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He was told: “Andrei, go to honey. school is a woman's business ”, apparently, no one dug his plans as deep as he looked. The beginning of the study was difficult because I had to move to another city, say goodbye to my friends and hardly see the guys, but the girls constantly surrounded him. He was the only guy in the group, the “black sheep”, constantly chained to the attention of fellow students. But it turned out to be not so easy to start a relationship with someone, except that sometimes they even exchanged words with three girls from the same room in the dormitory.

After a month of study, Andrew began to look strangely in the mirror, seeing his appearance not attractive, trying to figure out how to improve. His hair was dark brown, but, growing into a thick mane, looked fair, his face was always clear of acne, his physique was, of course, not pumped up, but his muscles were present. A member of the fat, standing upright centimeters at 18. Andrew even bought swimming trunks, which in the trimming clearly showed his unit, shone in front of the girls when he went to bed, but the attempts did not bring results.

Outside the window night. Andrei is alone in a dormitory sitting on his bed, next to the walls are empty classmate beds. Some girl had a birthday party, so the others convinced her to put down and left, and they said to him: "We will have a purely girl party, we are not invited, please excuse me."

“Sorry ...” said Andrei through clenched teeth. - So that you all get drunk ...

He threw the T-shirt on the bed, remained in some leotards, fell into bed, opened the textbook and drank his eyes into the pages, but because of the sharp furiousness of the word did not climb into his head. He put his bare legs in his slippers, walked to the toilet.

Slamming the toilet door behind him, Andrei pulled off his pants with underpants down to his knees, sat down on the closed toilet. A member under the maneuvers of his hands hung back and forth, but did not want to get up. It seemed to Andrew strange and blasphemous to masturbate in the toilet, when there are a lot of free girls nearby, but for some reason I had to do so. Andrei flipped away fantasies on naked women, the penis stopped playing the hose and stood up, a hand immediately came up the trunk, but the relationship with fellow students still came back to the head, which broke the hardness of the penis and the speed of the hand movement.

Behind the door, there was a noise, cheerful voices of the girls, part of the noise was gradually approaching, Andrei heard the words: “Now, I’ll just go to the toilet.” The guy got up from the toilet, quickly put his hand on his penis. Now he will tell the girl that while he is busy, he will finish with the chores and go to cram the lessons, but ... the door opened. The girl stepped inside, froze, but the door slammed shut. Andrei froze in the numbness of fear and became covered with red embarrassment, with pants up to his knees, in which his legs were bent, with his hand on a standing penis. The girl also felt uncomfortable, although she understood that she had not done anything like that ...

“I did not lock the door,” Andrew realized out loud.

“Yes,” the girl agreed.

The guy knew her - they study in the same group - but he could not remember the name. He came to himself, pulled his pants into place and stood, shifting from foot to foot. The girl tried not to look at him, but her gaze itself passed between his legs, now covered up.

- Alain, - Andrew remembered the name, - you do not tell anyone what is there ... I ... I will do anything, just do not say, please ...

Alyona nodded hastily, but the phrase “I will do anything” somehow got into my head. She and her friends just came from the street, she didn’t even have time to throw off a light-colored winter jacket with a hood, now thrown back, and there were jeans and shoes on her legs.

- Anything? - asked the girl.

- Yes, - confirmed Andrew, realizing that this "that" will be real something. Perhaps more than once.

Alena smiled, locked the door, scrolled the ledge on the handle, turned to the guy, unbuttoned her jacket, opening a fluffy white sweater.Andrey's hands were in her hands, lay on jeans.

“Unfasten,” the girl said.

The guy leaned forward, about to kiss, but his hands rested against his bare chest.

“Nah,” the classmate said, “just unzip it and drop it to your knees.”

Andrew obeyed. Fingers pulled the button inside, "lightning" vzhiknula, the edges of the jeans moved away, slightly showing white panties. Andrei lowered a little jeans from the girl, then grabbed her panties, started pulling him up to his knees, for which he had to bend down. On the head lay the hand of the girl. The guy froze, lifted his eyes forward, seeing a tightly squeezed slit between Alyona's legs.

- Are you virgin? - asked Andrei.

- What's the difference? - in response asked the group mate. - You will only lick if you are responsible for your words. Well?

The guy knelt down, pulled the jeans off the girl just below the knees, so that his hips moved apart to the sides, he pressed the edge of his sweater to Alyona’s belly, naked pubis was opened above the pussy, though with small black grooves that usually grow hair after shaving.

- Will you watch for a long time? - asked classmate, emboldened.

Andrei realized that he was considering the object of caress for too long, he began reluctantly to bring his head closer. He knew about how cunilinigus happens, but he tried to figure out how to start. The head got so close that the pussies touched the lips, Andrei wetted them with his tongue, began to drive up and down, as if nibbling. The guy squeezed his head deeper, his chin was between the legs of the girl, but the hole was completely in the mouth. He occasionally averted his head, exhaling hot air on his pussy.

- Andrei, do not be lazy, let the tongue, - said Alena reproachfully.

Lips completely captured the hole in his arms, Andrew barely brought the language closer, all the time remembering that the girl somehow urgently ran into the toilet. The tip of the tongue touched the skin, went up, down, grabbing more and more space. The girl rested her back against the door, groaning with restraint, a blush on her cheeks, she grabbed the edge of her sweater pressed to her tummy with one hand, plunged the second into Andrei's hair, squeezing them and crumpling.

“Smooth on me,” the classmate asked, the words completely consisting of a moan.

Andrei put his hands on Alena's bare hips, the palms smoothly slid over the skin, one went to the elastic ass, the second stroked the tummy, crawling slightly under the sweater. The guy's tongue quickly squirmed across the pussy, lightly held inside, sometimes just stroking the pubis. Andrei moved his head away, lifted his flushed face to the same ruddy classmate, trying to take the heavy breathing into even.

“Andrei, I’m going to describe myself now ...” the girl moaned sweetly.

- Alain, please ... - began the guy.

“Come on,” the classmate interrupted, “I’m not quite ku-ku ...”

- Maybe then finish? - suggested Andrey.

- Still afraid to get wet?

- It’s just that you are in the toilet for a very long time, and they are waiting for you ...

- Well, okay, I persuaded, - Alena gave up, - only next time let's see it through, okay?

“Good,” the guy agreed.

The fellow student went to the toilet, tangled in jeans on her knees, lifted the lid and sat down. Andrei got up from his knees, took a deep breath, after which his breathing leveled off, went to the door.

“Andrei, wait,” the girl’s voice stopped, “come here ...”

The guy hesitantly approached Alena, who, sitting on the toilet, reached to the waist. The edge of the sweater is now loosely hanging down to her feet, closing her favorite pussy.

“Well, come on a bit more,” the girl asked.

Andrei took another step, practically putting his belly in the face of his fellow student. Her hand lay on his leotard between her legs, slipped through the top, where she penetrated into the pants. Cock tensed, barely palm touched the trunk. The girl squeezed, stroked the penis and eggs, then brought ...

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