Part 2
  3. Ramp Part 3
  4. Ramp Part 4
  5. Ramp Part 5
  6. Ramp Part 6
  7. Ramp Part 7
  8. Ramp Part 8
  9. Ramp Part 9
  10. Ramp Part 10

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many others, passed Lada earlier: maybe a place more abruptly, but the people of the ceiling. Repeating the unfamiliar movements behind the choreographer and improvising under a rhythmic mix, Lada got out of her pants with zeal and was rewarded: she passed the selection along with a pair of female friends from her team. They had a preliminary interview with them and told the rehearsal schedule: the group was preparing a new program. Now Lada has even less free time: rehearsals in a serious team took him away. She left her group, which had become her run-up, shortened the time for part-time work and focused on successfully passing the probationary period, which they, the beginners, were determined to. I met with the dancers of the basic composition, adopted a higher level of skill from them. Gradually watched the star of the group - rapper Big Max, listening with interest to gossip about him.

He, of course, was called Maxim, was a few years older than Lada, healthy and tall, hence the pseudonym. Being a representative of the golden youth and someone's rich son, having received a good education abroad, he was a typical party-goer, obsessed with hip-hop and rap. Using generous sponsorship infusions, he confidently squeezed into the artistic get-together of the capital for a couple of years. Literate PR people worked for him, promoting the image of a cool guy in his board. His songs were constantly ratified by radio stations, liked by young tusochny people, he persistently made his way on TV. By the way, he sang and danced well. Ambitious, he lacked only parental money, he wanted recognition, he thought that he had something to surprise the public.

I was anxious to find out that Lada was a big deal and that it depended on the whims of a big star. From his momentary mood and current preferences. Those who suddenly became annoying BM or did not please with something, are ruthlessly expelled. Dancers and musicians once again tried not to annoy the star and conscientiously perform their duties. What could not positively affect the high level of music and dance performance. All tried their best, along with BM, efficient and not without talent. In a whisper, the dancers gossiped about the intimate needs of their soloist, who preferred flexible trained bodies and pretty faces. They told some legends of girls abandoned and thrown out of the troupe who were tired of the rapper. They also conveyed about some brave ones who did not wish to yield to him, and seemed to take revenge on him. But all this was inaccurate and, in the opinion of the listening Lada, is not true.

The trial period ended, and Lada crawled out of his skin and remained in the troupe. What could not be said about all the new ones. Performances began in clubs and collections, the girl herself closely watched artists familiar to her on TV and radio, CDs and the Internet. They got more applause, and their equipment, including backing vocals and dancers, was even higher. At this stage, Lada was more than satisfied with her position. Musicians and dancers of the group tried to glue to the new, pretty, slightly Asian-looking cut of eyes and darkness of the dancer, but she tried to stay with them on a friendly leg, not to offend anyone, hinting that she was not free. Sometimes Andrei came to the speeches of BM, when Lada managed to drag him free of charge, after asking the team administrator. The guy generally liked the songs of the rapper, and as usual, he admired the art of Lada. She began to move better, the boundaries of skill expanded. But the glamorous hip-hop party got the guy indifferent, he outgrew her and didn’t tend to spin in a drunk, heated one, don’t understand what the screaming crowd did.Being at work and watching the performances of competitors from similar groups, Lada almost never refused after sitting with a group for a cocktail and pozgigat on the dance floor. Andrei listened more to the artists' chatter and looked at her, dashingly dancing in the roaring crowd. Then he proudly hugged and kissed the hot beloved and, rejoicing for her, who had achieved the desired, he temperamentally loved at night. And in the morning, gently, like a greenhouse rose, completely unaware of her secret desires. They have never been so happy with their lives.

Competently built BM fame grew. Temporarily deciding to suspend concert activities, he thought about the clips. And the subsequent tour after their promotion on TV. The video was shot with a guest star - a girl model. After the rapper's express novel with her, which was talked about in the group, the next video was conceived to make it cheaper and to do on its own, without overpaying. The team in incomplete composition went to the sea, and filming with one of the dancers in the form of a video heroine began to boil in the southern interiors. Lada was the first time at sea for work. For the first time in a year she broke up with Andrey. They missed and desperately sms. The group has already routinely watched the next Max's novel with a new favorite dancer-soloist and staked on its duration. Musicians, close to the body of the star, gossiping at rehearsals about orgies held in the BM cottage. The rapper relaxed at sea, often tore off the shooting, rolled with the musicians and his mistress in the tavern, in the mountains, on the yacht. The director and the administrator of the group were angry, they constantly talked with the producers and tried to influence the starling star. The dancers tirelessly rehearsed, driven by the choreographer, gradually mastered the new future program; for them, no sudden walkers existed. At last, the hip-hoper, slightly inhibited from the copious libations, with traces of excesses on the face, returned to life and began to rehearse and record. Lada from behind the corps de ballet soloists observed his capricious quibbles towards dancers and musicians, as well as expressively erotic, in public, relations with her soloist-lover: looks, jokes, hugs and kisses. And then how this game of love was declining: the whole tired troupe was already gloatingly admiring it; BM's look became more and more boring as the shooting of the video approached the expected final. Only producers were happy.

Lada was not going to interfere in someone else's life, which she never did, but suddenly became an unwitting witness to unsightly events. They walked with one of the girls of the group in the evening around the station: they somehow accidentally left, bypassing the shops. A few meters away from them a taxi stopped, and the soloist of the group, the momentary lover of BM, got out of it. My friends watched in amazement, as she was unsteady on her feet, with a crumpled face, the girl unloaded her bags from the car: one, another, a third ... - Where is she with them and how can she reach them ?! - they looked at each other. Seeing them, she invitingly waved her hand. Lada stepped toward her, a friend held her back: - Where are you going? Probably, BM is near! Do not interfere! The swaying girl continued to summon her acquaintances, and, not seeing anyone near her, Lada's friend mischievously said: “Let her get out.” I will not go. Let's go where we went! “I think she needs help, and she doesn’t look very good.” We are not in a hurry, let's find out what's the matter, ”Lada continued moving toward her. - I - pass, help, if you are so kind. Who will help you, if that !? - A friend hurried to move away, and Lada hesitantly approached.
- What got up, help drag everyone to the waiting room! - not too politely met a girl recent friend in the group. It was already inconvenient to refuse, and the girls, taking 4 heavy bags in 4 hands, went to the station. The dancer turned out to be banal drunk and, leaving Lada to watch the things, she tried to crawl to the window of the ticket office bypassing the line.Cursing her inappropriate sympathy, Lada tried to quickly get rid of her ex-girlfriend, but banal curiosity for some reason stopped her, and the girl asked her to spend some time with her, and that was so bad. Going to the toilet and, as far as possible, putting herself in order, the dancer had already looked more intelligently at Lada and thanked her in an almost normal voice. Checking the purchased ticket and sitting down on hard chairs, she mockingly looked at the unwitting assistant: - You, probably, are bursting with curiosity, why is this girlfriend BM so quickly running away from the shooting and why did she kick it? Lada shrugged, not wanting to start questioning. Ta, eager to speak out and fueled by alcohol vapors demanding quitting, spoke up.

1 comment
  • February 13, 2013 14:40

    I look forward to the ratings and comments of my favorite readers: Alex (guest), Olga, Olezhik, Smol (guest), vazelin, maybe someone forgot. Knowing how they will suffer, reading my regular series. Their comments - read, follow the tips - sorry ... Forward!


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