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lips, she put her mouth on my dick, which is now sticking up almost perpendicular to the sofa. At first, slowly, and then faster and faster, in the lightning pace of a mad passion, Sarah raised and hung her head. Her flaming face was hidden from me by hair that fell on her forehead.

In short, it didn’t take me long to finish again. The jet gushed out of me, and Sara, without letting go of her mouth, sucked my liquid. By that time, my hands had thoroughly become sullen, and therefore, after waiting for a few seconds for decency, I suggested to the beautiful hostess to free me from handcuffs. But not here it was ...

That was what she seemed to be waiting for. Sarah got up on the couch to his full height. Long golden curls scattered over her shoulders, a mad look was angry, on pretty plump lips there were still droplets of my sperm, so awaited by her swallowed.

- No, - slowly, stretching the words, as if savoring them, as if rolling them with pleasure in her mouth, said the woman. - No, dear, everything is just beginning. All that has been up to this point is only a prelude to the main view. ”

“What do you mean,” I asked, surprised, but already anticipating the evil.

- Unhappy, you think that you really seriously interest me as a lover. Dummy! With my money, and with my appearance, finding a hundred men better than you is not a problem. What am I some provincial friend. Do not imagine yourself Don Junan. This is not for me. You are my slave. I need you completely for another. From now on I am your mistress and I will command you. And you will obey me in everything, and if not, you will be severely punished. Oh, you will ask my mercy with tears in your eyes. ”

I did not recognize Sarah, she was so transformed. A beautiful face burned with inspiration, her eyes glowed with a furious fire of unearthly, surreal passion, the whole face of a woman standing over me rather resembled a wild bacchante, frantic Pentesilea, and not a social lady I have known her since last night. In the meantime, Sarah had a whip in her hands, which she took out of a drawer. The whip was thin, very flexible. The woman, standing above me, shook them and said: “I need you only as a slave, like an animal, which I will torment myself with pleasure. Obey me. You now belong to my passions and desires. ”

Probably, my shocked and frightened look came to Sarah’s consciousness, and she immediately decided to suppress the rebellion that originated in my consciousness in the very germ. The whip whistled in the air and the whistle ended with a very painful blow to my body. Sarah began to whip me with her whip on the stomach, thighs ... Soon, she turned my foot on my stomach and a hail of blows fell on my buttocks and back. A beautiful tormentor stood right above me, spreading her slender legs wide apart, and methodically showered me with blows. At the same time, I managed to turn my head and look at her face. This subtle beautiful face was distorted by the paroxysm of passion, and at the same time it contained the spirituality unprecedented by me, the desire and readiness to fully surrender to his dark occupation. As if with each blow of the whip falling on my defenseless body, the magnificent lady herself first of all experienced the blow and the pain that he brings. It seemed to her the very same suffering that she so zealously and ruthlessly exposes me.

I had to make a lot of effort over myself so that I did not immediately begin to shout under the blows of my lady`s whip. But my patience did not last long. I began to scream and scream at every stroke, and now our cries and Sarah merged into one. At the same time, unexpectedly for myself, I felt that pain, without passing by itself, begins to turn into some kind of similarity that I had never experienced before.Something dark, unexplored by me, incomprehensible, began to roll on me. Gradually, the pain of strikes lashes began to bring a burning sensation to my body, which developed into heat. Feeling a beautiful woman right above me, in a fit of sensual pleasure, scourging me, empathizing with me, feeling the blows of the whip from her beautiful hands, I began to warm up myself slowly. Fully resigned to my fate, I began to experience pleasure. I remembered the old woman’s wise proverb: “If rape is unavoidable, and still nothing can be done, relax and try to have fun.” I never thought that someday I would find myself in a similar situation. My member began to swell by itself, especially since he was constantly in irritation. I after all lay on it with all my body and at the same time still rushed on the sofa under the blows raining down on me. Sensing the resilience and strength of my member, I was very surprised at first. But for a long time I was not surprised.

Sarah stopped the torture and I remained on my own. Looking around, hoping for the cessation of my strange torment, that the attack of sadism left my new acquaintance for a while, I saw to my horror that a huge black giant was approaching us. It was the same Mahmoud. His face was still gloomy and full of determination. What is he going to do, and generally why is he here? Sarah herself willingly answered these unasked questions of mine. She jumped off the divdna and walked over to my head. There, crouching, she leaned toward me and said: “I have already acquainted you with Mahmud. You then did not attach much importance. This is not surprising. After all, then my Mahmood was just a servant for you. But in fact it is not. Of course, Mahmud is my servant, but besides that he is the person who brings happiness to my life. He does what I could only dream of before meeting him. All of you, frail impotent, never rise to such heights in sex, to which we rise with Mahmoud. What of the fact that I am a noble lady, and he is an illiterate black man? In love, he will give a hundred points ahead to any of you - the lauded and cultural university talkers. There you have the power, the passion, the onslaught and pressure that can make any woman happy. After all, you only say that about "The Tempest and the Onslaught", and here, in real life, you can not do anything. Here he is the king. It is even for the best that he is deaf and dumb. I specifically chose this among many of his fellows. But he will never tell anyone about the wonderful pleasures of his beautiful hostess, and what a great role he plays in doing so. "

Meanwhile, Mahmud, although he did not hear the enthusiastic song of love, which the mistress sang to him, did not lose time for nothing. With one motion of his hand he threw off his sports pants and opened to our gaze a huge tool of his power and dominion over the heart of poor Sarah. The member of the negro was so huge that he surpassed everything that I had seen before. Once, only once in my life, I saw such a member in a photo advertising condoms. But then I thought that it was a photomontage, and of course there could not be such a thing in life. The member was not just very thick and very long, it was covered with bulges, veins, swollen like river beds, some pimples, mounds. It was naturally nature-filled with what they are striving to achieve, giving bulge and tuberosity to artificial members in factories.

I looked at this implausible member and, one might say, slightly understood Sarah. While our ancestors struggled for centuries in search of the philosopher's stone and exhausted themselves with moral questions, they comprehended the secrets of hustling and electricity, the ancestors of this hefty hog had cherished their members for centuries with the hot African sun, growing huge processes on them Vital energy. Judging by the body of Mahmoud, the efforts of the generations of his ancestors were not in vain. Probably this was the embodiment of their dreams, what they wanted.Some great-great-grandfather, sitting in his thatched hut under the roar of a hippopotamus, dreamed of such a thing that would be something ... Read more →

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