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Now it’s hard for me to say what made me, a few months ago, agree to the offer of my old friends Klaus and Monica to come to their weekend and take part in their picnic. In fact, by nature I am a person who is not very inclined to communicate. Moreover, I then had a lot of urgent matters. However, I agreed.

Probably, even then I subconsciously felt that an unprecedented incredible adventure awaited me. So in fact it often happens - the mind is silent, but something inside you sucks under the spoon and it relentlessly itches, prompting: “Do it, do it necessarily.” And, as a rule, you should listen to this inner voice. Then by all means something will happen to you, which you will later recall, if not with gratitude to fate, then with interest, at least. It happened in the case that I want to talk about.

It is not so pleasant to tell about yourself such things that happened to me at that time. No one is pleased if they say about you that you are a strange subject, and you need to be shown to a psychiatrist ... But in my present case, I am reliably guaranteed from everything like that. I just told everything to Clara Sagul - my longtime friend and well-known erotic writer, and she is a master at the literary transcriptions of such anonymous stories.

So, already in the middle of the day, thoroughly “driving” my car on the way, I finally drove up to the house where Monica and Klaus lived. The heat of the day was still in full swing, however, judging by the clock, and this is undoubtedly the best indicator, the evening coolness was soon to come.

“It’s good that you were on time ... We’re already worried. Soon everyone will get together, ”my dear friends asked me, leading me into the house after I parked the car.

And indeed, very soon, as evening came on, the cars of other guests began to taxi to us. It happened so quickly that I just managed to change clothes and exchange a few words with my friends.

The platform in front of the house was filled with cars of all brands - the newest. It was the realm of nickel, sparkling glass, matte bright surfaces, fancy and elegant forms. Do not often see such a cluster of objects embodied in the metal of luxury. The cars of the latest releases - the dream of every inhabitant and the pride of the owners - stood as a kind of herd, shining with all the colors of the rainbow and shimmering under the rays of the setting sun.

The guests headed to the vast lawn not far away, where they were supposed to feast in the lap of nature. Many of them, I noticed, felt confident, walked by themselves and led their ladies by the hand, knowing where they should go. They were obviously frequent guests of Monica and Klaus, and, of course, regular picnics to which my friends were great lovers since the early days of our acquaintance.

Very soon, my attention was attracted by an unusual car that had just stopped in front of the house. It was a “Citroen” very long year of release - probably the twenties. The abundance of small forms, angular outlines, exquisite luxury of finishing, so uncharacteristic of the modern automotive industry - all this gave out a guest from Citroen from a long time, brought back familiar and pleasant to heart memories of the “Great Gotsby”, which, thanks to Jack Clayton, was forever entered our life with his unforgettable style ...

I stood at the window of the spacious living room, chained to the stopped car. Something made me watch him closely. Something made me feel a burning interest in what was happening. Just think, because I couldn’t really expect my grandfather to open the door with a graceful arched handle and get out of the car, as it should be on the stage setting - Mia Farrow, accompanied by Robert Redford.Of course, this did not happen. There are no such miracles in the world; every child knows this.

But I was waiting for another miracle. A young woman of about twenty-five, a slender, dark brown eyes from a haughtily half-eyed lashes, fluttered out of the car. She looked around, lifted her chin and resolutely went to meet Klaus approaching her.

“Who is this?” - not to keep his interest in the vultures, I asked the Monica standing next to me. That squint looked at me and I caught a spark of mockery that flashed on her lips. “This is Sarah, our neighbor,” Monica replied shortly, and then she took pity on my curiosity and added: “Sarah lives alone in a villa not far from here. She is lonely and very rich. ”

- Is she a retro style lover? - I asked:

- Yes, she has a real passion. In any case, one of the passions. Sarah has a whole collection of such cars. And the house is in the same style. Oia is just obsessed with Gotsby.

- And what else is she crazy about? - I asked playfully, hinting that I was a little intrigued and would like to know more.

“If you ask about men, I really don’t know,” Monica smiled. - Are men her passion? Of course, she is lonely, and therefore can afford a lot in this regard. But I do not know her inclinations. In any case, she leaves every picnic alone, no one escorts her. Maybe she's a lesbian, who knows, ”Monica giggled at the end.

In fact, I was quite intrigued. The beauty of a young lady, her luxurious original car, a challenging, unconstrained way of holding on - this could not leave me indifferent I decided to try my luck ...

The fun began quickly, good, no one except me had to get used to the new public. Here everyone was familiar for a long time. Yes, and I never had any problems with communication skills, so I quickly found a common language with new acquaintances. Gradually, getting to know everything with new and new people, as the evening approached the end, I finally got closer to the ultimate goal - to the beautiful Sarah. I was introduced to her, and we managed to talk. Sarah was smart, mocking, subtle in her judgments. Something in her was slightly alarming. There was some kind of indomitable force in this woman, ready, it seems, to rush out at every moment. She was not feminine. Of course, in her were grace, smoothness of movements, it is so. But this flame, which sparkled in her eyes, beat energy over the edge, forced her lips to nervously bend - it spoke of the strength of character, of the unbridled emotions that rage in this magnificent woman.

But after all, such natures excite men, it is they who make our heart tremble. They attract all those who are tired of the fresh monotony of life, who are waiting for something new, unexplored, scorching the soul, like fire. Meeting, even if fleeting, with such a woman is like a fiery spicy chili after annoying everyday oatmeal.

Sarah probably noticed something in my eyes, so she took an interest in me for a long time and kept the conversation going. Long enough for me to touch on the theme of "retro" and vintage cars in particular. Following the advice of Carnegie - in a sense, the creator of our licorice modern civilization, I spoke with beautiful Sarah about what interested her most. And this, as expected, bore fruit. I received an invitation to visit her tomorrow to see a wondrous collection of antiques.

That was all I wanted, that I set myself the goal of getting this evening. Striving for something more was ridiculous and meant “losing face” in front of yourself and in the eyes of my friends.

The next morning, I said goodbye to Monika and Klaus, and, driving onto the highway, headed for Sarah’s estate. Naturally, I did not say anything to my friends about where I was going on my way home.

The estate stood alone, away from the road. Entering the low stone gate, I saw ...

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