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Anya shivered, a cold, burning wind blew right in the face. But there was nothing to do. She took the hand of her sister, and breathing heavily, went out of the barn into the yard. At fifteen and a little years, Anna told a lot. When, half a year ago, their mother died, they were left alone with their younger sister, who was barely eight. The owner immediately drove them out of the little room in which they lived. Even earlier, when mom and dad were alive, Anna and her sister Martha were happy in their lives. But after the collapse in the mine, where the father was crushed by the collapsed roof, continuous failures began in their lives. After a month of illness, the father died, the mother went to work, but there was not enough money. And then she began to take for washing, linen. There was still not enough money. But it was possible to make ends meet. In the summer everything was nothing, and in the winter, in the cold. In short, the mother, Anne, fell ill. For a week I was in a fever, and I died, leaving two girls, alone in the whole world. The girls began to wander and beg. The worker, from Anna, was bad. Small growth, frail appearance, and age. About my sister and do not have to talk. On the night they were allowed into the stable, compassionate peasants, and then they only prayed, looking after the departing couple.

Two little girls hand in hand, slowly moving along a rural road, bending under the pressure of the winter wind. And what the peasants had to do, they had their own children and they had to be fed, and there was little food, and there were many beggars.

Frosty and strong wind, blew with unusual force. Martha coughed all the time, tonight, she was shaking all over and her head was not usually hot. Anna, shivering, took off the woolen scarf left after her mother. Having wrapped her sister, they moved on. Weakness rolled on Anna, famine affected. She no longer felt the wind, and the only thought was not to release Martha’s hand. In the distance, a carriage harnessed by quarter horses. Anna stepped aside and fell aside. She knew that it was better not to fall in such eyes. But when the carriage drew level with them, she suddenly stopped, and the well-dressed lady opened the door and shouted something to the coachman. The driver, hastily tears, and grabbing the girls, and wrapped them in a fur coat, and immediately sat in the carriage. Before Anna's eyes, everything floated, warmth and a pleasant languor spread over the body, and she immediately fainted. Their little room was dreamed up, and mom and dad, who sang merrily while sitting at the table, and there was a large bowl on the table, with steaming porridge, and on the hearth, a kettle, with her favorite soup, of lentils was boiling. Mother stirred with a spoon in a pot and cheerfully, said something to Anna. Anna stretched out her hand to touch her mother, but the room suddenly began to disappear, and the girl screamed, calling her mother, but the room dissolved in her eyes, and finally disappeared completely. From her own scream, the girl woke up. Anna opened her eyes, she was lying on a large bed, wrapped up in a warm blanket. The whole room was lavishly lined, vases on stands, a large and fluffy carpet covered the floor of the room, beautiful paintings hung on the walls, curtains of expensive material hung from the ceiling, and the fireplace cracked merrily in the corner. Anna raised herself on her elbows. An old gray-haired gentleman sat in a chair opposite him and smoked a pipe. Seeing that Anna was awake, the gentleman rang the bell, and at once a strict look came into the room, a woman in a strict suit, it was the servant of the baron. But Anna will find out later, but for now the woman brought new clothes and began to dress the girl. Anna was in a daze, because she could not understand what was happening. And only when the maid dressed the girl, Anna was the first to break the silence, demanding an explanation:

- Good day your mercy. You are so gracious to us, but tell me your name and where is my sister.

- To start. Let's get acquainted. My name is Baron Dirac. You can call me either Mr. Jeanne or your mercy.Your little sister is in the next room. Look after her. Well, what's your name baby, how old are you, how old is your sister. Where are your parents. - began to ask the poor thing Baron.

Anna emboldened, all told, not forgetting to mention, and that they are orphans with her sister. The baron sat in the chair and puffed his pipe. He listened attentively to Anna. Finally the girl finished and the baron then asked Anna:

- Poor Anna, would you like to live in my castle. Temporarily, of course. While your little sister will recover. Then if you like you can stay. My cousin will be worried about you. If you obey her, and follow all her orders, you will be fine. If you are criticized, we parted. You agree. And do not be afraid. Until my sister recovers, we will not let you go. Now they'll take care of you.

- Thank you, your grace. I am very grateful to you. Do not worry, we will be obedient. I will do everything. I can already do everything around the house. - with a bow said Anna.

- No you do not have to work at home. If you stay with your little sister, you will have another responsibility. But you will learn about it later. In the meantime, rest and gain strength. But first they buy you back. And brush it. Well, now I have to leave. Goodbye cute girl.

- Goodbye your grace. - Anna bowed again to the Baron.

The baron went out and immediately, a strict servant, led her to another room next door. There in the middle of the room, on carved legs, there was a large bath, the whole room was in the mirrors. And the floor was covered with white tiles. Water had already been poured in the bathroom, and steam was rising from it in clubs. Maid section girl. Anna for the first time stood absolutely naked, in front of an unfamiliar woman. And she shamefully covered her hands with shame. Small, barely beginning to ripen breasts barely stood out on the girl's thin body. Ribs and sunken belly, that was clearly visible on the girl’s body. Fluff sparse hair, covered her maiden pubis. The maid forced Anna into the bath. At home, when her mother was alive, Anna washed in a wooden tub in which her mother also washed clothes. The maid began to pour on the girl odorous liquids that smelled pleasantly. They immediately began to form foam in the water. Anna sat and melted. She was very pleased, now she was no longer shy about this old maid. But she did not know that two pairs of eyes were watching her. Through a special hole in the mirrors, the baron and his cousin, and they were, they watched with interest on what was happening. First, the cousin Victoria broke the silence:

- Well, how do you like this copy, brother.

- Yes, it is interesting folded. If we succeed. It will be a great goat. And her sister will be even better. - Baron looked up from the peephole, and sat down in a chair.

- Dear little sister. You have once again surpassed yourself. And where do you find them only. - continued Baron.

- Oh brother, but they are full, wandering. Simply, these caught me by chance. You know brother, let's persuade. I take the eldest. And you will be younger. Then, when we bring them up, separately, we will try to use them in our meetings. Do you agree. - Victoria stood and sipped red wine from a glass made in the form of a phallus, made of silver inlaid with stones and gold, on the edges of the glass.

The baron laughed and took the glass from the table, and he was made in the form of a flower that came out of the female vagina. The whole glass was made of pure gold, and also encrusted with stones.

- We must pay tribute, you always make a choice in their favor. But I am grateful to you for giving me a completely unopened bud. I hope you will teach your pupil all over. After all, as I remember, I helped you for the first time to know all the delights of sex at the age of ten. - Sipping wine, said the Baron.

- You were just naughty at the time. Have I been able to resist the temptation. And then, when you entered my bedroom, I was almost ripe, from your stories. Do not worry, I will teach everything that I can do myself. And we believe my word, do not have to blush ...

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