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familiar itch. Anna spread her legs wide and lifted the hem of her dress. For some time now, the girls stopped wearing pantalonchiki, and their crotches were always ready, for mutual caresses. The count left, and for several days he was not there; he carried out the commission of the baron regarding his journey to Spain. Yes, and things on account of the adoption of Anna and Martha, the viscount, his neighbor, had to be done. Therefore, the girls and went around the house without trousers. No one knew about it, and did not even guess, only the Baroness took part in it.

And when the tongue of the dog began to lick Anna's vagina, she felt such a pleasure that she had not yet experienced. Martha was sitting next to her, and with the hem of her dress up, she jerked off her pussy. Bliss played on Anna's face when Victoria entered the room.

- Oh, you understand what a dog it is. And he not only knows how. Said the Baroness, sitting down next to her sisters.

- Yes, and what can he do. - Martha asked.

- Oh, you take a pen, touch his dick. Do not be afraid to wrap. Hold tight. Now down and up. Well done. See, it increases, go on. - Baroness leaned back and began to direct the actions of Martha.

The dog licked Anna's vagina, which lay with closed eyes. A smile wandered across her face. Martha, squatting on her haunches, jerked off to a dog dick. Finally, the dog finished licking, and moved its end to the entrance to the girl's vagina. Martha, with spellbound eyes, looked at how the dog frantically fucked her sister.

- Can i. She asked Victoria, and kissed her on the lips.

- Yes, cutie. His name is Lord. He is strong, he will give you pleasure. In the meantime, please me. - Baroness spread her legs, and drew the small head of Martha to her crotch.

The count arrived, and decided to see what his favorite one was doing. When he opened her bedroom door, the picture he saw shook him. On the bed was his beloved Anna, and some dog was fucking her. Nearby in a depraved position lay the Baroness, and Anna's sister, treating with tongue the depraved vagina of Victoria. Earl had known before that she was a depraved woman, and even was at first against her traveling with girls. But now, the picture he saw completely exposed the baroness in front of the count. The clapper clapped his hands, two servants immediately came running on a call. The girls buried their pillows and cried. The Baroness smiled evilly, looking at the count.

- In her dungeon. Send Millgred here. Anna, I ask you not to go anywhere, watch your sister. - ordered the count.

The servants grabbed the baroness and dragged her down into the dungeon, and the old woman Millgred, the nanny and the count's nurse, entered the room. She was a woman of strict morals, and she didn’t allow herself and others to do such a thing. Immediately the girls were taken to the bathroom and began to wash, the dog was taken to a kennel, where an hour later they were strangled. Having washed and dressed in everything new, the girls returned to their room. Seen, shook their souls to their depths, the room was transformed. In the corners were strict small beds, the canopies over the beds were removed. Next put the bed for the nanny. Icons of the Mother of God, amused over the heads of the girls. All excesses disappeared. The sister sat down on the bed and was unable to say a word. Changes in the life of the sisters came immediately. An old teacher came, and began to teach them a little of everything. On the same day, the servant who was in charge of the sisters took them to the hall, where another teacher began to teach them dancing and good manners. For the first time this fell on the head of the sisters. And by the end of the day the sisters could not stand on their feet. Their sleep was so strong that only in the morning the nanny woke them up with difficulty. So it became every day. Study, small talk, walks with the count, and finally they found themselves at a ball, where for the first time in their life, they knew a reverent feeling of delight, of the soul, and not of the physical, as it was before, in the house of the baron.And for all this time, the count has not reproached or hinted at it with a bad look hinted the girls about their past life. So a year has passed. The girls got stronger and matured. Anna turned into a real lady, Martha, also became a beauty, to match her sister. They did not betray their past. In the light they talked about the successful discovery of the graph, about the courageous deed of the Viscount, who adopted the poor orphans. Their Puritan life has led many in the light to reconsider their views on the freedom of sexual relations. The sisters, by no means what, did not give rise to gossip. But they themselves did not pull on sexual pleasures. The count surrounded such care of lovely sisters that they didn’t even expect anything else. A year after the sisters arrived at the count's estate, everyone in the house was preparing for the count's Anna's wedding. Everyone was happy for them. And what about the Baroness? This mystery died along with the count and his two faithful servants. And only before he died lying on the bed, and they lived together for forty years and had three daughters and one son together, he confessed to his wife that he had cut off Victoria’s head and secretly buried somewhere in the village cemetery. Baron, he also killed, sending him a secret Inquisition, when he traveled to Spain. Anna cried and kissed her husband. She was grateful to him for what he had done for her and her sister. Martha, when she was seventeen, married the son of the duke, they were also happy in their life and they had four children, and her grandson later became an outstanding statesman of the country, known throughout the world. That's the whole story of two sisters, poor orphans at the beginning of our story, and beautiful ladies at the end of our story.

1 comment
  • February 3, 2019 14:49

    Everything is fine ... could be.
    The author, on a fig so many commas out of place? Well, unrealistically difficult to read!
    For punctuation 2


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