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stopped her occupation. But as soon as the language of the Baroness plunged into the depths of the girl's vagina, Anna jerked her whole body. Now Victoria had some lace stockings and a garter around her neck. After enjoying the juice, and having delighted her interest in studying the structure of Anna's vagina, the woman with her hands led the girl's head to her shaved vagina. Anna did not see anything, her eyes were still closed, but she felt her nose point into something unfamiliar. A sharp smell hit her nose and something sticky touched her lips. The girl licked, once, the second. The taste was not familiar, but at the same time pleasant. Now the girl was licking the vagina of an adult woman with pleasure. Victoria triumphed. A little more and the girl is completely corrupt. And then at the council they praise her for the ability to train her pupils. But let's leave frolicking in their room, see what the baron himself does.

The baron sat and massaged Anna's little sister. Martha was still stupid, and completely trusted adults. At eight, she believed that adults were the smartest and should be listened to in everything. The girl was lying on the featherbed, and the baron's skillful fingers ran through her naked body. Baron spent a lot of time in the east, mastered the secrets of massage and acupuncture. There he picked up ideas of sexual freedom. Arriving in Europe, the Baron founded his own order. Where he collected the same as he lovers of refined debauchery. Traveling in Europe, he became acquainted with one marquis, who was also a fan of non-standard sex. The Marquis taught the Baron, lessons on how to still get pleasure. But it was difficult to convince the Baron, and he stayed with him, although he had visited the Marquis more than once. The baron's favorite pastime was the gradual, day after day, corruption of adolescents. And now, diligently doing the massage to Marta, the Baron was experiencing nothing more than incomparable pleasure. A pleasant languor spread over his body as he touched the girl's body. Martha looked like a little frog. Skinny body with bulging ribs. Short hair, a girl recently suffered typhus. Thin ribs and arms looked like lashes. She had no breasts yet. And only a small crack, still distinguished from the boy. Having made a body massage, the baron wrapped the girl in a warm blanket. He cared for the child, as if it was his daughter. But the baron had no children. They talked differently about him in a big light, and therefore they did not want to intermarry with him. Although they themselves sometimes took part in their entertainment, and even entered the council. Although the baron was already fifty, he could have shut up many young dandies by his belt. A faithful hand and a keen eye did not make him a bad duelist, and knowledge of human psychology gave him a hundred points ahead. Every morning, the baron began with a special gymnastics, which helped him so well to keep at his fifty.

After drinking tea, he kissed the girl on the forehead and went to the top. Passing by his sister's room, he opened the door. On, in a heap, sheets, lay his cousin Victoria and this young girl. Both of them slept sweetly. Her cousin's legs were spread apart, and the little girl's handle was between them. The Baron quietly crept over to those lying on the bed. Anna, slept, quietly snuffling in a dream. The baron approached and began to examine her body. His beast slowly woke up. When the drawers became cramped for him, the baron freed the boyfriend from the dungeon. And that as a squeezed spring rushed out. From the sound of the matter being taken, the cousin awoke and stretched out a hand to touch the member of the brother. Her playful fingers ran over the very head, rubbed the head and pulled the skin on the eggs. And when the skilled mouth of Victoria swallowed the flesh and began to suck the contents of the eggs, the baron grunted. Anna was asleep, and she dreamed of a sunny meadow in which they were alone, only she and Martha.They sang and collected flowers. Suddenly, Martha began to throw off her clothes, and bringing her face close to Anna, began to kiss her. Anna is trying to push her sister. But she fails to do that. On the contrary, she suddenly becomes pleased and she herself tries to put her sister's tongue into her vagina. Anna screams and hears Martha begin to groan from her scream too. And then the girl wakes up. Opening her eyes, she sees in front of her a naked baron, who is squatting over the face of the baroness, and she takes the base of the baron’s member with her hands and places it in her mouth. Her adorable head moves to the beat. And the member then completely disappears in the mouth, then appears again outside. The eyes of the baroness are closed, and she is quietly moaning in pleasure. The Baron looks at his cousin's face, and one hand pulls at her silky hair. At the same time, Anna notes, the second hand is placed between her legs. And, oh, horror, he fingers her vagina. Anna tried to free herself, but it was not there. The baron held her tightly. Now her cousin herself was helping her brother, clinging tenderly to the girl’s shoulder. The baron skillfully massaged Anna's not yet developed clitoris. Baroness sucked dick with admiration, squinting at the girl. Anna looked at everything. She first saw so closely a member of a man. Of course she had seen the boys' pussies before, but they were little boys, and even so, it was usually from far away. And now she saw every streak on the hairy and mighty member of the baron. Victoria took out a member of her brother, and turning to Anna, told her:

- Cutie. You are already big and must try it. Do not be afraid to take in your mouth. See, I suck myself. All women do it. Try it. Do not be afraid.

The woman strongly pushed the member to the mouth of the girl. Anna could not resist. And soon she felt like, warm and soft, but at the same time the resilient member of the baron began to sink into her throat. At first she almost choked, but soon got used to it and now a member, freely sinking and leaving the depths of the girl’s mouth. Victoria is no longer holding herself clung to her young vagina, which again began to expire juices. Suddenly a white and sticky liquid splashed out of the Baron’s dick. She flooded Anna’s entire face and got a little bit in her mouth. It tasted unusual and even pleasant. The baroness immediately began to kiss the girl, trying to lick the juice of the baron.

- This is my brother's seed. - kissed lastly said Victoria.

- You liked the baby. The baron asked Anna.

- Yes. - not daring to resist she replied.

Now neither of which was holding back brother and sister. They embraced began to excite each other. Their tongues entwined and tried to drink all the juices of each other. Then he turned around, tongues deepened in the absorption of other already juices. A member of the baron, began to wake up again under the agile tongue of his cousin. Now both of them turned around and together began to caress Anna. From such caresses, Anna began to lose consciousness. But through the pink veil, rolled on the eyes, the girl felt that something hard and warm rested against her vagina. Anna wanted to scream but her mouth was consumed by the baroness’s passionate kiss. Acute pain pierced Anna. The girl twitched, but crushed by the body of the baron, she could not help it. Baron's ass went up and down, with a large amplitude. Anna did not see anything, there were tears of despair in her eyes. But gradually the pain began to pass. And something far away, not yet familiar feeling began to replace pain. The red circles before the eyes floated incessantly. She did not hear what was said to her, she lost the sense of reality. Only felt the tremors, down there, between the legs, which were given pain throughout the body. Finally the tremors ceased. And her unfeeling, turned on the stomach. Now a sharp pain pierced her in a different place. She was bigger and stronger. But Anna could not move a single joint. Firmly grasped by the hands of the Baroness and her brother, pressed down by the powerful torso of the Baron, the girl received the first lesson in her life of passionate love.She did not feel an orgasm and did not receive pleasure. She was simply used, used in everything where the harrow could squeeze his cock. Having opened the girl's mouth, the baron took out the bloody dick from her ass, and the jet of sperm splashed out ... Read more →

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