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her skirt so as to sit down on

seat bare ass. She succeeded, no doubt, thanks to long training. The car started off and began to pick up speed. As this progressed, Sarah’s driving moans grew louder and longer. I imagined how a huge plastic member walks inside her body, mechanically torturing the beautiful insides of a gorgeous woman.

Sarah drove the car, and meanwhile, sweat began to trickle down the back of her head with her hair up. It flowed down in small drops, and I felt, literally, with my skin, I felt how a woman was tense, how she tried to restrain herself, and not to cry out from pleasure ...

The land of southern California scorched by the sun, dark gray ostattsy along the edges of the highway, stunted grass on the roadsides swept past us. The car, driven by the hands of an orgasmic woman, rushed forward, reeling miles and miles on its wheels, along with Sarah's sweet desires ...

After about forty minutes of such a risky ride, we were on the spot. Before us a wide, almost half-kilometer-long ribbon of sand stretched the beach of the Pacific coast. We landed with Mahmud right on the beach, under one of the tents, standing alone on a deserted place, and the car, along with Sarah and another black man, turned to Monica’s house.

So a few hours passed. The sun had not yet had time to sit down before Sarah’s car appeared before us. Nearly

all day we were alone with Mahmud. He did not touch me, only vigilantly made sure that I did not run away. In general, I had absolutely nothing to complain about. We had a huge bag of delicacies, a few lemonade bottles, a bottle of whiskey, and not some kind of Scotch.

Finally, the car stopped right next to us. Sarah was still behind the wheel, all red, soaked with tension. Poor Monica, with her raincoat over her, was sitting next to her. A huge black man sprawled in the back seat.

Immediately, at first glance, it became clear to me that Sarah’s diabolical plan embodied life. And perfectly embodied, judging by the unhappy mind of Monica. There was no face on her. She was pushed out of the car, tearing off her cloak on the way and leaving, thus, completely naked. Monica did not walk well - probably a black man from the backseat tried to get the message. My girlfriend could hardly move her slender legs, and was walking towards us now, squatting and involuntarily spreading her knees wider. Her face distorted the grimace of suffering - not only physical, but also moral. Of course, she never expected such terrible treatment from her secular friend. To give it in your own eyes to your servant, such a terrible and mighty Negro, to undress, to bring to the shore - who could have guessed such deceit from a neighbor ...

Sarah walked behind, and drove a picking Monica with a whip, which I managed to try myself the day before. The body of the poor thing was already rinsed. Monica saw me, her eyes lit up for a second, hoping for help and deliverance. But then she saw Mahmud’s grinning face, and she understood everything ...

Under Sarah’s orders, Mahmoud took up the new one immediately. He set, or rather even threw. Monica on the sand of the beach and captured her from behind. While he was tormenting his new victim, she made plaintive cries. But Mahmoud, of course, did not achieve this at all. And he achieved his goal. The shouts of pleas for mercy were replaced by quiet, then loud exclamations of voluptuousness, and then bestial howl of pleasure. Simple orgasm was not enough for Sarah and her servants. It was necessary to completely turn their sacrifice into "their faith", that is, to shit a woman who, standing on all fours between them, shrank, like an accordion, was flattened under the pressure of two huge sparkling black bodies.

and boiled every second passion, drilled by two huge shiny members, inflating in one rhythm into it from both sides. When both men let go of Monica and she fell helplessly onto her side on the sand, Sarah approached her. She looked at me, and her eyes narrowed. “Well, my servant, now it's your turn to try your share of the pleasure. You have been waiting for this for a long time. Well, start. "

I did not know what to do. On the one hand, I considered it impossible for me to commit such an act of betrayal by. relation to his friend Klaus and to his vaschastnoy wife, caught in my eyes in a similar situation. But the fact that during the active time, I was forced to watch as a naked Monica fucked on all fours two Negro, and how it ends up under them, made me forget their high until the moral principles.

I walked over to Monica, prostrated in the sand, and lay down on her, inserting my long slung cock into the wet mash of her vagina. Monica just moaned softly. Fucking her was easy. My penis, longing for the past day to full satisfaction, it was easy, like clockwork, entered the lips of my long-time girlfriend's lips that were pounded and opened as far as possible. Gradually, Monica came out of her half-forgetfulness, and opening her eyes, she saw, right above her, my face distorted by passion. She groaned louder, and from the tone of her sounds I realized that she, overcoming fatigue, had begun to re-enjoy herself. As we merged in the ecstasy of mutual feeling, I felt the attentive glances of those standing around Sarah and her servants. When we finally broke into orgasms, and I wanted to get up, I heard the commanding voice of Sarah: “Do not hurry. It's not over yet. ”

The beautiful mistress rose above us in such a way that we, lying on the sand, found ourselves between her spread legs. And standing above us, the magnificent lady began to write directly on our prostrate bodies. A hot stream of urine flooded Monica and me. We were lying under a burning stream, and the urine of our new mistress was mixed with our sweat ...

Oddly enough, all this made an indelible impression on me. The feeling of desire was born in me again, and I felt my penis growing stronger and turning into a pole, ready to pierce and pierce again. To my surprise, from the trembling of desire and the voluptuously worn out eyes, I realized that Monica, who was lying beneath me, was experiencing a similar surge of excitement.

After all this, it was not difficult to force me, kneeling, to lick Sarah's vagina and ass. And Monica - suck the members of both blacks, and also lick them anus. We didn't even have to ponder. Both of us readily crawled to our masters. Monica was embarrassed only once when Sarah ordered her to break away from the blacks and serve her herself. Monica hesitated for a moment, but at the sight of a raised whip, she threw all her doubts and obediently crawled towards Sarah. That, having stretched legs on sand, already waited the newly made slave. It was in this position that they began to take pictures of Mach Mud, who, with a nod of Sarah, took out a camera. After all this, Monica was photographed in all poses on the beach. I lustfully watched as she, posing in front of the lens, scattered on the beach, as she spreads her legs with her vagina wide open, invitingly exposing her nude tanned chest to the front. She smiled at the same time, and I realized that the period of confusion was over, and now, Monica herself felt the sweetness of the game, which she was dragged into. Now she herself was trying to pull everything off as Sarah wants. Now she understood and accepted her new owner. By the way, Sarah explained that all this is being done not just for the sake of entertainment, but specifically in order to have documentary evidence of what happened. In the event that Monika suddenly changes her mind to participate in new games for her, in her hands Sarah will always have photos with which she can blackmail Monica, threatening to show them to her husband Klaus.

So everything was seriously thought out, and little Monica had no chance to retreat.True, I was still, but by that time I did not count. After the same evening, Sarah beat off again. I whipped at the time I licked her inflamed crotch, I felt such a blissful feeling that now for what good would I trade my great slavery at the feet of a beautiful voluptuous and tough sovereign ... I became like-minded.

When we were returning from the coast a few days later, Monica herself asked to sit behind the wheel of an old car. And we watched all the way as she selflessly finished right behind the wheel, stretching her legs over the pedals, crawling on a plastic dick crawling into her, moaning and drooling ... Sarah dropped us both off at Monica and Klaus's house. From the open windows of the second floor, we realized that Klaus had already returned from his fishing.

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