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before the great assembly. - cousin put a glass, and kissed her brother, went out.

After sitting a little in the chair, the baron went to his room. Meanwhile, Anna, washed and combed, stood in front of the maid, and she dressed in new clothes. When everything was ready, Anna appeared before her eyes in a completely new form. Lacy dress, blue, with frills, lay on the girl's thin body as poured. The little breasts of the girl were clearly visible through the delicate matter. Pantalonchiki white, and pink socks, betrayed the girls delightful look. A pink ribbon was woven into her hair. Beautiful shoes with a metal buckle are shod on the legs. It was already a little lady, and not that little snail who appeared for the first time before the baron.

Anna and her maid went to the next room, it was the dining room, where everything was already laid on the table. Anna sat down on a chair. She did not see such an abundance of food. In front of the girl was a wine glass with poured wine, a plate of meat and peas, and soup from chicken was steaming in another plate. There were all sorts of salads. Just to the right were all sorts of sweets and cookies. Next to the salad was in a small pot, vegetable stew. Anna took a spoon and began to eat quickly. But the maid, snatched the spoon from her hands, showing how to properly hold this table item. Now Anna has become unhurried. But a few more times, at lunch, the maid made a remark. After lunch, Anna washed her hands in a substituted copper basin. And now the maid led her somewhere through numerous rooms. In one of them her sister was lying on the bed. She was all wrapped up in a warm blanket, another younger maid was sitting next to her, but dressed like the first in a strict suit. She gave Martha tea from a mug. Upon seeing her sister, Martha quit drinking, but did not get out of bed. So she was weakened. The sisters embraced and began to whisper. And then the baron entered the room with his cousin. Seeing them, Anna bowed and thanked the baron:

- Thank you, your grace. I am very grateful to you for all that you have done for my sister. And for me.

- I am very happy. But you have to thank my cousin. It was she who found you in the field. - said Baron.

- I am so grateful to you, I will do anything for you. - the girl fell on her knees in front of the Baroness and kissed her hands.

- Stand up silly. I am very pretty for you. But you need to learn the following. If you want to stay here with your sister, you must obey us in everything. You must trust us. Do not be afraid we will not harm you. - Victoria raised Anna and the girl continuing to kiss the hands of a woman, continued:

- I agree to everything. You just tell me, I'll do everything.

- Well, for starters, you have to forget your sister for a while. My brother will take care of her. And you put down at my disposal. You will meet only on Sunday. I will teach you and you must do everything that I say. You understand everything cutie. - Victoria finally pulled out a hand from Anna’s little hands.

The girl shook her head in agreement, and looked at her sister. There were tears in Martha's eyes, and she was ready to cry. The sisters once more embraced and Anna began to whisper in Martha's ear:

“Martha, honey, my sister, don't worry about the main thing.” Mr. Baron will not do anything bad to us. My dear, I love you. You know, we will be better here than on the street. We are here and fed and fed, and then, here is warm. Do not look for an overnight stay.

The sisters were different, there were tears in both eyes. Victoria took Anna, by the hand, and they went to the top in the chambers of the baroness.

The woman walked and stroked the girl on the head. Her hand slid over her thin shoulders and silky hair falling down from Anna's head. In the room where they entered, hung a lot of pictures. They were painted on women and men, absolutely naked.They were standing, lying, hugging, in some of the paintings there were such frank poses and images of the genital organs, that from what they saw Anna was speechless. This Anna could not even imagine. The whole room was decorated in pink. Even the vases that stood along the walls were made of pink marble. A huge bed, stood on a pedestal, covered with skins of wild animals. And from the canopy, over the bed, hung silk curtains, pink. Even the bed itself was covered with a light pink cover. Victoria sat on the sofa, which stood near the table, on which on a large platter a large variety of sweets lay. Victoria took the candy from the dish and began to live; with her other hand she patted the sofa, as if inviting Anna to sit next to her. The girl apprehensively sat next to her. She heard that sometimes the rich have fun with little girls, and their parents therefore, always tried to keep their children from meeting with such gentlemen. Anna sighed and looked up at the baroness.

- Pretty. You're all frightened, trembling out. Are you afraid of me. Do not be afraid. I won't hurt you. Want some candy. - the baroness handed the girls candy, and with her other hand began to stroke her shoulders.

- Thank your grace. I am very grateful to you. - Anna took the candy. For the first time in her life she tried such sweets. The candy in her mouth just melted, saliva copiously filled her mouth, and Anna had to swallow. Candy slipped right further into the esophagus.

- Take another candy. You liked, eat do not hesitate, take it. - Victoria reached out and moved Anna's head to her:

- Put your head on my lap. See more convenient. Eat girl, eat. - the woman is no longer hiding stroking all over her body.

Anna trembled, an ambivalent feeling struggled in her. First, she knew from her mother that it was a sin, to feel where it is now, this lady's hand wandered. Secondly, because the hand was stroking so gently, Anne felt warm and pleasant. Some new feeling came to her. For some reason, sucked in the lower abdomen. The girl felt like she was suddenly wet between her legs. And the hand of the baroness, already spread her legs, and through pantalonchiki, stroked the girl's crotch. Circles swam before Anna's eyes. She could not stand it, and jumped up with the sofa. Going to the window, she looked out into the courtyard. The castle courtyard lived its own life. The driver carefully brushed the marked snow from the carriage. The servants ran and carried something in their hands. Victoria grinned and asked the girl:

“Have you never rubbed yourself there?”

- It is a sin, your mercy. - Anna turned and looked down at the floor. She felt her ears burn. How she suddenly felt hot.

- Poor thing, you are mistaken. Sin is when you do not enjoy life. You liked it when I stroked you there. Well, admit it, I liked it. Well, come here, eat more candy. Do not be afraid. I, as the eldest tell you, is not a sin. Well, come here, silly. - Victoria stretched out her arms, calling for Anna.

Anna hesitated for a minute. She was a smart girl, and she understood that if she refused now, she and her sister would be thrown out into the street and again they would have to wander in search of food and overnight. And so let, let, this rich lady touches where she wants, the main thing is to close her eyes. The girl came up and sat on her knees to the woman. Soft women's hands began to grope the girl's body unceremoniously. Anna closed her eyes so as not to see how the Baroness with one deft movement removed the girls pantalonchiki. Now, with horror, the girl felt like the fingers of a woman began to penetrate her vagina. Victoria looked at the inner surface of the vaginal walls with undisguised interest. The girl’s small lips dribbled and abundantly lubricated the surface of the entrance to the cave. No longer in control of herself, the baroness jerked off the clothes on the girl. Having exposed Anna in such a way, the baroness knocked her over on the sofa and pressed her mouth to the mound of happiness. Anna trembled all over. Indescribable delight shook the young body. the first orgasm in life came so quickly and was so stormy that Victoria, even for a moment ... Read more →

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