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hang between the legs of his descendant. My ancestor at this very time landed on the bare rocks of Plymouth, with the Bible in one hand and a shovel in the other. He founded the city of New York and created an "earthly paradise" in the vast expanses of the new continent. Where was he to think about the length and configuration of his member and compare it with a member of the neighbor?

As was evident, no such thoughts would overwhelm my black acquaintance. He resolutely approached the sofa and, jerking Sarah to her feet, wrapped her arm around her waist. At the same time, he bent it in the back with lightning speed. It even seemed to me that a woman would break at the waist now. But Sarah just sobbed so blissfully and meekly, and then Mahmud entered her from behind. Standing straight, on the spot, and, of course, not paying the slightest attention to my presence, he drove his gigantic black, shiny-skinned car into the anus of Sarah. She did not even scream, although I could hardly imagine that a woman could withstand the pressure of such a tool. Sarah seemed to go limp right away, stop fluttering and fell silent limply. A member, like a giant corkscrew screwed into the ass of a woman, and she only strained her legs, I saw it on the stiff muscles on her thighs and calves. Sarah struggled to stay on the rack, as Mahmoud set her up. True, she still could not fall, because the gorilla with one hand held her waist, hugging her. Finally, a member entered Sarah's ass for all its depth. At this point she could not keep the screams. They burst out of her wide-open mouth and seemed to be the screams of a wild animal. Sarah screamed without embarrassment, and her screams were not only pain and anguish. This, mainly, was the cry of victory, the cry of triumph, the cry of an animal that finally received long-awaited prey.

Mahmud “pumped in” Sarah with short, sharp movements, leaning forward in pushes, thrusting his instrument at the very eggs, which, like huge billiard balls, only with a lacquer cast, bulged under his stomach. These eggs, with a flip flop, each time struck the bare buttocks of the white beauty. It seemed to me that Sarah gets from this extra pleasure.

Soon Mahmoud was probably tired of standing. He pulled his cock out of a squealing woman and knocked her straight onto a wide couch next to me. Sarah was now lying on her back, legs spread apart and knees pressed to her chest. Something it resembled the position of the embryo. Negro knelt in front of her, and, sniffing loudly, began to drive his phallus alternately in the ass, then in the vagina of a woman. Then she began to scream for real. It can be seen at this stage, Sarah "got through" to the end. She swept over the sofa, but her hands and her entire body were tightly pressed against the hands of Mahmud. He did not let the woman move. His cock, wet from Sarah's discharge, glittered like a blade in the sun. He gently and imperiously entered the gate of pleasure opened before him. Coming out of the anus, he immediately started up in the opened pink moist lips of the vagina. He enters - and the woman’s painfully blissful cry follows. He climbs forward, pushing the uterus forward and flattening it, reaching the innermost depths. His movement is smooth, confident, progressive, implacable. A woman screams, gasping and choking on her own saliva. But here a member comes out of it only in order, like a corkscrew, to screw into an exhausted ring of the anus. And here the same thing repeats. Only here it is much more sensitive. Still, the anal passage is not as wide as the vagina. Sarah was already all wet with sweat, and her hair stuck to her forehead. The woman's eyes literally crawled out of orbit when she screamed with passion. Mahmud himself was completely calm and focused. He did his usual and probably favorite work. The only one in which he was truly indispensable.“Only a loud snort and half-closed eyes betrayed in him the enthusiasm for the work to which he surrendered and for which he seemed to be called to this world.

When he released Sarah, having finished her anus beforehand, she fell on the sofa next to me. Our heads were near, and now I heard her heavy breathing fast. Sarah was trembling, her whole body was covered with sweat, a fever of excitement shook her. But despite such a pathetic and shabby look, her eyes shone with triumph.

- Well, have you seen what a real man means? This is the way to satisfy a woman, and this is how to act. Ah-ah, - she arched with her whole body and, unable to restrain herself, she launched both

hands in the inflamed crotch. Not being embarrassed by my presence, nor by the presence of a huge puffing gorilla, the woman rummaged through her hands in her vagina, put off her clit, launched her hand deeper, causing a storm of orgasms.

Suddenly Sarah jumped up. At the same time, a painful moan broke out of her - she was uncomfortable between her legs and sat on her horse. She sat on my chest and I felt a slippery, viscous substance flowing from her vagina. Thoroughly smearing my breasts, Sarah laughed and said: “And now that you have seen enough of our love games with Mahmud, you should serve me properly.” At the same time, Sarah pushed my buttocks in the direction of my face. I immediately understood everything and made a weak attempt to thwart her desire. But Sarah, having caught my desperate look, said: “No, now you will not get away with anything. You must clean my mouth now with your mouth. Of course, Mahmoud thoroughly cleared me just that, but I myself let in a lot of things you see, how wet I am from him? And you are my slave, and I must do everything that I command you. "

With these words, Sarah sat her open vagina right on my face, covering my mouth with a wet vagina. A broken-crotch Negro cropped with lust, streams of turbid secretion flowed from it, which Sarah released from herself throughout intercourse. Woman fidgeting on my face. I began to lick her labia, covered with a film of a viscous fluid, the mucus flowed abundantly into my mouth, and Sarah, basking in pleasure, said: “Come on, slave, try. If you throw me out well, so that Mahmoud will like it later, maybe you will not get lashes today. Try, I am very, very dirty. You saw what Mahmoud did to me, and in what state I was under him. ”

Lying prostrate under a woman, I could not help it. I could only obey my beautiful lady and diligently lick her wet vagina clean. Only then the lady jumped off me and asked: “Well, did you like my pussy? Tasty, right? ”

I just nodded. It is difficult to describe the feelings> who owned me at that moment. Among them were all shades of feelings - from rage, humiliation, to the highest pleasure, which I did not even suspect. Who would have thought that in such a position there could be sweetness for a man?

Hegr meanwhile flopped down in a chair and lit a cigarette. At the same time, he remained completely naked, his body sparkled with beads of sweat and seemed the carcass of some strange beast. In the bright light of several lamps, he glittered all over - a huge black monster, a car of passion, as if polished to a shine. He lounged in his chair and watched Sarah practice with me.

Finally, having calmed down a bit, Sarah got up from the couch and said: “Okay, enough for today. I'll leave you here, slave. Tomorrow I will still be engaged with you. ”With these words, she threw a plaid over my prostrate body so that I would not freeze at night, and they left with the black giant. The night was surprisingly calm. Nobody bothered me anymore, and I was left to myself. Nobody entered, only from the distant highway sometimes there was a noise of passing cars. My position was hopeless.I was aware that I was completely in the hands of Sarah and her deaf-mute lover, and now I need to reconcile at least for a while with my fate and carry out everything that my beautiful, albeit unwitting for me, order. Of course, here ... Read more →

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