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there was something to think about. I was not ready for this turn of events. Expecting a light love affair, I got into such a mess that I never thought of getting into. It happens sometimes in life.

In the morning I woke up because Sarah was bending over me. She was again completely naked, and not far away I saw the figure of a negro. Sarah smiled affectionately and patronizingly.

"Slave, are you used to your new position now?"

I was silent, and then, realizing that she would not wait for an answer, Sarah continued:

- We checked a wonderful night with Mahmoud. He tormented me almost until the morning, and did not give a single minute of respite. This was our next night of love. And now we want to continue. "

I realized that the tests for me again begin.

“Listen,” Sarah leaned over me, “you have to accept your fate.” I will now open you, and you will be free to walk and move at all. But you yourself understand that you have to be careful. After all, it is clear to you that you continue to remain my slave, and you must always be with you and be ready to fulfill your duties implicitly. Just try to make some inaccurate movement, I'm not talking about trying to escape - and you will face a harsh punishment. The whip that you tried yesterday is still far from everything that is in my arsenal for slaves. Yes, you can not escape. Mahmud is much stronger and more agile than you, and besides, he is not the only one here who guards my interests and pleasures. So be careful. ”

With these words, Sarah made several movements with her hand, and my handcuffs and chains, which constrained my movements, fell. I was physically free.

Sarah told me to kneel next to the chair in which the black was located, and she crawled to him on all fours and respectfully took his fallen flesh into her mouth. Under her lips, this terrible penis began to fill with blood, swelling and becoming more and more in size. And my sensuality leapt at the sight of how this gentle mouth, this fragile white throat are taking in more and more deeply this huge black phallus.

Sarah sucked him selflessly, a member entered and left her mouth rhythmically, like a piston. Sarah wetted his abundant saliva, he sparkled. At the same time, she launched her hand between her legs and began to excite herself with her fingers.

Looking up for a second from a member, she turned to me and commanded: “Well, a slave, you do not see something, I need additional caress. Come on. "

I immediately realized that Sarah wanted, looking at her priest shuddering with passion and impatience. I crawled to this snow-white priest and buried my face in a crevice between my buttocks. Everything was wet there, and I, pushing Sarah's face apart, finally groped her anus with my tongue. It was strongly stretched and wet too. The rum of the anus was inflamed, its taste was salty. Trying to stick my tongue as far as possible, I began to climb them right into the very depth of the woman's anus. Doing this at first was rather inconvenient because Sarah jerked all the time with her whole body, convulsively shrinking and trembling with pleasure. Every minute she was shaken by orgasms, which she herself undoubtedly had long lost account of. The woman devoted all her attention to a huge Negro member who shook in her mouth and throat. She lived for the moment with this sensation of a member who sucked with such pleasure ...

There was only one problem before me. I did not know what to do with my poor member, who had already risen so many times to no avail. I also really wanted to take a more active part in the game, but now I was not sure that the gorilla Mahmoud would want to share a white woman with me, and Sarah herself now would want to give herself to the one she made her slave. My tongue tirelessly snaked in the anus of Sarah's sucking. It was humid and hot.

When, finally, the Negro poured into the woman’s mouth, she allowed me to finish licking her ass.

Fell off from her coveted member and licked blissfully, Sarah looked at me, then looked at my phallus, which remained in a standing position and laughed. “Poor thing, you want so much that it is even a pity to look at you. But you won't get me anymore. Leave this hope, slave. Well, well, I promise to think about how to alleviate your situation. "

A few minutes later, Sarah came out and returned some time later. She looked pleased. Her eyes were burning. She addressed me: “Well, I have already fulfilled my promise. Need the same slave and regret. Soon, very soon you will have a girlfriend - a slave. And at a time when Mahmood and his buddies do not want to fuck her, she will be yours. I already called. "

And Sarah, laughing, told me that she had called my friends, and found out that Klaus had gone fishing north, and Monica was now in her little house on the ocean. “We will go there now.”

With these words, I shivered with lust. Some kind of frenzy overcame me. Not a lot of ingenuity had to have to unravel the plan of Sarah. She was inspired by the victory over me, and now decided to add my old friend Monica to the number of her slaves. Especially since her husband Klaus left out of spite. I never thought to think that I would sleep with Monica. This charming young woman has always been known to me as the honorable spouse of my university friend, and in such matters I am scrupulous. On the other hand, could I ever think that I would become a slave of an unfamiliar woman, that she would begin to fuck with me and her black lover and make me humble to serve her, lick her, fucked by her giant, that I would have to taste the whips from her hands ... I was allowed to get dressed and walked along the vintage cars on display in the hangar. “What do you think is the secret behind each of these cars?” Sarah asked me with a sense of superiority.

“In each of them there is a small device. I thought of it myself. After all, you need to get all sorts of fun from what is as expensive as collecting vintage cars. So, you will see now. "

With these words, Sarah started one of the cars, pressed a lever, and at the same instant I saw something coming out of the driver’s seat ... It was a huge plastic artificial member that was in constant motion, that is, walked back and forth.

“As soon as I get behind the wheel and start the engine,” Sarah continued selflessly her explanations, “how this artificial member begins its movements. It is powered by a car engine. I thought of it myself, but at the same time I didn’t keep myself going backwards, not a single loophole. All my cars are equipped with such members. And besides, they are so long, and move with such intensity that I can not drive a car other than impaled on this member. I can't get off of it. Turning around on such a member is the only way to drive a car. ”

Sarah was frank, and I, like an enchanted one, looked at all this magnificent collection of cars. Just think, such a respectable spectacle is respectable “retro” cars, they are so full of decency, reliability, almost the last century, and, naturally, a young woman driving such a car immediately evokes a romantic admiration, she looks like the heroine of old movies from the even pre-Hollywood era ... And here, on you. It turns out that beautiful Sarah, wherever she went, and no matter how respectable she looked above her belt, is always completely wet at the bottom and scattered from the plastic penis tearing her whole trip ... God, as soon as she in such a state manages not to break the rules of the road movements ...

We pogrzilis in the "Rolls-Royce" 1923 release, and Sarah sat behind the wheel, and I fit in the back seat between Mahmoud and another of his partner, just as stupid and silent, so there is no need to describe him.Before you get behind the wheel, Sarah carefully lifted ... Read more →

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